Welcome to Menage A Blog where the reader always wins! This is Stop #8 where you can indulge in an adventurous escape with a free ebook of my latest urban fantasy novel: Tracking Shadows.
Stop #7 was Judith Gaines with Perfect Copy: A chilling thriller with a premise sure to strike fear in your heart. With escalating tension on every page, some seriously twisted characters engage in an even more twisted plot. Fans of dark thrillers (and sexy scientists) will enjoy this novel.
Stop #9 will be Jackie Chanel with Untitled*: This story proves you don’t have to play the song life gave you, but you can, and maybe you should, improvise. An epic tale about Aiden (one hot artist) who bucked expectations to live out the soundtrack of his dreams.
But if you’re a reader who believes the ideal vacation is time spent in your favorite spot with a stack of books and ebooks, then you’re here for Tracking Shadows and that super-secret Smuggler’s Stash you’ve heard rumors about, right?

Get your FREE Tracking Shadows ebook when you leave a comment below. Be sure to include your email address and tell me what you’d miss most if the government outlawed caffeine, sugar, and nicotine.
Slick Micky is the king of Chicago smugglers with a nasty street rep that covers up a big heart and serious protective streak. What kind of woman could possibly see through the rep to the man inside?
Trina! She’s an assassin with super skills and dark past and their adventure is packed with heat, conflict and ~ hold on! You’ll find no spoilers here, not when you’re about to get a free copy of the whole story!
Now, the super-secret Smuggler’s Stash is a prize package worthy of Slick Micky himself. It includes all the ‘contraband’ you need for a good reading escape: a Tracking Shadows tote bag stuffed with a t-shirt, coffee mug, gourmet coffee, chocolate covered espresso beans, bubble gum cigars and a surprise or two.
(The winner will be drawn at the end of Menage A Blog and the prize ships to USA, Canada, Mexico only)
When you leave a comment here for your free copy of Tracking Shadows, you’re automatically entered for the Smuggler’s Stash prize package too. (and the Menage A Blog kindle drawing)
To increase your odds of taking home the Smuggler’s Stash, visit The Bookish Snob for a swoon-worthy excerpt from Tracking Shadows. Leave a comment there with the phrase “shadow kiss” for a bonus entry.
And you can score two more bonus entries for the Smuggler’s Stash when you visit Laurie’s Thoughts and Books R Us Online. Just add a comment at each site with the phrase “I love 2096“!
Live the adventure,
Please show your appreciation to the Menage A Blog organizers and all of my amazing review sponsors listed in the sidebar!
And now it’s time to leave your comment (include your email) so I can send your FREE copy of the Tracking Shadows ebook today and add your name to the drawing for the Smuggler’s Stash! (will ship to USA, Canada, Mexico only)
LOL… men! I’ve read this 3 times and I still don’t know what I have read!! The man is talking AT me…. LOL! Anyway…. Please enter me!!
Thank you!
nedsped at verizon dot net
Good morning, Michele! I’m awake now thanks to the coffee (which I can’t live without) and I’ll email your book right away! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Regan,
Can’t wait for this read. Mickey sounds sooo nice.
Hi Sara! Micky is one of my favorite heroes!
What fun! I love the name Slick Micky – it just conjures up all kinds of sinister things!! Looking forward to reading Tracking Shadows.
I think I would miss sugar the most. I already drink decaffinated beverages and gave up smoking years ago, so seems the only vice left is sugar.
Thanks for the chance to win.
kacbooks at hotmail dot com
Oh, I totally understand. Gave up smoking, but I’m having coffee and leftover birthday cake for breakfast (family tradition) I’ve gone decaf on occasion, but sugar and I are tooo close! LOL I’ll send the book out in just a minute, catching up with replies.
There is no life without caffeine! Can’t wait to read about Trina and Mickey.
I agree! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy their story!
Hey Regan! I’ve come to flirt! Got my flirty skirt on, too. Hope Slick Micky likes it. The gov can have everything but they best NOT touch the SUGAR. LOL
My email is deenaremiel(AT)yahoo(DOT)com Happy flirting!!
You look fabulous, darling! Thanks for being here!
Hi Regan!
Tracking Shadows sounds like a fantastic read – I would love to read it.
Thanks for the ebook giveaway and good luck on the Menage-a-Blog Tour today!
As for what I’d miss most if the government outlawed caffeine, sugar, and nicotine, it will definitely be the sugar, lol 🙂
Sugar sure is the front runner at the moment, Winnie. And here I thought caffeine would be the early leader. LOL
I can live without caffeine and nicotine, but no sugar!? Nooooooo…chocolates! sweets! Jellies! Ice-creams! I’d be going into the sugar smuggling business for sure!
You are not alone…for all of the sweet reasons you mentioned! 😉
Well… if the government was to abolish those three, I’d definitely miss caffeine the most, since I bathe in it 🙂
As for the present event, I’m very happy to get here again and am looking forward for your book.
my email is: forestlove at abv dot bg
Best of luck in all
Hmm, is caffeine good for your skin, Mariya? LOL Glad to have you back and I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows!
hi Regan! stopping by to show my support for you, Judith and Jackie. i’m not from the US, Canada or sunny Mexico so there’s no need to enter me for the Smuggler’s Stash. darn! lol!
– i would love to have a copy of your book. with names like Slick Micky and Trina, how could one go wrong? and
– please enter me for the chance at a KINDLE
good luck to you three. thanks again for being so gracious! c”,)
Thanks so much for the support. The three of us are going to have an awesome time today! I’ll get your ebook out to you right away.
Tracking Shadows sounds good! I’d miss sugar the most. Best of luck with the blog tour!
Thanks, Jessica! The tour is going so well, it’s a great group of authors!
Wow, if the government outlawed sugar I think I’d probably stop functioning and wouldn’t be able to move like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz. It is definitely an essential nutrient as far as my body is concerned and should be offically declared one of the major food groups!
I get that! I’ve tried to give it up in the past, but i FAIL every time (smoking I quit no problem, but sugar- isn’t happening).
Hi, Regan –
I’m actually on my vacation right now, and being able to read more than usual has been the best perk. My only frustration is that I can’t read fast enough to keep up with all the books I want to read! My pile of eBooks is pretty high, but I’m looking forward to adding “Tracking Shadows” to the stack. It sounds fun. And your Smuggler’s Stash prize sounds fabulous — I can tell you’re a woman after my own heart (which is why I know I’ll enjoy your book).
If the government were to outlaw certain staples of modern society, the one I’d miss the most would have to be sugar. What, no chocolate, cake, milk duds, sweeteners for coffee? Think of the “sugar rage” as everyone went through withdrawal! The world would become an extremely dangerous place. Ugly, just ugly. Too horrible to contemplate.
Best of luck winning the blog flirt contest.
Kirsty Haining
Seattle, WA
khaining AT comcast DOT net
Thanks for adding this one to the stack! And thanks too for the luck! Enjoy all the great reading. =)
The book sounds awesome. I think I would miss sugar the most out of all of them. I need chocolate! Good Luck today!
Rachel V.
Thanks, Rachel! We’re going to have a blast today!
I wouldn’t want to imagine a world without caffeine; who’d want to go without? Surely they’d be riots in the streets and underground java lounges?
Thanks for the free read and good luck with the flirt off!
I know! And what about the ‘coffee date’? Underground java lounges – love it! I’ve been toying with a short story to address just that.
Hi Regan, Just stopping by to give my support and wish you the very best for this Flirty Blog event!! Oh yes! I would love to be entered for the Smugglers Stash! and the free Kindle….
lauriej170 at gmail dot com
Laurie’s Thoughts & Reviews
my Review of 2096 – LOVE 2096
Consider yourself ‘in the hunt’ so to speak for the Smuggler’s Stash and the kindle…thanks for being here! And thanks so much for being a review sponsor! Hugs!
This book sounds so exciting. Can’t wait to read it. I would miss Caffeine the most if it were outlawed!!
Kelli, my mornings would be horrible (and UGLY) if I didn’t have my coffee. LOL
I would miss caffeine the most, by far!!!
Your book sounds like a super fun read and I’m really looking forward to it!
Thanks for being a part of this.
It’s my pleasure to be here. This is a great event and these authors are a blast to work with! Enjoy the tour ~and the coffee!
Hello Regan! You’re book sounds great and I love the cover. I’m having a great time finding new authors and checking out all these great web pages. I would definitely miss sugar the most; you can keep the caffeine and nicotine! So, good luck!
Aren’t you sweet 😉 (pun intended) I’m glad you’re enjoying the tour and I have to agree, my cover artist ROCKS! (love those fishnets)
I wouldn’t miss anything out of that lot believe it or not! I’m caffeine intolerant (I know, it’s sad), am a diabetic, and an ex smoker! That’s all the stuff I already stay away from 🙂 phew! I don’t have to panic.
Good luck in the blog tour!
bookishardour [at] gmail [dot] com
Wow, Bonnie, you’d be the perfect citizen in 2096! LOL (because by then I’m sure they can cure the diabetes) Thanks so much for stopping by and enjoy the rest of the blog tour!
Hi! “Tracking Shadows” sounds great! I would love to have a copy for my Nook. These blog tours are so much fun. And I definitely want a chance to win that smugglers stash. 😉 I don’t think I could live without ANY of the things listed, but caffeine has got to be the worst to live without.
My email is mammysfave at hotmail dot com
Can’t wait to hear from you!
Thanks for stopping by Suzanne. I’ll get the book to you asap. Happy reading! =)
I’d miss them all but I’d miss sugar the most.
maynekitty [at] live [dot] com
Thanks, Kitty!
Sugar-has to be sugar. Just think, chocolate wouldn’t be palatable, no cakes, candy, or pie. There are a lot of foods that contain sugar that we don’t realize. The thought makes me cringe *shudder*. Thanks for the ebook and I look forward to reading it. You guys rock!
Marsha – I agree. Though I take my coffee black and couldn’t get through the morning without it, my birthday cake would be too blah, even with the sugar substitutes. LOL
Just a reminder to all – don’t forget to visit the review sponsor sites! This tour wouldn’t be complete without them! 🙂
Hi Regan,
Love my caffeine, and as a true Southerner my sweet ice tea. Couldn’t do without either one. And even though that Mickey isn’t a Southern boy, he sounds mighty fine. Can’t wait for the read.
Thanks for the book and good luck on the tour,
SunnyDulane (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks, Sunny. I don’t think Slick Micky will disappoint (despite his ‘yankee’ status) 😉
I would miss everyone around me. Because I would one either kill them or two they would kill me.
Stephanie O.
ladybug07999 at yahoo dot com
ROFLOL, Stephanie! You win the prize for most honest answer of the morning!
Just stopped by to say hello, No need to send me a copy of the book but please enter me in the kindle drawing.
I enjoyed the book and if I lived in 2096 I would miss the sugar(chocolate)and the coffee. I love my sweets!!!
Complete understanding from one sweet tooth to another! Thanks for all your support with this event, Eileen!
I am sorry you are not shipping the Smuggler’s Stash internationally. 🙁
But I have enjoyed the other books you have written, so I know I will like this one as well.
Please send my ebook to sanatavour (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you
Sorry about the shipping limits, Sanat, but I hope you’ll enjoy this book as much as the others!
Hey Regan just stopping by to give Tracking Shadows some love, as you know I already have the book but would love a chance to win the Smuggler’s Stash. Let’s see what would I miss caffeine, sugar or tobacco. I don’t smoke so no biggy, I don’t eat a lot of sugar but do love my ice cream and that has sugar in it (except I eat sugar free) so that won’t work. Oh I know, I couldn’t do without my tea and give me choc. any time. Good luck you flirt you.
lvs2dv at gmail dot com
I love it when you visit, Loves to dive! 😉 If you win the Smuggler’s Stash you’ll just have to use the ‘coffee’ mug for your tea. (I think that’s allowed) Thanks for the support today! =)
I would miss caffeine the most, I love my coffee!
Thanks for the free book I can’t wait to read it!
Laura G.
Love my caffeine, I could not survive without my coffee & black tea. Thanks! areeths @ new(dot)rr(dot)com
Anne, I hope you’ll enjoy the book with your favorite mug of coffee or tea!
Don’t separate this woman from her chocolate! Or there will be the devil to pay…
Shadow Kissed delight is dark chocolate and can’t wait to add Slick Mickey to my indulgence list.
Send Slick Mickey to me!!
pauline (dot)runyon at gmail (dot) com
You got it, Pauline! Hope you enjoy him, um, I mean the book! 😉
I just got back from The Bookish Snobs website and she said to let you know that “We need more Slick Micky”!! The sample you sent her made me very excited about your book! I can’t wait to read it!!!
I’ve been shadow kissed!!!
Laura G.
AWESOME! Glad you liked that excerpt! The book will be in your email inbox in just a couple minutes!
We need more Slick Micky because I’ve been shadowed kiss. I’m serious, this sounds like a great book and the excerpt was HOTT 🙂
Thanks, Heather! That’s one of my favorite scenes! 😉
I don’t smoke but if I couldn’t have my chocolates and tea anymore I think I’d lose my mind! lol
Thanks for the interesting post. juliecookies(at)gmail.com
Right there with you, Julie! But it’s coffee and hot chocolate for me – though I go through tea ‘phases’. LOL
Srry, forgot to tell you that I love my sugar and can’t live without a taste atleast once a day. lol.
My three addictions are coffee, nicotine and books. If the government would restrict any one of those…. I don’t know what I would do…. maybe kill those that enacted the law or become a smuggler 🙂
I’d hope you’d go for smuggler…not very many of us look good in prison orange. *snort*
Thank you for the giveaway:)
I love these hops and your work looks really good!
caffeine, I would miss it alot
Thanks so much for hopping along, LorettaLynn. Connecting with readers makes the whole event! (dashing off to refill my coffee mug)
“The Bookish Snob said “We need more Slick Micky”
Hi Regan!
It’s gotta be caffeine. Seriously, I Need My Caffeine! Sugar would be hard, but doable. Book sounds great, thanks for letting us all score a free copy!
My pleasure, Regina! Thanks for joining in the fun. Have you stopped by the reviewer sites for those bonus entries?
Caffeine or sugar??? Which would I pick? Man, I can’t imagine life without my morning coffee, but you did say caffeine, so I guess I could still have coffee without it (gasp!). BUT life without sugar. Oh no! No Toll House Cookies or ice cream on a hot day – that’s just sacrilegious. So, I guess sugar would be the one for me.
Thanks for a great time at your blog and for your generosity. I’d love a copy of your book 🙂
Good luck!
Thanks for being here and joining in! I’ll get your copy of Tracking Shadows to you asap. Happy reading!
Sounds like an interesting idea all in one line. Thanks for participating. I’m looking forward to checking it out.
rlconnolly01 [at] gmail.com
Great to have you join the fun, Rosie! I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows. =)
Thanks for the giveaway!
You’re welcome, Joni!
I don’t smoke and I can go for weeks without eating anything sweet but caffeine is my one true addiction. I look forward to reading Tracking Shadows. Good luck with the blog tour and thank you.
Right there with you, Maggie (except I can’t go quite so long without sweets) lol
Caffeine!!! The thing I hate most about dieting is giving up my coke!! Your book sounds awesome..Can’t wait to read it!
Thanks, Nikki! I’ll get the book to you momentarily (and I’ve already logged your bonus entries!) Enjoy!
Don’t separate this woman from her chocolate! Or there will be the devil to pay…
Shadow Kissed delight is dark chocolate and can’t wait to add Slick Mickey to my indulgence list.
Send Slick Mickey to me!!
pauline (dot)runyon at gmail (dot) com
PS Sorry if this is a repeat, the little ‘connecting’ thingie kept going and going and going…
No problem, got you entered and ready to go, Pauline!
Ok, the estrogen level is a little bit high here. But my wife called from work as she forgot to sign up. And I’m not sure which one she uses. But will get this to her.
Don’t take away my coffee.
tedcraig1 (at) gmail (dot) com
LOL, Ted. You’re such a good sport! (we’ll get you a refill on that coffee, too) 😉
I’d miss sugar the most. I’m a candy junkie. LOL.
Thanks for the free book! I can’t wait to read it!
allyreads81 at gmail dot com
I understand, Allyson. Reese’s Pieces are my addiction whenever I’m editing. Somehow they make that process easier. =)
Hi Regan
Loves the book when it was out in FB, but if possible, I’d like to have the “final version”.
Good luck on the tour and thanks for the giveaway (I saw that it says that people from Mexico can enter, yay!)
Of course you can have the ‘final version’, Daniela! So glad to see you here and be sure to make Slick Micky proud and get those bonus entries for the Smuggler’s Stash! hugs!
Hi Regan, thanks!!
I forgot to mention that what I’d miss more is my “morning-coffee” 🙂
And thanks for reminding me… I’ll go get those extra entries…
You just struck FEAR into my heart! French Vanilla cappuccino!! Mocha Frappe! Chocolate! Okay I know that is more then 1. But I just do not think I could face a day when I could not have any one of these…
Have a GREAT day! Thank you!
Hang in there, Tonya – it’s just fiction. LOL Hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows!
I couldn’t live without sugar….
Thanks for the book -just in time for a beach vacation!
ashleypbarry at gmail dot com
Awesome! The beach is one of my favorite places – enjoy!
What would I miss most if nicotine, sugar and coffee were outlawed??? My best friend; no doubt she would be the victim of a fatal self-inflicted wound!!! =)
Aw, you’re making me cry – tears of laughter – ROFL! Thanks, Melanie!
I would miss coffee the most if nicotine, sugar and coffee were outlawed.
I would love a copy of your novel.
Thank you,
Thanks, Sharon! I’ll get that emailed to you momentarily! 😉
We’d be in the same boat, Sharon. Without coffee I’m not sure I’d wake up enough to miss sugar…wait! What am I thinking?! =)
Ummm SUGAR, SUGAR, SURGAR!!! awwww I would revolt, protest would start behind me!!! Can’t wait to read your book!
Thanks, Martha! Sounds like you’d be a formidable leader of said revolt! I’ll get Tracking Shadows to you asap! =)
Dang, I’m not politically correct in the least. I would miss the nicotine (Not to mention the Coffee either!)the most! I would send Trina after the people who would ban my vice that I love..lol.
nblack at twcny dot rr dot com
Y’know, Nancy, sending Trina is a pretty good plan! Love it!
I’m not a smoker or coffee drinker – but I do like my sweet treats – so probably sugar… although caffeine might sneak in there (like maybe chocolate?)… but I think sugar would have to be #1 (unless they come up with a good sugar-free alternative to sweets 😉 )
(I left my email when I submitted the post – is that sufficient, or do I need to post it here, too?)
I saw your email, so that’s fine, Berit. If banning sugar ever happens, I hope they have better substitutes than we have now. lol
I’d miss sugar the most.
roxburysnoopy-blogtourdeforce AT yahoo.com
Thanks for being here, Roxs!
Love to read books always looking for new books. thank you cant wait to start reading. rlrlaney@yahoo.com
Thanks for being here Rhonda! Readers make it all worthwhile. 🙂 I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows!
Where would chocolate be without sugar? Arrghh, noooo!
Looking forward to reading about Slick Mickey and Trina
Why? I’ve been shadow kissed.
DivaAndChocolateLover (at) y mail (dot) com
Hi there,
OMG, I would die if I couldn’t have all three of those. I am a candy addict, I eat more candy than a 10yr old. Coffee, I could maybe do without if I really had to. Cigarettes, you might as well kill me. I’m a smoker and I really enjoy smoking (I only smoke in my room so the rest of the house doesn’t have to smell it).
I’m really looking forward to reading your book! (happy dance) I’m going to make you my “Feature Author” today on my blog! I’ll even post links back to your page with contest information.
Good luck with the tour today,
No sugar=very unhappy me
Can’t wait for Slick Mickey and Trina’s story. Why? I’ve been Shadow Kissed.
All right! (and your email says it all!) Fantastic – I’ll get the book to you in just a couple minutes!
Frances I’m trying to get your book to you, but the email failed…is there an alternate email address?
Sugar, hands down. I need chocolate desperately, I will literally hide it if I have too! Thank you for the giveaway! edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom
Hey, I get that. I’ve got a chocolate stash my family will NEVER find. LOL
Your books sounds like something I would definitely enjoy reading! Thanks for the free copy:)
It’s a really tough call between caffeine and sugar, but I’ll have to go with sugar! I am a definitely sugar addict, I can’t go without my sweets.
jwitt33 at live dot com
You’re welcome, Julie! I hope you love Tracking Shadows as much as I do! My sweet tooth completely understands. 😉
2096 with no caffeine, sugar or nicotine that can’t be good for business. I don’t indulge in nicotine so I’m good there. I would probably miss caffeine the most. There has to be a reason how Slick Micky got his name.
It’s funny, Will, in my 2096 world, nicotine is the least popular of Micky’s contraband. Thanks for being here and enjoy the full blog tour!
I’d miss coffee the most (cause chocolate can be eaten without sugar). Never drinking coffee again would make me cranky! Looks good, Regan! Thanks for the opportunity to read your story!
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (with plenty of coffee at hand). 😉
I would have to say sugar, hands down. I’m not a coffee drinker and I don’t smoke. I can make do without sodas and other items that have caffeine but sugar I have to have.
Lakisha, you’re one of many ‘sweet tooths’ visiting today! I love it and thanks so much for being a part of this! =)
I’ve left a comment with Bookish Snob and I have to say I agree with her, we want more Slick Micky : )
Are you having fun with this blogging tour? I’m certainly meeting a whole new group of authors I would never have found otherwise so have been LOVING this tour(I’m pretty much computer illiterate but learning quickly).
As for the smugglers pack I’m in Australia so don’t worry about entering me for that (but would love to be entered into kindle comp).
So glad to hear that! And YES, I am having a blast with this blog tour. It’s wonderful to connect with new readers like this. As for the kindle, your post here gets you qualified. Good luck!
You’re a new to me author and I look forward to reading Tracking Shadows.
Thank you!
Thanks for stopping by, Anne. It’s great to meet new readers through a fun event like this! I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows. =)
I look forward to reading your delicious book – TFS!
Thanks for stopping by, Pam. I hope you enjoy it! =)
Love to read your book,sounds exciting
Thanks, Alan! I hope you enjoy the other authors and reviewers on the blog tour too!
Sounds very interesting – I’m new to fantasy so this should be great!
Eden, I hope you’ll enjoy it. =) Thanks for your support today!
ooo, hot lady assassins! Sounds fun!
calophi AT ripitgood DOT net
It was sure fun to write Trina! 😉 Happy reading!
Oh you might as well kill me, I love all three too much! I’m a candy addict, can’t get enough. Coffee I think I could do without. Cigarettes, never, I enjoy smoking too much. I would definitely be hiring “Slick Micky”!
Today on my blog I made you my “Feature Author”, go check it out. I posted links back to your page and posted information about your “Smugglers Stash” prize package. I’m hoping it will send a few people your way.
Good luck today,
Thanks so much for the feature, Pinky! That’s too cool! (and thanks for the perseverance since my blog tried to eat your comments)
OOO contraband. I cannot live without sugar and caffeine.
Thank so much for the free book. I have loved the ones on the
tour that I have gotten to read so far.
The smugglers prize sounds awesome.LOL
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
Oh, I’m glad to hear your eager for the Smuggler’s Stash – that was a fun goodie bag to plan (and shop for) =) Thanks for stopping here, Michelle and enjoy the rest of the blog tour!
Caffeine!!! I don’t think I could live without coffee.
Thank you very much!
artgiote at gmail dot com
You’re very welcome, Diana! Thanks for participating! Enjoy the rest of the blog tour!
Bookish Snob is calling for more Slick Micky. I have to say your book sounds really interesting! I would probably miss ice cream most, if sugar was taken away.
melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com
“We all scream for ice cream!” That’s a very good point! Thanks so much for stopping by and enjoy the rest of the books and authors on the blog tour!
Well Regan,
I must say your post has been one of the most interesting thus far – and you offer more opportunities to entry & win. However, it is because of Judith Gaines’ unbiased synopsis on Tracking Shadows that I even stopped by, so hats off to both you and Judith.
I would be quite interested in receiving an eCopy of Tracking Shadows, it does sound very intriguing. As for what I’d miss most if the government outlawed caffeine, sugar, and nicotine. I must admit, of the three it would have to be sugar, as I sometimes use it to cook with. But caffeine and nicotine they can outlaw with a quickness, as neither relate to me.
Good luck in your quest to the number one position.
My email address is: chrystalwrites@gmail.com
Wow, Chrystal, thank you so much for your comments and for coming by! I’ve had the best time being teamed up with Judith and Jackie. (we’ve been rocking twitter!) We all offer different stories, but I think they have such strong voices that readers will thoroughly enjoy. =)
You’re welcome.
At first I was well I can do without caffeine, because I don’t mind decaf drinks. So I thought sugar even though I use splenda in my drinks I would miss the baked good. Then I kept reading as saw chocolate covered espresso beans. OH MY!! I don’t get those often, because they are like crack for me. YUM!!! That would be my choice. I would miss them. GREAT now I want some!
LOL, Toni. Well, if you win the Smuggler’s Stash, I can assure you you’ll have a good supply of your ‘chocolate drug of choice’! (so don’t forget to rack up the bonus entries at the review sites) 😉
Caffeine and nicotine I could live without (or maybe not since my husband is a coffee addict. . .) but candy, cakes, and COOKIES? I’d be so sad 🙁 It’d probably be better for my body in the long run, though!
Thank you! Your book sounds fun!
emilyannward at yahoo dot com
Cookies rock! =) I send my body such mixed messages: an hour of yoga is probably undone when I follow it with a cookie. Heehee
Chrystal here again. Just wanted you to know that, The Bookish Snob said, “We need more Slick Micky”. I guess all this hopping back and forth between sites, means I’ve been, Shadow Kissed. And soon I should be receiving a copy of Tracking Shadows.
My email again is, chrystalwrites@gmail.com
And again, good luck in your quest.
Thanks again, Chrystal. I appreciate your dedication to the ‘hopping’ and good luck in the Smuggler’s Stash drawing. Your copy of Tracking Shadows should be in your email inbox shortly! =)
Yes, this hopping has delayed me in completing my to-do list, but it’s been fun. I’m delighted I had the opportunity to participant.
And again, good luck.
Sounds like a fun read, Regan! Thanks for participating in the tour!
reikibirth at gmail dot com
It’s a pleasure to participate in such a great event and I love to connect with readers like this! Hope you’re having fun too and gathering up some amazing books along the way!
I’ve heard so much about your book! I’m so excited to read it!
Ana, you know how to make me smile! Thanks so much! You’ll have a copy of Tracking Shadows in your email momentarily. =)
I am loving this Blog tour…it’s allowing me to get to know new authors. If the government outlawed caffeine I would have a heart attack! I love coffee drinks and it’s not the same with decaf. The world would be a sad place if coffee wasn’t around. Good Luck on the Tour!
Email: Toepik@gmail.com
Looks like a very good book!! I can drink decaf, and I don’t smoke, but oh I would go bonkers without Sugar!!!
Hi Regan!
I can’t wait to read your book! This tour is really fun too. I’ve already been to two new blogs I wouldn’t have otherwise discovered.
As far as what I would miss most, that’s easy. Coffee. A world without coffee would be a grim and brutal place. I hope I can suppress my shudder long enough to go make another cup! 🙂
I also left comments w/ The Bookish Snob, a site I love, and Laurie’s Thoughts and Book’s R Us Online, two new discoveries.
Good luck with the rest of the tour!
Vicki Keire
That’s awesome, Vicki! Thanks for stopping here too. (and remember a world without coffee is…just fiction 😉 ) I really appreciate you hopping around to the review sites too. They’ve been such a great help with this event!
I love futuristic and historical books…not so much modern. Is that weird?
I don’t think it’s weird at all. I’m pretty passionate about my historical romance addiction! Thanks for joining in the blog event! =)
Sounds great. And since I’m a bigtime chocoholic I guess I would definitely miss sugar. Thank goodness that chocolate isn’t outlawed.
christygibbon at juno dot com
No kidding, Christy! Some of today’s visitors have concocted devilish plans if chocolate really became contraband. LOL
The blood would flow down the street if anyone tried to take my sugar away from me 🙂 Chocolate keeps me sane! Thanks for the giveaway.
smaccall AT comcast.net
You’re welcome, Sarah! And there’s probably a study that links chocolate to sanity – if not, I’d sign up to prove the theory (as long as I was in the group that got chocolate) 😉
If they had only outlawed tobacco a long time ago, then i would not have COPD today.
But caffeine is another matter. A good cup of coffee stops the morning headache, so no I would not like to lose that.
That for participating in the Blog Tour. I look forward to reading your book.
john (at) johnpoindexter.com
I’m right there with you on the morning coffee, John! Thanks for stopping here and I hope you’re picking up all the great books on this tour! =)
Oh, this looks really good!!! I can’t wait to read it!!!
Thanks, Heather! Your excitement makes me smile! 🙂 Enjoy the rest of the blog tour!
I have MOST DEFINITELY been Shadow Kissed and would do it again… and again… and again! Regan, I loved this book and I just told someone there were parts that made the soles of my feet TINGLE! I need MORE, MORE, MORE!! I’d love to win the Smuggler’s Stash but I’d definitely wouldn’t mind if you just sent Slick Micky over! *sigh* so sexy!
Comments like that make my feet tingle! LOL Some early readers of Tracking Shadows thought Slick Micky wouldn’t be *enough* of a hero, (because he’s such a background character in the other books) but I’m happy to report that so far they all agree with you! 😉
Thanks for everything you’ve done to support this blog tour event!!!!!
I’m very excited to read your book. I would miss sugar for sure! My sweet tooth would not let me survive without it.
Sugar does seem to be the most valued substance here today! Love it, since I’ve got a killer sweet tooth too. 😉 I’ll get Tracking Shadows into your email inbox right away, Randie!
Well if caffeine, sugar, and nicotine were outlawed I would only have a problem with Caffeine & Sugar. I quiet smoking in 1998 so I am good there. Now I have to have my chocolate and can pepsi :0
Bhitwr at gmail dot com
Good for you quitting, Babs. I went through that in 1990 – promised my husband I’d quit before the wedding – he was worth it 😉 Hope you enjoy the rest of the great authors and books on this blog tour! And thanks for your sponsorship and support!
If caffeine, sugar, and nicotine were outlawed? I would suggest them closing any type of store that sells guns, knives, or anything that can be used to maim 🙂
Can’t wait to read your book! I love getting a chance to find new authors.
Ooo, good idea, Kim! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows!
This sounds really good. The Bookish Snob says “We need more Slick Micky”
Awesome! Thanks for visiting her place and then hopping over here! I love that excerpt on her blog today. *sigh*
Looks great can’t wait to read!
Yay! I’ll be sure to get Tracking Shadows out to you in just a few minutes, Angela! Hope you’re enjoying the rest of the blog tour too.
I not know, I could survive without coffee, I don’t smoke. But no sugar,which means no cookies, cakes and candy bars???? I shutter at the thought, although I would probably look hot and sexy after coming out if detox.
sledgelena at yahoo (dot) com
Lena, you have a very good point. (and yet, I still don’t give up my chocolate) Can’t you just see the detox centers on every corner…hmmm sorta like Starbucks. LOL
Giving up smoking only hurts for a little while, I never was overly big on sugar, but if someone takes away my coffee, things are going to get very ugly, very fast. 😛
good luck on the blog tour!
dreamsgate at clearwire dot net
LOL, duly noted, Sandra! Thanks for joining the fun here today. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the blog tour too!
I think I would miss my sweet tea the most if sugar was outlawed
That takes me back, Anita. When I waited tables I wasn’t allowed to make the tea because I never added enough sugar. (I grew up in an unsweetened tea part of the country. LOL)
No sugar means no chocolate, and that’s not acceptable. I’ll take Trina on for a shot at Slick Micky and his stash!
Okay, Kim, should we put you down for a cage match? Winner gets Slick Micky, loser gets chocolate? 😉
Caffeine and sugar are my picks:)
This looks like a thrilling read.
Thanks for the giveaway
Heather Powers
earthsbooknook at gmail dot com
You’re welcome, Heather. I’m loving this blog tour event – meeting new readers is the best part. Thanks for visiting Bookish Snob too! =) The reviewers have been amazing!
we need more slick mickey:)
Left a comment on bookish snob:)
Heather Powers
earthsbooknook at gmail dot com
Left commments on Laura’s thoughts and Book R Us:)
Heather Powers
earthsboooknook at gmail dot com
I am addicted to coffee. I am not a very happy camper without it as my co-workers have figured out. I also love sweets. One of my weaknesses and something my thighs aren’t happy about. I’d probably build a time machine so I can go back in time and smuggle enough sugar to last me a few lifetimes. 🙂
Thanks for participating in the ménage event and for the great prize package. Looking forward to reading your book.
Lindadao2060 at yahoo dot com
Thanks so much, Linda! My husband got me hooked on coffee when he had to work from home for about a year (before that I just enjoyed the scent rather than the taste). Now, it’s caffeine or nothin’ in the morning! LOL I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows, it should be in your inbox momentarily! =)
Are you kidding me – a person can always quit smoking and there are many options for something sweet that does not have to include sugar – but I get mean if you take my coffee – give me coffee and I will not turn into the raving beast that rages down the road – give me coffee and a good book and I am content. Thank you so much for sharing the fun today. I sincerely hope you gets lots of new readers and followers of your wonderful words. Now get out there and kick some ### and drink your coffee it is the fuel needed here dear one and when feeling truly decadent eat an espresso bean covered in chocolate – YUM!
I’ve had a blast today, thanks to so many great comments like yours, Denise! 🙂 Thanks for being here and for the well wishes, too. Good luck in the Smuggler’s Stash giveaway!
I have to have my caffeine…Dr. Pepper, Sweet Tea and Chocolate…I wouldnt be able to live without it…
I also stopped by The Bookish Snob, Laurie’s Thoughts and Books R Us Online.
Your book sounds really good..I cant wait to read it…Thanks for this opportunity…
crystal.t.rutherford @gmail.com (without the space)
Wow, Crystal, thanks for hopping around to the reviewers – I know they appreciate it as much as I do! Tracking Shadows will be heading to your email inbox in just a few minutes! Happy reading =)
It’s been a lousy day-hot, humid and I am so ready for a good read.
Can’t wait to discover Slick Mickey’s story.
And ice coffee with lots of sugar, is just what I need, along with a good
book. And any government that’s going to try and take it away from me, better just watch out!
So thanks Regan,
juliannerapley (at) ymail (dot)com
LOL – love the spunk, Julianne! Sorry for the lousy day, but Tracking Shadows will be arriving shortly (maybe with a better kind of heat?) 😉
I went over and left a shadow kiss for the Bookish Snob 🙂
Fantastic! Thanks!
Ohh, I couldn’t make it without my morning coffee. But then again, need sugar as well..ahh the heck with government interference. They’re already regulating enough of our lives today
And on a more pleasant note…
Looking forward to reading Tracking Shadows. Had read it on Facebook, want to see what you tweaked. And Mickey is definitely hot.
brandon.saramarie (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks so much for participating on Facebook! I<3 you! I hope you'll let me know what you think when you've read the edited and polished edition!
I hopped over and visited Laurie’s Thoughts and Books R Us and shared some love:) and let them know how much I love 2096:)
If the government outlawed sugar I would be an outlaw. I’d probably become a sugar runner, have a sugar speakeasy in my basement, that kind of thing.
Sugar speakeasy – LOVE it!!! Thanks for being a part of the fun today!
Sounds like a great read.
Thanks, Kay. I hope you enjoy it!
If the government ever outlaws caffeine, I’m dead. Or I’ll be in jail. I’m an instant human, as long as you add caffeine. Without it, I’m a zombie. OMG. I’m worse than a zombie. And if anyone ever expects to see me “bright and early”, my usual response is that I can be bright, or I can be early, but never both at once.
I’m looking forward to the book!
“Instant human”… that’s great and I guess you’d have to add me to that list too – I NEED my caffeine. That’s just one reason why Slick Micky is so important to me. *snicker* I hope you’ll enjoy the book!
Do not even suggest a world without caffeine. Thanks to intensive training from a coffee chain I once worked for, I know how to get the coffee bean from the cherry. Black market here I come!
Can’t wait for the book. I’m off to the sponsors!
Um, Jennifer, is it okay if it’s just a *fictional* world without caffeine. And Slick Micky’s team delivers…LOL Have fun hopping with all the sponsors!
Sounds like a good book, Regan
Like good adventure reads. Could I have it on the kindle?
Sure thing, Michael! I hope you’ll enjoy reading Slick Micky’s adventure as much as I enjoyed writing it! 😉
I’d miss sugar the most but C affine is a close second….Oh my it’s a tough choice. I look forward to my free E-Book….Thank you…
Glad you’re excited about the book, Jennifer! It should be in your email inbox shortly! Enjoy the rest of the Menage a Blog tour and be sure to visit the review sites and give them a little love too if you’ve got time. 😉
I quit smoking years ago, but don’t ask me to give up my coffee. Those are fighting words at least in my house. Coffee tames my inner crazy woman. LOL and my family would definitely smuggle to keep me in coffee. Don’t talk to Mom till she has her first cup in the morning. What can I say?
I love 2096
Thanks Regan. Really appears to be a great read. Can’t wait.
Sounds like your family got as smart as mine, Dale! I hope you enjoy reading Tracking Shadows!
I read a really nice review of Tracking Shadows on The Bookish Snob, so I can’t wait to read it. By the way, Bels wants you to know that We need more Slick Micky.
If the government outlawed sugar I would have a sugar cane plantation in my basement!
Thanks for the book!
Kanya, who’ve been shadow kissed
Thank goodness for Bels! And for you and all the amazing readers she’s sent my way today! Growing sugar in your basement is a clever solution, Kanya, way to go! 😉
I would totally miss Soda!! I’m addicted to Diet Mountain Dew!! I’d have to go underground and get some smuggled in somehow!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Slick Micky – or someone on his team – would definitely keep you in Diet Mountain Dew! Thanks for stopping by today, Theresa, and enjoy the rest of the blog tour stops and bonuses! =)
Hi Regan,
Wow, your book sounds amazing, I am SO looking forward to reading it! 🙂
Thanks Marta, it will be in your email box shortly! =)
i would severly miss any kind of sanity in the world. i can think of several people off the top of my head who would grab the nearest ax and start swinging unless they had their fixes. 😛
Y’know, Grace, earlier today someone suggested that without my coffee, I might turn into just one of those ax wielding types . LOL Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows!
Sugar. No doubt about it. I don’t do either of the other two, but I’d join the rebels to have regular sugar.
Thanks for the warning, Anne-Mhairi! It’s important to have the priorities in order! 😉
Woooohoooo I can’t wait to read this. Good luck!!
Thanks, Suzanne! The book should be in your email inbox shortly!
I don’t smoke so that’s ok; would probably be better off without the sugar; but they would be getting on my fighting side with no coffee. 😉
Carla, if you’ve cruised through any of the other comments, you’ll probably be happy to know, you are not alone! =) Thanks so much for joining the fun and I hope you’ll have fun on the rest of the blog tour.
Today has been a blast and there’s still 6 hours left! You so rock and I am loving Tracking Shadows. I’ve hooked several friends on your writing already:)
Best of luck!
It’s been AMAZING, Judie! Thanks for all your cross-promotional help, I’ve been letting people know they need to pick up your book right away too!
I’m totally for my coffee.
Never have done one of these things before, but a free adventure sounds good to me
johnsen.neil gmail com
Well, thanks for making this event your first! We have a lot of fun during these blog hops. I hope you’ll enjoy the adventure! 😉
I can’t wait to read your book. It sounds so interesting!
Thanks, Karen! It’s so great to have Tracking Shadows on this tour along with so many great books and authors! Remember to visit the reviewer sites too, if you have time for even more fun! 😉
I’m pretty sure I couldn’t live without sugar in general. I work really hard to convince myself that even decaffeinated sodas will wake me up, so I could live without caffine, but sugar, that’s a requirement for life! I can’t stand sugar substitutes!!
I admire your persuasive skills. The few times I’ve tried to (or had to) switch to decaf coffee it hasn’t been pretty. (just ask my kids) LOL
I don’t even want to think about no caffeine…can a person even live without it?!?
Thanks for the freebie and good luck in the Menage A Blog!
Brenda, I’m pretty sure I’m walking proof that caffeine should be added to the food pyramid as a daily requirement. Enjoy Tracking Shadows, and the rest of the great books on this amazing blog tour! =)
Hey Regan,
Can’t wait to read the final edition as started with Tracking Shadows on Facebook. BTW, I love 2096 and shadow kisses too!
Thanks so much for being here today, and on Facebook, Samantha! I’m sure you’ll enjoy the final edition (as it’s got more of the shadow kisses kind of stuff) 😉
If the government outlawed caffeine I’d be a goner for sure. I live with either a glass of iced tea, unsweetened thank you very much, or a cup of coffee, plenty of creamer and sugar (sometimes I have both tea AND coffee) by my side at all times. Caffeine is my drug of choice!
Thanks for being part of Menage A Blog. This has been a fun experience.
sagemoon_cottage at yahoo dot com
It’s been a blast to be a part of Menage a Blog! Thanks for stopping by and joining in the fun, Ardee-ann! I hope you enjoy the rest of the books and authors on the blog tour! =)
This book sounds really interesting. It’s making it very difficult to pick a favorite out of today’s entries. It sounds like this book has a little of everything though so at this point it’s my favorite for the day. I’m really looking forward to reading this book.
How cool to be the day’s favorite! Thanks, Tracy! =) Have you been to any of the review sites for bonus entries for the Smuggler’s stash?
That was strange. I was typing the message and poof the site was gone. Mickey’s enemies?
ready to see the final edition after the Facebook reveal.
I love 2096 and shadow kisses!
Don’t know what happened, but it’s all better now. (Technology is great unless it gets the hiccups!)
I have been shadow kissed 🙂
I am super excited to read your novel, and good luck on the rest of the tour.
Thanks so much, Meg! This tour has been an awesome experience – I love meeting new readers. Have a great time with the other authors, reviewers and terrific books on the blog tour!
Hey lady,
just wanted to say the comments here are awesome! Wow!
You know caffeine is my thing-chocolate and don’t forget the Dr Pepper!
Congrads on the tour. I love 2096 and shadow kisses
Thanks, Alysan! We’ve been having a fabulous time today! (and I wouldn’t dare part you from a Dr Pepper) LOL Hugs to you!
I’m really looking forward to getting your book. Best of luck with the Menage A Blog today! It would be a close call between caffeine and sugar, but I’d probably give up caffeine if I HAD to.
ljszab at yahoo dot com
Thanks for being here, Laura! The Menage A Blog has been fantastic! I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows and the rest of the books and authors on the tour! =)
Must have coffee, whatever it takes . . .
Tracking Shadows is so original and compelling. Best of luck with your flirt-off!
Thanks so much, Jacquie! I bet you’ll have a wonderful day flirting with readers over Much Ado About Marshals tomorrow – it’s a marvelous book!
Thanks for the ebook! It sounds great. What would I miss most if caffiene nicotine and alcohol were outlawed??? My sanity.
Erik ( balitiger at yahoo dot com)
You’re welcome, Erik! And you’re not the first to mention sanity as the big loss if the government over-regulates the things we crave! Thanks so much for joining the fun today and I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows!
Nice concept, paranormal romance. I love paranormal stuff and I’m looking forward to reading your novel.
Great promotion strategy too. I have to congratulate you on that.
Thanks for visiting, Marj! This is a fantastic promo event and I’ve certainly had terrific guidance and help as we develop my marketing strategy. =)
I discovered the Justice series when it first came out and I’ve been hooked ever since. I was afraid Nathan’s book would never come out, and now I can’t wait to read Mira’s full story. When is that coming out again?
What could I never give up? Well Regan Black books, of course. And a cup of coffee to go with them!
Aw, Writing Chick, you warm my heart! Seriously, readers and fans like you make all the difference. Thanks so much! Mira’s book is planned for December 2011.
Love the cover! Can’t wait to read it! 🙂
Forgot to put my email!
Yay! Thanks for remembering the email, Kristina! My cover artist is fantastic, I just love the fishnet stockings (as well as the rest of the cover) 🙂 I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows!
Sounds like a great read .
I have been shadow kissed
Awesome news, Wanda! Gotta love the Bookish Snob ~she’s such a fan of Slick Micky! 🙂 I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows as much as she did!
The Bookish Snob said “We need more Slick Micky”
The Justice series is really well-written. The characters are well-defined and each one has an intriguing personality. I’d love to take self defense classes from Jaden! Oh, and there’s no way I’m giving up sugar!
It’s great to have another 2096 fan here, Dot! Thanks so much for stopping in today. I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows (Jaden’s got a cameo) but you’ll really get to know Slick Micky! =)
Love that cover! Your design is fantastic!
Having read the previous books, I’m ready for the latest. Thanks for making this a freebie during the tour. I’m definitely a “I love 2096!” fan. And as far as shadow kisses, well I don’t kiss and tell…
Yeah, Jessica, my cover artist ROCKS! And it’s so nice to meet readers who are fans of the series. I sure hope you enjoy reading Slick Micky and Trina’s adventure!
There’s no such thing as too much chocolate in my book, but I don’t know if that counts as caffeine or sugar. So whichever way you categorize it, that’s what I’m keeping while I read you books!
Amen to that! I love chocolate too! =)
What I give up depends on the day. If I had to take Benadryl the night before, I can’t live without my coffee. But if it’s a normal day, than who the heck can live without sugar. Cookies, ice cream, chocolate, truffles…um, hold on I need to run to the kitchen. And maybe get a cup of coffee to go with whatever treat I find in there…
Thanks for the books. They’ve been great so far. I can’t wait to read this installment!
Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate all the support and it’s so much fun to connect with readers like this! Enjoy Tracking Shadows!
Most definitely sugar!! Although I am a smoker and dearly love my caffine, I do not think that I could live without sugar. It goes in sooo many things. And hey who’s life couldn’t stand to be a little sweeter?
oops forgot my addy
Love that perspective, Amanda! Thanks so much for participating today. If you have time be sure to visit the review sites for bonus entries for the Smuggler’s Stash giveaway – it’s packed with 2096 contraband! 😉
Please don’t take my sugar away! Anyone, government included, can keep the nicotine, and even the cafeine (yikes), but “no sugar tonight” works only in the song, not in my diet! talesfromshrimps(at)hotmail(dot)com
LOL, Michele! I promise the sugar restriction is only fiction. Thanks for being here and enjoy Tracking Shadows! (remember to hop around to the reviewer sites too for bonus Smuggler’s Stash entries!) 😉
I’d definitely miss red bull and Coke zero the most….
Hi, Emily! So we’ll be sure to keep you in caffeine – Slick Micky can help! Thanks for being a part of the tour fun!
This is such a sweet idea. Love your blog post! Grats and all that stuff. 🙂
Thanks so much, Sue!
OMG!! I have to pick one! I might just have a nevous breakdown without my Pepsi and ciggarettes!!
No breakdowns allowed, Theresa – it’s only hypothetical and mostly fiction. LOL Thanks for stopping by and joining the fun – and I hope you love reading Tracking Shadows!
Such an awesome book, Regan! Hope you’re having a ball!
I am having an absolute BLAST, Terri! This ‘crowd’ is fantastic! Hugs!
Intriguing blurb. Just the sort of story that would make it all the way to the checkout!
Thanks, Betty! What a great way to say it! =)
thanks for the giveaway, this is so exciting. You guys rock! free e-books plus in the drawing for a kindle.
It’s like a little slice of prize heaven for readers, Rhonda! LOL Thanks for joining the fun!
Geez. Which would I miss most?? i’m addicted to all three! Since I gave up drinking alcohol and indulging in(ahem) chemically-based and organic compounds of the recreational variety over 15 years ago, I don;t think it’s fair to have me choose what else I’d have to give up, so the government would have to give some sort of dispensation! don;t you think??
In the meanwhile, I can’t wait to read your book and I’m going to go over to the other sites and add to my chances of winnning more!!
marajbrandon AT earthlink DOT net
Mara, I would definitely support any petition for a dispensation. 😉 I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows, and I know the review sites will appreciate your visit too!
I would miss caffeine the most. I have to have my morning coffee!!
Thanks for the book!
I totally understand, Anne! My morning’s aren’t right without coffee! Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!
I don’t drink or smoke, but I do eat, so loss of sugar would have the greatest impact on me. I don’t add it to much and honey would be a good substitute as long as all the bees don’t leave us.
Good point about the honey! Thanks for stopping by and being a part of this terrific event! I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows along with the other books and authors on the tour! =)
I can’t wait to be ‘shadow-kissed’ by Slick Mick! Thanks!
My address is: 4374 Hwy 48 N, Charlotte, TN 37036
Forgot to mention that I would SO miss sugar!
I would miss my pepsi, dr. pepper and sweet tea!
sounds like a great book!
beckerjo at verizon dot net
So it’s both sugar and caffeine for you, JoAnna? 😉 Tracking Shadows should be in your email inbox shortly. I hope you enjoy it (with the sweet, caffeinated beverage of your choice)
Wow I would miss caffeine the most, the smell of brewing coffee and fresh ground beans is almost as good as the coffee itself….almost. Good luck on the tour and I look forward to reading your book, sounds exciting.
Forgot the email… late not following directions well…
See, now you and I are cut from the same cloth, Bonnie! I loved the scent of coffee long before I acquired the addiction – I mean taste – for it. LOL Thanks for your good wishes – this tour has been a blast and such a fantastic way to connect with readers! =)
GREAT post, so happy to have you on the tour Regan!
Without a doubt, caffeine. I adore coffee, iced tea, I’d even take an IV. I do enjoy it with cream and a tiny bit of sugar, but because I swore off sugar (except in my coffee :), I’m good w/ the other bans. No candy, no smoking. Pft, easy breezy.
Take away my coffee in the morning though? I will cut you. (Well, not you personally. But, well, ya know. )
Can’t wait to read your book. Sounds fab. It’s in my Kindle!
Thanks, Rachel! I’m having a blast with the readers, reviewers and authors!
And, uh, yeah…consider me duly warned about getting between you and the coffee in the morning. 😉
Hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows!
no wait sugar..
can’t decide
Thanks for the giveaway.
Good news, Paula, you don’t *really* have to decide. LOL Have a great time with the rest of the books and authors on the blog tour and good luck with the Smuggler’s Stash drawing. 😉
Hi Regan!
I think I would miss caffeine the most. A world without Starbucks and Diet Pepsi would be a terrible place to live.
I’ve read Judie Gaines’ Perfect Copy and thought it was amazing! Now I’m really looking forward to reading Tracking Shadows!!
Good luck and thanks!!!!
Oh, Perfect Copy was so exciting – and creepy – in the best sense of the word! I hope you’ll enjoy Tracking Shadows, too – and the rest of the great books, authors, and reviewers involved with this amazing event! 🙂
I would miss sugar- I love to eat almost as much as I love to read!
What *sweet* words for an author to hear! (sorry, it’s late, I couldn’t stop the pun) Tracking Shadows will be in your email inbox shortly…I hope you enjoy it! Have a great time on the rest of the Menage a Blog tour! =)
I’d miss sugar the most.
FatesTwists AT yahoo DOT com
I can relate to that (as I had leftover birthday cake for breakfast ~family tradition) =)
I believe if the government outlawed caffeine, productivity would dramatically decrease and random violence would increase!!
Bet you’re right! Thanks for joining the fun on this stop of the Menage a Blog tour! And remember to visit the reviewer sites for bonus entries for the Smuggler’s Stash giveaway. =)
I am so excited about this tour. I can’t wait to get my hands on your book. Sounds very interesting.
Thanks a million!
Music to an author’s ear! Thanks so much for stopping by and Tracking Shadows should be in your email box momentarily! Enjoy the rest of the books, authors and reviewers on this tour!
I would go nuts if either caffeine or sugar were outlawed, and I would die if they both were. 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity!
Here’s hoping we never have to face such drastic regulations! Good luck in the giveaways and enjoy Tracking Shadows as well as all the other great books on this tour! 🙂
I would be delighted if the government banned nicotine. Tobacco STINKS and so do the people who smoke it, and EVERYTHING they come in contact with.
Sugar, I’d miss, but would be better off without.
Caffeine? I would become a revolutionary. I will NOT be separated from my caffeine.
Love this blog tour idea–GOOD LUCK!
Thanks so much! This blog tour is a blast! It’s great to meet so many readers! (and I’d be right there with you plotting the caffeine revolution) 😉
I would ban caffeine over sugar, but the idea of black market caffeine when I have a severe migraine is a frightening one. Thank you for sharing your book with new readers!!!!
It’s my pleasure to share with readers on this blog tour. This has been a fantastic event, thanks for being part of it!
I’d definitelly miss sugar. Cafeine isn’t my thing and neither is nicotine.
You’re not alone, Ruby. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows. =)
late to party…as usual, lol. Just stopped by to say HEYYY! This has been a fun day. Tweeting with you and Judith has been AWESOME! Let’s do it again sometime 🙂
PS: loved the book, but I don’t know about being around in 2096. Gotta have my Starbucks. Will go to jail for it
LOL, Jackie! I’m so glad you had a good time! You, Judie and me make an awesome team! 😉
I’m so glad you loved the book! As for Starbucks – these readers have got me thinking about what happened to all those coffee shops…
I would be pretty devastated if sugar was outlawed, even though it’s unhealthy I LOVE sweet food (and really who doesn’t?). Thanks!
Right there with you, Jess! Enjoy Tracking Shadows and the rest of the great books, authors and reviewers on this blog tour!
Oh and I’m international so don’t enter me for the prize thingo.
I could live without my chai lattes, if I had to–but no sugar = no chocolate = revolution!!!
pickle2000 at comcast dot net
Well, you’ll be happy to know there are plenty of readers here ready to revolt with you! lol
I would most definitely be lost without sugar!! I know, I know, it’s not the best thing, but life without sugar to make chocolate!! My heart just couldn’t bear it (**swoon** – sorry, sugar low)!
Crossing fingers and toes for that Smugglers Stash!!
Can’t wait to read your book!
sorry, forgot to add: I would throw a parade if they outlawed nicotine!!!! I can not breath around smoke (gives me an asthma attack), so I would jump for joy that day!!! Sorry smokers! 🙁
I’m a former smoker, so I’ve been on both sides of that fence, but I totally understand.
Sugar seemed to be *the* thing for most readers who stopped by…because of the chocolate factor. 😉 Good luck in the giveaway and I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the blog tour!
Won’t miss coffee or cigarettes. Miss sugar just a bit though!
Can’t wait for your book.
Thanks for joining the fun! Tracking Shadows should be in your inbox shortly! =)
Definetly need my coffee 😉 thanks for the wonderful giveaway !!! cant wait to read your book !!
thank muchly Kat
Thanks for stopping by, Kat. I agree wholeheartedly about the coffee! 🙂 You’ll find Tracking Shadows in your inbox momentarily…happy reading and enjoy the rest of the blog tour!
So, I didn’t read that like which would I miss the most…but what would I miss if…
I will answer accordingly…
I would miss the warmth in the palm of my hand, the steam tickling my nose, and the rich smell of hazelnut as I slowly breathe in the my first real oxygen of the day. I would miss the soothing energy I feel as the sweetness (of ice cream) rests on my lips and slowly caresses my palette. And I would miss my friends and my family as I rot in prison, undoubtedly from stalking and possibly terrorizing the politician who took my cigarettes!!!
Please don’t let that ever happen!
Awesome answer, Kimberly! Absolutely awesome!
I will definitely miss sugar. I love sweets! Anything sweet. And one more thing I would love is to get a copy of your book in my email. 🙂 Thanks so much!
Thanks, Krissie! Tracking Shadows should be there shortly. I hope you’re having a great time with all the books, authors and reviewers on this blog tour!
Oh, it’s definitely caffeine! I become very grumpy without my weekly Starbucks treat.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
I sure understand that one. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed all the books, authors, and reviewers on this blog tour!
Your book sounds intriguing, can’t wait to read it! I definitely NEED my caffeine! I would be lost without it 😉
Caffeine is a necessity around here too! I’ll get Tracking Shadows out to you right away…happy reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the blog tour!
I have to have coffee can’t live with out it! I have heard so much about your book and been wanting to read it so thank you very much! I have been following the blog tour what fun! Thanks again 🙂
tishajean@ charter.net
Thanks for being a part of the tour! I’ll get Tracking Shadows to your email inbox shortly! =)
I think I’d miss sugar the most as I love sweets. Caffeine and cigarettes, I can definitely live without. But not the sweets.
Yeah, what good is life without cookies. Or frosting. Or real ice cream! LOL
I think it would be a dead heat between sugar and caffeine for me. Thanks for the chance to read your book.
readingrat @ yahoo . com
Thank you for stopping by Elaine! I’ll get Tracking Shadows out to you in just a few minutes!
Tracking Shadows sounds great and I would love a copy! Good luck to you!
Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows!
I would miss both caffeine and sugar have to have both.
You and me both, Candy. Even now, the last of the birthday cake is calling to me…. I hope you enjoy Tracking Shadows and the rest of the blog tour!
I’m not sure I can decide on just one super-power, but I’m thinking shape shifter would be very handy (maybe not as handy as super strength, or the ability to fly), but think of the possibilities. You meet a SUPER hot stud and you can instantly become that perfect DD cup with J.Lo butt and no waist to speak of, blonde perfectly coiffed hair with no dark roots showing and not a zit in sight!!! ON the other hand, that REALLY creepy, skeezy, creep (oh yes, you all know who I mean) starts hitting on you and you can pull the reverse “Shallow Hal” Become BIG Bertha with bad hair, bad teeth, bad skin and shaped like a hippo! YUP, I bet you’d get the desired reaction with each scenario!
Then also think of the possibilities, you’re running from someone and turn the corner and become that trash can (Oh wait make that a mail box or something that someone won’t throw garbage into)or a HUGE guard dog, that’ll help throw them off, or you could blend into the background as a beach umbrella or cafe table etc.
Look forward to your latest book!
Thanks, Cheryl! It’ll be in your email shortly!
I would miss sugar the most.
I completely understand! Thanks for being a part of this great blog event! =)
Oh no!!! Not sugar!!!
Robin D
robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com
LOL, Robin! I understand the sentiment! Hope you’re having fun on the blog tour!
I’m all for stealing away with some snacks and my TBR, Regan! Wait, that not part of the plan??? 😉 Thanks for the fun!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
That can be a plan! A great plan! =)
I couldn’t survive without caffeine
I understand!