The Guardian Agency: Brett (Brotherhood Protectors World)

Available at Amazon

When hope is lost, truth is blurred, and your life is on the line, it’s time to call in the Guardian Agency…

She’s been betrayed too often…

Nikki Weston is spending Christmas -and her birthday- in South Carolina, far from Hollywood and the prying gaze of a relentless stalker. With good friends close and a private beach outside her window, her working holiday is paradise until the stalker strikes again. Now, to protect others she must ask for help, but trust is not her strong suit.

Can a sexy bodyguard flip the script?

Former Navy SEAL, Brett Robinson, is learning how to be home again after his military career ended early. Thanks to the Guardian Agency, he has found a new way to serve and a new calling as a bodyguard. When the order comes through to protect Nikki, a beautiful silver screen celebrity from a real-world threat, he figures Christmas has come early.

Unfortunately, Nikki isn’t keen on a hovering bodyguard, no matter how necessary. But when the stalker escalates, Brett’s best move is to fake a holiday romance worthy of the big screen. And now it really is mission impossible: save the girl without losing his heart.


OMG I absolutely love Brett!!

5 stars from Terra, Amazon review

This was an engaging short read full of great characters, romance, drama, and suspense with a well-written storyline that draws you into the adventure from the first page. It is a good addition to both the Brotherhood Protectors and Guardian Agency worlds.

5 stars from Denise H, Amazon review


Chapter One

Hank Patterson and his wife, Sadie, walked at the edge of the surf, laughing every time their daughter, Emma, giggled as the Atlantic Ocean came up and tickled her toes. Emma loved the beach and he loved his girls. Born and raised in Montana, his career as a Navy SEAL had taken him all over the world. Now that he was done with the military, he’d built up the Brotherhood Protectors, a security service based in his hometown of Eagle Rock that primarily employed former military personnel like himself.
“Well, it isn’t a white Christmas,” Sadie said, “but it will be a bright one, don’t you think?”
“Looks that way.”
“You’re sure you don’t mind being away from the ranch this time of year?”
“It’s Christmas every day when I’m with my girls,” he replied, earning a fast kiss. “What locations do you need to visit today?” Hank asked. They were in Charleston, South Carolina so she could do some preliminary research for a new movie. She hadn’t decided to take the leading role yet, but he knew she was leaning that way.
“I have a morning meeting downtown at the market,” she replied. “Should be free by noon.”
Between them, Emma bent over, studying a seashell stuck in the sand. At three years old she was curious about everything and Hank got a kick out of seeing the world in new ways through her innocent eyes. “Would you like us to meet you for lunch?”
“I was actually thinking about meeting Nikki at the theater,” she said.
Nikki Weston was one of Sadie’s best friends from the Hollywood scene. She was the guest producer for the annual production of The Nutcracker, an endeavor that raised funds for the historic Dock Street Theater as well as local theatrical groups. She was one more reason they’d made the trip, booking rooms at the same exclusive resort on the Isle of Palms.
Sadie tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear and stared out over the water. “You know how she took the job so she could relax and enjoy herself, but I think something is wrong.”
“With the production?”
“No.” Sadie shook her head. “Something else. I’m worried about her, Hank. She’s started looking for alternatives.”
“What kind of alternatives?” The worry in her voice had his professional protective instincts perking up.
Sadie crouched down beside Emma, determined to uncover the rest of the newest seashell she’d found. “She wants out of Hollywood. For good this time.”
Hank had heard, through Sadie, how Nikki had been raked over the coals in the tabloids and in the industry by a man who insisted she reneged on her promises. He’d managed to convince the press and several influential professionals that Nikki was flighty and unreliable, using the luck of her birth to blackball her competitors and lavish benefits on her favorite people.
It was complete fiction, but he wouldn’t let up. Sadie was convinced he was behind every bit of misfortune and bad press that targeted Nikki, but so far no one could find any evidence. Nikki had retreated from the public eye, as much as that was possible for a woman of her pedigree and beauty.
“I think that jerk tormenting her has done something new, but she won’t give me any details,” Sadie continued. “I’m aware that a woman with her net worth must always be a little on guard.” She stood, her nose wrinkling with frustration. “But come on. I’m her best friend, you’re the best in private security. She should let us help.”
“Want me to talk with her? Hank offered. “I could bring someone down to keep an eye on her.” He wasn’t willing to relinquish the family time and make this a full-blown working weekend for both of them.
“Maybe you should.” Sadie brushed sand from her hands and guided Emma back toward the resort. “If she’ll listen. Most likely having a stranger hover will only put her on edge. She doesn’t trust anyone after those pictures of her bedroom and the pool were leaked.”
That had been rough and somehow, Nikki was blamed for pulling a publicity stunt, though Hank knew the woman was too private to take that chance.
“She’s determined a change of scenery is enough, Sadie continued. “I agreed with her at first. Now I’m not sure it’s enough. I’ll try to get the full story at lunch.”
“All right,” Hank said. “Emma and I could join.” He brushed a hand over his daughter’s head. “She could be a distraction when I start asking questions.”
“Not a bad idea,” Sadie said as they crossed the boardwalk over the dunes for breakfast at the resort’s outdoor dining area.
Sadie ate quickly and went upstairs to change. When she returned, wearing an emerald dress that hugged her curves and boots he knew she could run a marathon in, his heart sped up. He was the luckiest man in the world. “What’s the call on lunch?”
She kissed Emma’s head. “Drop in. I’ll text you the address.”
“Can’t wait.” But first he had to get his daughter cleaned up and make a couple of calls. Just in case he could convince Nikki to accept some help.
With Emma clean and in a sweet mood, Hank went in search of the head of security for the exclusive resort. It wasn’t the type of meeting his daughter usually attended, but better to start teaching her the business at a young age.
Bruce Ellington met him at the front desk. He had a few years on Hank based on the graying temples and crow’s feet bracketing his eyes, but he radiated fitness and confidence.
“Quite a beauty you have there,” he said, smiling warmly at Emma as Hank made introductions. “Are you enjoying your stay?”
“We are,” Hank said. “Beautiful place. My wife and her friends have been here before, but this is my first trip out.”
“We’re happy to have you,” Bruce said, leading them back to his office. “What brings you to see me?”
“Nikki Weston is a good friend of ours,” Hank said. “My wife is concerned that she’s ignoring some trouble. I wanted to ask if you could bump up security without appearing to bump up security.”
“What kind of trouble?” Bruce queried.
“She was being harassed out in California. It was basically a smear campaign by a disgruntled competitor.” Hank sat down, Emma in his lap. “No physical violence, just pesky stalker-ish stuff. Sadie thinks he’s done something new, but Nikki isn’t talking and she’s always been reluctant to trust anyone.”
Bruce nodded and Hank had the distinct impression he’d seen the tabloids on Nikki and put measures in place to prevent such an embarrassing moment here.
“I don’t want to overstep.” Hank continued. “Nikki is very independent and self-sufficient. So far she won’t even let me assign her any security support.” He handed over his business card.
“That makes it more challenging,” Bruce said sympathetically. “Are you worried things could turn violent?”
“There’s no indication of that. I’m just hoping to keep more eyes on her.”
“We can do that. Do you have a description of the man giving her grief in California?”
“Gus Haynes,” Hank replied. “A quick internet search gave me way too much information on the whole mess.” He waited while Bruce skimmed the first page of results.
“You really want her to have a bodyguard and she’s opposed.”
“Yes,” Hank confirmed. Emma reached for the shiny nameplate on Bruce’s desk and Hank pulled her back.
“Oh, let her play,” Bruce said, reaching into a drawer. “She can’t hurt that.”
Emma chattered, delighted by her prize.
“Do you have any rooms available?” Hank asked. “I’ve called a friend for another possible solution, assuming Nikki agrees.”
“I’ll make sure we have something,” Bruce promised. “You might try this group too.” He handed over a plain white business card with glossy black lettering.
Hank smiled at the Guardian Agency card. He’d worked a few cases with them recently and he’d sent a text message to Claudia, a member of their technical support staff, before coming to Bruce. “They have someone local?” he asked.
“Yes,” Bruce said. “Please keep me in the loop. If there’s anything more we can do, you can count on us.”
“Thanks,” Hank stood and Emma returned the nameplate before they all shook hands.
His cell phone rang as Hank and Emma returned to their room. It was Claudia.
“Hi, Hank. How are things?”
“Great. We’re soaking up some warm weather and sunshine in Charleston while Sadie squeezes in some research.”
“Smart time to visit,” she said. “I heard Montana just got another few feet of snow.”
“Something to look forward to,” Hank deadpanned. “You’ve probably figured out I didn’t call just call to say happy holidays.”
Claudia chuckled. “What’s up?”
“I need a discreet favor,” he said. “Do you have anyone available in this area?”
“I’m sure we do.” He could hear her fingers on a computer keyboard. “Is there a reason you didn’t call one of your own men”
Hank gave her a rundown of Nikki’s possible situation and definite resistance to accepting help.
“Interesting,” Claudia said. “I’ve seen a couple of Haynes’s movies. I like Nikki’s work better.”
As he’d assumed, she was reading through the information available online. Thankfully, Claudia was smart enough to read between the headlines and get the whole story. “You sure you want me to send someone in before you convince her? I would hate for my local guy to scare her.”
“I’m sure. If the hotel is on alert and you have someone nearby who won’t interfere, we can prevent any trouble before it starts.”
“Understood.” She was typing again. “I’ll send you the contact information and you can forward it to Nikki. Does that work?”
“Thanks, Claudia. I owe you one.”