Many Thanks To Paranormal Romance Readers!

I love the holidays and not just because of the treats that start at Halloween and the feasting that continues through New Year’s Day. This time of year is for family and fun and simple relaxation. At least for me.

I’ve had to make a lot of changes this year and one of the keys to maintaining my sanity through the stupid back injury and prognosis has been to adjust my priorities and expectations. This occasionally works and translates into me enjoying life more and stressing out less!

With so many new limitations, I’ve been living vicariously through my characters, writing more than ever these past months. I need to thank my readers and fellow authors for the consistent encouragement and motivation you’ve expressed with your kind words, fun words, and constructive words.

To all of you who have discovered and read my books and short stories this year, I say a wondrous and joyful thank you!

At my core I’m a paranormal romance writer, and I’m happiest when I’m letting the words flow onto paper or computer screen. But without readers to follow the books, stories, and blogs it would merely be a collection of ramblings on a hard drive.

Readers keep authors in business and I’m forever grateful for the readers who seek out my entertaining paranormal romance novels and short stories. Thanks so much!!!

Live the adventure!

Check out this great new cover for the second edition of Justice Incarnate:

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: