Welcome to the bonus round! Thanks to YOU, I’m in the flirt-off with the fabulous Lacey Weatherford and Jacquie Rogers! This weekend we’re offering something for everyone: fantastic books starring witches, cowboys, and the hottest smuggler in 2096!
While you were gathering up free books all week (from all those amazing, flirtatious authors) your comments here launched me to the top of the blog tour and … <drumroll> … you’ve launched Tracking Shadows onto the urban fantasy BESTSELLER list at Smashwords!!!

Sure that’s absolutely awesome for me, but what’s the bonus round mean for you?
Well, it’s a more relaxed blog tour through this weekend.
Which got me thinking… Wednesday we started chatting about caffeine, sugar, and nicotine and which vice meant the most to you, since in the world of Tracking Shadows those are all government-regulated substances.
But also in Tracking Shadows, Slick Micky is superb at hiding and Trina can make people hallucinate. They both use their ‘gifts’ at different stages of their developing relationship. What sort of super power or talent would you most want to flirt with to win your true love?
Take your time and let me know with your comment including your email so I can send you a Tracking Shadows ebook, if you don’t already have it.
If you do have that book, leaving a comment assures you another bonus entry for the Smuggler’s Stash!! (you remember that tote bag stuffed with all the 2096 contraband a reader could want!)
What’s on the line for me? Well, the author with the most individual comments over the weekend gets a special present from Amber Scott as well as bragging rights. I hear there’s even a new website badge (wouldn’t it look pretty here?) 😉
Visit the Indie Book Collective or Amber Scott‘s site to be sure you haven’t missed any of the free reads from Menage a Blog authors. And as all good things must come to an end, for Tracking Shadows, the Menage a Blog will end at Midnight (eastern) on Sunday night, July 24, 2011.
The Smuggler’s Stash winner will be announced Monday.
Live the adventure!
So what sort of super power or talent would help you flirt with, and win, your true love’s heart? Remember to include your email when you comment!
My secret power would be to see what they desire most in their heart.
Good plan, Rhonda!
Congrats on making it to this round! 🙂 Hope you’re enjoying the tour!
Thanks, Jessica! I am having a blast and I hope you are too! 😉
WTG Regan (you big ol’ FLIRT, you)! I am just so super-excited for you and I’m keeping my fingers crossed you win BIGGEST FLIRT!
I wanna another entry for your Smuggler’s Stash, of course. My superpower ?? How I would love to be able to manipulate time (I can just visualize all the “redos”) LOL!!
lauriej at gmail dot com
Laurie’s Thoughts & Reviews
PS: Can I have a cookie for being the first commenter today? 🙂
Laurie, your support is a big part of why I made it! Thanks so very much for being a review sponsor for this tour! You can have a basket of cookies if you get that time manipulation thing going. 😉
Well darn – no cookie for me….I took too long to prattle on. Hahah!!
Congrats on making it to the final round Regan!
Hmm.. A super power… I feel like that would be cheating… Oh, wait! My talent would be to tell the difference between lies and the truth because when you’re flirting with someone, you never know if they’re going to say something dodgy to get into your pants. Yep….
Good luck and I hope you get it!
Thanks so much, Bonnie! Ooo, good super power idea!
Yippee! Way to go Regan! Glad you made it to the final round.
Thanks Jessica! I’m definitely doing a happy dance!
hi Regan! congratulations to you, Jacquie and Lacey for making it to the final round.
i wish i had the power of invisibility. now i don’t know how that would work when flirting is concerned though lol.
anyway, good luck to you three ladies! this has been a fun and exciting tour! c”,)
Hi! It’s an awesome final round threesome! And hey, that invisibility thing worked pretty well for Slick Micky in the atrium…
Congratulations, Regan. What kind of super power I want? I want to be invisible when I want to be. That sill be cool huh? Anyway, thanks in advance for this book.
Yup, Krissie, I think invisibility has lots of advantages!
I didn’t think I’d want a super power until I read some of these. I, too, would love to be able to tell when someone is telling the truth. Thanks for the giveaway!
That is a good one, Joni! Thanks for coming back for the flirt off today! =)
Congratulations !!
Thanks so much!
Good luck Ragan!! I already got your free book but wanted to leave a bonus comment!!!
Laura G.
Thanks so much, Laura! It’s great to see you back here again!
Congrats on being one of the top 3! Looking forward to opening my ebook tonight!
Yay! Thanks, Angela! =)
WooHoo Regan – way to go you flirting girl. I’m not sure what superpower would help me flirt since according to my mama I came out of the womb flirting, thus I have it down to an art. Once I got my flirt on though, I might like to be able to move things around, just because I think that would be a hoot. Of course, I already have Tracking Shadows but would love another entry for the stash.
lvs2dv at gmail dot com
LOL – you were a flirt from birth? Love it! Telekinesis would be so cool – I loved that Nathan could do that in Veil of Justice! 😉 Thanks for all your support (and your extra ‘stash’ entry is logged)
I have seen your name attached to so many good reviews. I would love to try one of your books! so thanks for free download!
What superpower…to make a man feel my touch, without actually touching him 😉 So from across the room he will feel my lips on his, if I so choose
You’re welcome! And thanks for your support today. Your ideal super power would be HOTT! (just think of the possibilities…) 😉
Hmm interesting question! It would be great to be able to tell if someone was lying (like the new character Jinx on Warehouse 13).
I got a copy of Tracking Shadows at an earlier menage day 🙂
That lie detector thing could come in handy. Thanks so much for coming back today! =)
Have a fab final flirt day Regan! I’ll be cheering you on from Twitterverse!
Thanks so much, Eden! The team effort with this event has been fantastic!
Congrats, Regan! Lets see, I would definitely want to read minds because I have the worst judge of character and can never tell what people are thinking or if their lying to me. Don’t worry about sending me a book, I’ve already got my copy 🙂
Thanks for the congrats, Heather! And double thanks for coming back to flirt today!! 😉
Let’s see if we can get you to over the finish line. I downloaded TRACKING SHADOWS and am ready to read.
I think the super power I would want to flirt with would be the ability of speed. I could get all the chores out of the way really fast and have lots more time to read. Yeah, I like that idea…lol
Again congrats on making the final round.
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
OH! That would be awesome…then you could go really s-l-o-w in the good parts. lol 😉 Thanks for all the support!
I love how you describe the tote as filled with contraband, thank you for the gteat giveaway! edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom
Thanks for coming back today! 😉 and good luck taking home all that contraband!
Hi Regan
I’d like to be able to feel what / how he feels without having to ask, hehe
Congrats on getting to the bonus round and good luck!
Thanks, so much Daniela! Knowing how/what guys feel would definitely be a super power! =)
ooh, like everyone’s ideas for super powers. I’ll take them all!
LOL! Thanks for the support and good luck in the Smuggler’s Stash giveaway! =)
Congrats on getting to the final day!! I have downloaded your book to my Kindle and can’t wait to start reading it. Really looks good. Thanks for being a part of the tour, it has been fun.
Aw, thanks for your enthusiasm and support, Judy! I’ve had a great time chatting with everyone on the tour!
I want the power of communication. I always say the wrong thing.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Well, you said all the right things there! 🙂 Thanks for being a part of this great blog tour event!
Congrats Regan!
I already have a copy of Tracking Shadows (can’t wait to read it!) but wanted to comment anyway! I think the super power I’d like to flirt with would be weather control…what better way to get a guy to take off his shirt than making the room a little hotter! LOL
Thanks for the extra support, Lori! Weather control is sneaky – I like it! 😉
Mind control definately!! lol
Can’t wait to read the book!!
Good plan! Thanks for the support with the blog tour and this bonus flirt off!
I guess I would want the ability to teleport, its a lot easier to flirt in the tropics, or Venice, or in a nice cozy chalet….
(I just got a copy of your book!)
melorabrock {at} gmail{dot} com
Very good point! 🙂 I’d love to flirt in Venice…
I’d want to stop time. That way I could take a look around, start time again with the ability to know what’s happening.
I want the power to control the weather. So we can run inside out of a bad storm….he can rescue me. Oh my, I have it all planned.
Like that too! 😉
WOOT! WOOT! Way to go! You are such a flirt!! Love the book! Have a Great time!
Thanks, Tonya! LOL I appreciate the support and the fun time chatting with everyone on this flirtatious blog tour! 😉
Super power! HUM! Super speed, there is so much to do.. It would be nice to get it ALL done then have me time.
You said it!
Congrats, Regan!
Think I’d like mind reading.
More *power* to you on that! I’d want to be sure I could turn something like that off (do I really want to know what that guy in the produce section is thinking?)
Mind control 🙂 I guess that would be better suited for one nighters than true love!! LOL! Its been fun and Im glad you won!
One nighters – ROFL! Thanks so much for the support! =)
I have the book, I’m still excited about reading it, and I’m STILL really excited about the prize package! Congratulations on the final round!
Oh, and btw -I’d want to be able to have a soundtrack for my life -and one that others can *by my selection* participate in as well. I mean it would be really awful if you were listening to your soundtrack in a job interview with the interviewer, but having that 3rd date kiss you at the perfect moment, and you both hearing the beautiful music in the background. Now that’s something that would make you unforgettable!
oh, and in case you need it for the prize -my email is jennyditch (at) gmail (dot) com
Jenny, that would be such a romantic super power! Thanks for your enthusiasm and support on this blog tour event! 🙂 Good luck with the Smuggler’s Stash!
Love your book. I’m currently reading it. Along with a few others, what can I say, I have ADD. LOL Seriously though, I’m loving it. Thanks for the copy!
Thank you!! It’s such a fantastic feeling to know readers enjoy the story! =)
my cousin says you are great!!
Hooray, tell your cousin thanks for the endorsement! 😉 I’ll send you a copy of Tracking Shadows and you can judge for yourself.
Wooohooo! The final flirt off…. good luck Regan 🙂
Thanks so much, Bels! Your review and support helped me make the Final Flirt! I love being here through the weekend along with Lacey and Jacquie!
Congrats on being in the final flirt off!
Special power – hmmmm… I guess it would have to do with eyes that do something special, like the irises do something hypnotic so it sucks the guy right in.
I already have your book and can’t wait to get to it. I’m hearing lots of great things 🙂
Good luck!
Thanks! It’s cool to make the final flirt off! Hypnotic power – lots of potential there! 😉
Good luck Regan; it’s been a great week! You must be exhausted after all this. I can’t wait to read your book!
I’ll confess I’m relying on coffee even more than usual. But it’s SO worth it to connect and chat with readers like this.
Best wishes on your finish. I would like the power of speed. I could do everything I need to do, and then just sit and relax.
You’re not alone on the whole speed thing. I can see lots of advantages to that. =)
The super power I would most like to have is being able to orb whenever or wherever I needed to be.lol
What a Grand tour this has been!! Good luck!!
nblack at twcny dot rr com
LOL- great idea and nifty, useful super power! Thanks for the good luck and I’m so glad you’ve had fun too during this fab tour!
Congrats on making it to thew Final Flirt!! Good Luck!!
Thanks, Ruby! I was stunned (and after a moment’s panic) I was thrilled when they told me I’d made it to the Final Flirt! 😉
I have had great fun this week participating in this Menage a Blog tour. You all have been incredibly generous with sharing your wonderful books and this treat is so appreciated. It is different wanting a supper power to save the day versus wining the one you love; how do you decide what would be the best course to take with all the free will going on:) I think I would like to have empathy with extra boosts of courage to do what is right when feeling the pain and desires of others. Thank you again for this fun time.
How intriguing – and very well said to add courage to an empathy power. Thanks so much for the support and participation! =)
I’d want to be invisible!! Not sure how that would help though. Congrats on making it to the Final Flirt! And Good Luck!
Well, invisible means you could be giving those ‘shadow kisses’ like Slick Micky gave Trina in the excerpt on the Bookish Snob site 😉
Thanks for your book. Stayed up way too late reading it, but oh WOW!
Thanks, Dale! You know how to make an author feel great! 🙂
If I could have only one super power, I would want to be able to read minds but only when I wanted to. It definitely has to have an on/off switch b/c I do like to be surprised sometimes.
Thanks for the freebie!
mr.boardgame AT yahoo DOT com
LOL good surprises are, well, good! Thanks so much for being a part of the blog tour event. I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows!
Congrats on making it to the top 3. The book sounds great. I’m not sure I’d want a superpower, even to flirt with one. There’d be too much responsiblity.
This has been fun.
highlandlovesong at yahoo.com
Thanks for visiting and being a part of the blog tour! I’m glad you’re having fun too and I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows!
I would love my power to be constant energy!! Thanks!
Hollybwright atcomcastdotnet
Oh, yeah, that would be nice! Thanks for being a part of the Menage a Blog tour! 🙂
Congrats on making it to the Final Flirt! Sorry I’m so late but Good Luck!!
Thanks, Jessica! And better late than never. 😉 I’m having a great time in the Final Flirt!
These are such tough questions :). I’d want the power to make people happy, especially the love of my life. Happy to be with me in particular, for him 🙂
Congrats on making it to the final flirt!
I like the happy super power! Well said. Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you’ve had as much fun as I’ve had on the Menage a Blog tour!
I think intuition and empathy are really important when dealing with any kind of relationship, so I’d like to have a heightened sense of both.
Sounds like a good thing to me! =)
Hi Regan,
I say I would love the power to read minds and emotions. I think if you knew how someone felt you could actually know how to act and behave around a person you really cared about.
Teresa K.
Very good point, Teresa! Thanks for being a part of the fun on this blog tour! =)
i am very excited to read ur book. it looke awesum!
vampyre.gurls.book.club at gmail com
Patience and forgiveness are vital in a relationship…over the little things as much as the big things. I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows and thanks so much for supporting the Menage A Blog tour! 🙂
Having super organizational and cleaning powers would definitely help me in my relationship with DH! He’s a neatnik; I’m a packrat… not so good! 😉 If only super powers came along so easily! 😉
f dot chen at comcast dot net
LOL! We’re just the opposite here, although not a neatnik, I’m definitely anti-clutter, but the rest of the family are packrats! I just make them dust their ‘can’t do without’ stuff. Thanks so much for being here! I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows.
I would want the power of persuasion!!!
nedsped at verizon dot net
That sure would be helpful at times. 😉 Thanks for coming back and chatting during this Final Flirt!
Well, let’s try this again, don’t know why it didn’t show up here, but I’m going to try again!
I’m not sure I can decide on just one super-power, but I’m thinking shape shifter would be very handy (maybe not as handy as super strength, or the ability to fly), but think of the possibilities. You meet a SUPER hot stud and you can instantly become that perfect DD cup with J.Lo butt and no waist to speak of, blonde perfectly coiffed hair with no dark roots showing and not a zit in sight!!! ON the other hand, that REALLY creepy, skeezy, creep (oh yes, you all know who I mean) starts hitting on you and you can pull the reverse “Shallow Hal” Become BIG Bertha with bad hair, bad teeth, bad skin and shaped like a hippo! YUP, I bet you’d get the desired reaction with each scenario!
Then also think of the possibilities, you’re running from someone and turn the corner and become that trash can (Oh wait make that a mail box or something that someone won’t throw garbage into)or a HUGE guard dog, that’ll help throw them off, or you could blend into the background as a beach umbrella or cafe table etc.
Hi Regan,
I think I’d like the ability to be irresistible, as long as it’s just a flirt, but if “Mr. Right” comes along I want him to be immune. If he succumbs I want to know it’s just to me, not due to any special power.
I already have the book. I just wanted to come by and show my support for you. Good luck.
An irresistible flirt with a immune Mr. Right, I can see it now…Thanks so much, Tracy, for coming back and lending your support for the Final Flirt! (and I’ve logged your bonus entries for the Smuggler’s Stash) 🙂
I think the power of superhuman senses would be cool to sense how a person is feeling would be a huge help to flirting and getting mood right.
ticklebear2 (at) yahoo dot com
You’re right about that. There are times I still read my husband wrong. LOL!
hi thanks for the chance to win a ebook. i would love to disapear because don’t you sometimes don’t feel like talking and then you run into everyone when you go to the store. sometimes i just hide. i know its bad lol
Oh, I get that! Maybe that’s why I gave Slick Micky a stealth suit. There have been days around the house I wish for an ‘invisibility cloak’ or even an unlisted name. 😉
Good luck Regan I already have the book from a few days ago, but wanted to come show my support again for you :).
Bhitwr at gmail dot com
Thanks, Babs! I really appreciate it. =)
Back again for a weekend flirt.
Good luck Regan and thanks for the book, it’s getting good…and I love 2096!
So glad you’re enjoying it, Pauline! Thanks for the support this weekend!
I’m ready for some weekend romance. Have candles and chocolate. Hmmm, fun without traveling…enjoy the rest of your tour
Sounds delightful! Enjoy! 😉
I would like ability to read minds and feelings:) But with the ability to shut it off when I want to.
earthsbooknook at gmail dot com
Smart caveat on that super power! Thanks for coming back to support the Flirt-off! Hope you’ve had fun on this blog tour!
For me, I’d like the ability to zip and travel anywhere(and take my love with me.) Lunch in Paris? Or a trip to a tropical island?
Oh, I could really get into the teleport thing. Especially with a daughter heading far away to college. Though zipping off for a romantic getaway would be even better. =)
The ability to read what they truly want/desire.
Robin D
robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com
That would be cool. Then you could turn desire into reality. 😉
Hi, Regan:
I’m so pooped from the heat frying my brain that right now if I could have a superpower it would be the ability to control the weather!! oh and to make my air conditioner more powerful! when it comes to your question – I’d like the ability to just be myself and comfortable in any situation, so that I will attract the perfect partner – also, I’ll be able to see his true self sp I can know whether he is really a good person regardless of how he is presenting himself. I know that I don;t always act like myself when I’m really nervous and people have gotten the wrong impression of who I am. Kind of strange, but there it is!
It’s been really fun getting to know you a bit. I started reading Justice Incarnate today and I’m loving it so far. Like I told you last night – I bought the entire series so I’ll be ready to read Tracking Shadows in the order that you worte the series. Neurotic, much? 🙂
Thanks for everything,
marajbrandon AT earthlink DOT net
Hey Mara! Weather control would be really handy in any situation. I understand what you’re saying about wanting to be comfortable and content so you can put your best ‘self’ forward. Wow – thanks so much for investing in the whole series, your support and encouragement is fantastic! I’m so glad you’re loving Justice Incarnate. Jaden will always be one of my favorite characters.
Regan, hope you come out on top in the Menage A Blog. You give great flirt. Can’t wait to read your book. Good luck!
Thanks, Ardee-ann! *batting eyelashes* So glad you like the flirt action. LOL
Loved the blog. Got some great ebooks. would love to read this other book of yours. I would love to be able to read minds, to know what the other person is thinking.
Thanks so much for hopping along with the blog tour this week! You have some awesome reading ahead of you. Enjoy!
Hi Regan,
Reading through the comments, I want them ALL! LOL, hey a girl can dream, can’t she.
Best of luck on the flirting.
A girl can (and should) dream as much and as big as possible! 😉 Thanks for your support and happy reading!
Chosen superpower would be to always be able to descern the truth! Although I like the one about controlling the weather.
I like both of those too! Thanks so much for joining the fun and I’ll get your copy of Tracking Shadows to you right away!
The super power I want is to figure out what my wife is thinking. Wouldn’t get me into trouble. Maybe not.
ROFL! You might be the only man to admit it here, but I’m sure you’re not alone in the sentiment! Thanks for the support in this final flirt! 😉
Hey Regan,
Congratulations on making it to the Final Flirt!! I’m very proud of you, and I would imagine that for the near future you won’t be insulted if people say, “Oh that Regan is such a flirt!” *wink*
Though you’re a thriller writer, I’m still hoping that you’re having a “fang-tastic” time on the tour. *grin*
Best wishes for continued success moving forwards! 🙂
Hi Jaz! Thanks so very much for your amazingly “fang-tastic” support! 😉 This tour has been a blast and a terrific opportunity to connect with current fans and new readers!
The ability to know what exactly each other wants in bed! The emotional stuff is best to be figured out on your own but bed tricks? Knowing them straight off would be much more fun. Straight to fantastic sex. Enjoy the big O. You get the idea : )
That would be an AWESOME super power! Love it!!!
I’m with Ted on this one. Knowing what my wife is thinking could make every day so much easier.
LOL – as a wife, I sympathize…sort of. 😉
I’d like the power of instant chef. When DH wants a special meal, I could just make it happen without grocery shopping, and cooking. Wrinkle my nose, snap my fingers, don’t care how it happens.
That’s another excellent super power! I’ve been making “I don’t know” for dinner for so many years…LOL
so it’s not just my house then. Add 2 sons and it becomes a chorus.
Hi Regan
Just stopping by to say “hi” and “good luck”!!
Thanks so much, Daniela!
Hey Regan, Good Luck with the final flirt. I think I would like to be able to have super fast speed. I am always in a hurry!
Super speed would be quite an asset – especially when the housework needs done. Thanks for being here!
I’d have the superpower of chocolate. What girl would turn away a guy who could turn things into chocolate at a moment’s notice.
That would definitely influence friends and enemies alike as well as make you a chick magnet! Awesome idea. 😉
For my super power, I’d love to have enhanced senses-all five of them. I could see farther, hear better, smell everything (okay, that one might have its drawbacks), taste…food, and be oh so sensitive to touch.
Congratulations to making it to the final flirt!
Thanks Renee for being a part of the blog event! I hope you’ve had a good time with all the authors, books, and reviewers involved! =)
I would have the power of flight, so that I could, quite literally, sweep him off his feet.
Cool – and a great twist on that classic Superman move. 🙂
One superpower? That would have to be the eat whatever you want and be a size 6 with low cholesterol and killer thighs! Part of that superpower, is of course, never bloating so you always feel at the top of your game. Who wouldn’t be the ultimate flirt with all that going on?
Excellent point! Thanks for joining the fun!
I’d like the super power that makes me a martial arts expert instantly, so that I can try to flirt my way into Elliot’s heart. You know, from Leverage?
He would surely appreciate a kindred talent! Isn’t he just the best? *sigh*
I’ve thought about this all weekend, and I don’t want a super power. I’d like a house elf. If I had a house elf, I wouldn’t spend every waking hour worrying about laundry, dirty dishes, vacuuming, and every other little thing that keeps a house running, and I could focus on flirting.
Or, if you’re really stuck on the super power concept, then I want the power to pull an outfit together every day and look fantastic. Or, the ultimate super power, the ability to make cute shoes fit comfortably (said while sitting on the couch wearing Hanes socks to break in a new pair of heels). Yeah, that one might actually trump the accessory super power. But not the house elf!
I can tell you’ve given this serious thought…and I’d like to see a picture of those heels. 😉 Thanks for being a part of the final flirt!
I think I’d want the power of a real ‘come hither’ glance – no way is this girl blending into the background! 😉
There’s a girl on a mission! Love it! =)
Super power? Hmm. I think just being able to ‘super flirt’ would work? I’d want my guy to take me as I am – but a little boost is never unwelcome 🙂
Well said! Thanks for being a part of this blog event!
Well, the power I’d want to help me get a guy and the power I want are two different things ^_^ I’ve always wanted to fly, but the ability to conjure the perfect outfit would always be an asset 🙂
I think you’re the second person to mention the power of ‘power dressing’ or ‘accessorizing’. I think either would be cool. There is an inherent power in know you look fabulous!
Superpower? I’d go for Trina’s ability to create illusions.
Cool. I like that one too. 😉
I think I’d like the power to control what other people are thinking–I could start with my husband thinking it would be cool to load the dishwasher before I get home from work and work up to more interesting stuff.
I’m excited about this book. Thanks. getolife@yahoo.com
Oh! That would be so useful! Thanks for being here and I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows! =)
The ability to read minds would help me flirt with and win my true love’s heart because I would know what the objection of my affection liked and was interested in.
I would definitely love the power to freeze time. I remember a show called “Out of this World” and I always wanted to be able to freeze time. The main reason? I am pretty busy and very bad about procrastination. I would hope I could get everything done while everyone else is stand still. Hmm the world would probably be on pause for a very long time. ; ) hmm may not solve my procrastination issue.
LOL, I totally understand! Thanks so much for being part of this blog event! I hope you had as much fun as I’ve had. =)
Ooops I forgot to post my email address… kdskarebearyahoocom
Congratulations on making it to the final flirt. I think the power to see into the future to be able to manipulate some outcomes would be both awesome and scary at the same time, but would sure amke life interesting.
Started to read your book and am having a hard time putting it down.
Thanks again for participating,
Bonnie Paton Pietruch
Thanks so much, Bonnie! I’m glad you’re enjoying the adventure of Tracking Shadows! 😉 It’s been an absolute pleasure to be a part of this blog event. I’ve loved meeting new readers and chatting about fun stuff like super powers.