Alpha Female Author Says, Do It Now!

I consider myself an alpha female, take charge, ‘do it now’ sort of person – in my personal life and as a paranormal romance author.

Of course, we all have highs and lows, whether we’re working our dream job (like being a paranormal romance author) or just getting through the necessary tasks that life requires.  Usually there’s an ebb and flow of the day and sometimes, in our best hour, we put off doing the thing we know we should do. Distracted, tired, whatever, we create an excuse and procrastinate.

It’s been a long road, but I’ve learned to put off procrastination and just do what needs done – now.

Life has thrown a fair share of curve balls my way. Everything from unexpected deployments to an injured child, to my own new physical challenges. I work at home, and though my best production happens in the morning, the morning is when I was most often distracted by other things. Things you wouldn’t think I’d find more fun than the current novel in progress, but it happened.

To reach my goals, I had to reduce my rate of distraction.

Sure, the new catalog or recipe is enticing, but the blog has to be written and who knows what coach will call with what problem from the practice field today. Who knows if my back and nerves will go on the attack, making every thought a chore. Even more likely, as the resident alpha female the dogs will come to me, in need of something just as my fingers hit warp speed. If I want to get my characters where they need and want to go today, I’d better ‘do it now’.

People think I have a daily routine, but it’s really more like a simple mantra: ‘do it now’.

Meaning I think like an alpha female – as a paranormal romance author creating alpha female, kick-butt heroines.  So to ‘do it now’: I write first, as much as I can, hopefully when it’s quiet, though I’ve taught myself to write even when it’s not – it just takes a little longer. (By the way, many thanks to the classical music and opera my daughter loaded onto my iPod that keeps me in the zone).

I write when my creative juices are at a high, then I edit and deal with my promotion as that high winds down. I’ve tried it both ways, making all kinds of excuses and missing personal deadlines in the process – which only caused more stress as I rushed to make the professional deadlines.

What works for me as an alpha female paranormal romance author may not work for you, but that’s no reason not to find your own answers. Life is stressful enough – and frequently offers enough shock and surprise – that success means leveraging time to reach the goal!

Live the adventure!

The month is only half-gone…which means plenty of time to register for the three book giveaway at Paranormal Romance Guild!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: