Absolute Gratitude Blog Tour de Troops

This is a special post, on a special day, in honor of a very special occasion: MEMORIAL DAY! Welcome to the Blog Tour de Troops! Home base is the Indie Book Collective The blog stop before mine is George Sirois and the blog stop after mine is Brandy Hunt, but stay tuned here for a minute to win your free copy of Veil of Justice.

As a paranormal romance author who’s primary mission is to entertain, it’s a pleasure to be able to participate with this fantastic blog hop event. Blog Tour de Troops means readers can gather up all kinds of free books, but more importantly, they can share those books with our troops whose primary mission is to protect.

This event is just a small way to say thanks for all the years of training, sacrifice and dedication the men and women in service give to our country.  Most of us don’t get a chance to say a public thank you, to show our absolute gratitude for the safety and freedoms protected by their efforts.

Here on my blog I usually focus on the books and the greyhounds but today I’m thrilled to show my absolute gratitude for our TROOPS!

Being married (20 years and counting) to a soldier brings Memorial Day home on a whole new level for me.  I try to remember what matters most, not just on this special weekend, but in the little actions of every day, in my home and in my community.

It fills me with absolute gratitude to see others honor my husband and men and women like him with gestures big and small. He’s been out to lunch in uniform and had folks come up, offer thanks, and pick up his check. He’s been cheered on airplanes and thanked in airports while traveling in uniform.

Those small gestures mean the world to me as his wife and I know they touch his heart too, reinforcing his dedication to the cause of our nation.

Immediately after my husband returned from a tour in Iraq, we’d planned a family vacation in Disney World to celebrate. At our first dinner the waitress asked where we were from, what we were celebrating, and we told her. She thanked him right then and there for his service. I teared up.

Later, when she brought dessert, she had a special treat as a personal thanks from the chef. Setting the amazing creation in front of my husband, she called for the attention of everyone in the restaurant. I’ll never forget it:

“Ladies and gentlemen! This is my friend Mark,she began, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “He just returned from Iraq. Please help me thank him and welcome him home!”

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched my husband react to the outpouring of absolute gratitude. He was overwhelmed, in a good way. And a little stunned.

Because the other diners didn’t just clap politely, they didn’t merely smile and return to the fabulous food and private conversations. They stood up and gave him a rousing ovation. Many of them even came over to shake his hand and thank him personally. Talk about a magical moment. His face was alight with pride. It’s a moment I can point to; the moment he realized he was home.

My husband is just one reason soldiers show up in so many of my books. And Veil of Justice, the giveaway for the Blog Tour de Troops, features one of my favorite characters, Nathan, who nearly lost it all on a mission to save his fellow soldiers in 2096.

The IndieBookCollective planned and organized this Blog Tour de Force, and I’m absolutely grateful to be included!

I’d like to add special thanks to the Paranormal Romance Guild and to Julie of A Tale of Many Reviews Both sites stepped up to support me as review sponsors for Veil of Justice. You can read the PRG’s review here (just scroll down the page) and A Tale of Many Reviews is presenting a fun video interview.

Live the adventure!

Be sure to leave a comment here for your free copy of Veil of Justice and to send one to the troops!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has 268 Comments

  1. Curse you, Regan! It only took to the second stop on this tour to get me teary-eyed today. I was hoping it would last a little longer… heh. Thanks for participating and thank your husband for all of us.

    I live near the major Naval bases in Norfolk, VA and I often thank our soldiers that I run into on a day-to-day basis.

    -Jeremy Rodden

    1. Regan

      Jeremy, well that seems only fair, since I still got teary-eyed when I wrote it. LOL I will pass on your thanks to my husband, and meeting people like you day to day remind them what it’s all about when the job is a challenge.

  2. This is such a wonderful cause and I’m so glad I can play a small part in it. Thank you so much!

    1. Regan

      I feel the same way, Leanne! Thanks for participating!

  3. Denise

    Your book sounds like something both my husband and I would enjoy.

    fdhelp AT gmail DOT com

    1. Regan

      Thanks, Denise!

  4. krissie

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to read your book and for supporting our troops! pringpringles@yahoo.com

    1. Regan

      Hope you enjoy the book, Krissie

  5. Donna Dowd

    Regan, Thank you for participating in this great event this weekend. A BIG thank you to your husband for serving our great country. A BIG thank you to you and your family for enduring the sacrifice that, not only affects your husband, but affects you and your family. My son is currently serving in the US Navy and I know the sacrifices first hand, so does his wife! THANK YOU! May you have continued success in your writing career!


    1. Regan

      Donna, thanks for your kind words and understanding. It’s tough as a military wife, but as my son grows (he’s 15) I have to send my admiration to military moms. Families really do sacrifice too.

  6. I’m happy to see so many people of letters, so to say, participating in such an event. I’m glad I’m part of it and it means support, new friends and enjoying more awsome books and authors.

    my e-mail: forestlove at abv dot bg

    Best of luck!

    1. Regan

      “People of letters” =) I like that! Haven’t heard that phrase in awhile, but it’s a good one. Thanks Mariya.

  7. This blog tour is a great idea. Being the daughter, grand-daughter, sister, and wife to militray veterans, I would personally like to thank you and all the other authors who are participating in this blog Tour for our troops and to say a special thanks to all those men and woman who have served out country so faithfully to ensure our freedom.

    1. Regan

      You’re welcome, Rechelle and thanks go to you as well! This has been such a great event for authors to give back. I’m glad to be a part of it!

  8. Sweet about how your husband is greeted. My husband is a disabled vet from a different war (VietNam), I didn’t know him at the time. He has told me of being spat upon when others found out he had been there.
    I’m glad the public has a different response now.
    Thanks for your eBook and for supporting the troops.

    1. Regan

      Betty, I’m grateful too, for the kinder public response now. My best to you and your husband!

  9. Forgot to leave my email addy!
    Bmcbroom AT gmail.com

  10. James R

    This blog tour de troops is a great idea.

    James R

    1. Regan

      Thanks for stopping by James! Hope you enjoy all the great books on the tour this weekend.

  11. Shannon J

    What a great way to give back! Thank you to all the troops that are apart from their families so we can be with ours!! God Bless and bring them home!! 🙂

    1. Regan

      Thanks Shannon!

  12. SHARON


    1. SHARON


      EMAIL ADDRESS=s.males@hotmail.com

      1. Regan

        It’s a real honor to participate in this event! Plus, I’m having a great time!

  13. Sara

    Wow, great story about your husband.

    Can’t wait to read your story.

    Thanks for participating in the blog tour.


    saragillispie (at) ymail (dot) com

    1. Regan

      Still makes me teary-eyed when I think about his face at that moment. And at my daughter’s graduation yesterday, he wore his uniform and several people came over to shake his hand too. Hope you enjoy the book, Sara.

  14. Thank you for participating in this wonderful event.


    1. Regan

      Robyn, it’s been an honor (and a lot of fun)!

  15. Stephanie

    Thank you sharing your Disney Dinner story with us. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a person able to read that and not have some tears fall. A big THANK YOU to all the Troops! Without them and what they do . . we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!


    1. Regan

      Thanks for being here, Stephanie!

  16. Beautiful story, Regan. I hope you will give him more thank-yous from all of us commenting here this weekend. Thank you so much for being a part of this tour.


    1. Regan

      Thanks, Kelli! I’ve definitely been sharing the comments with him today. It’s wonderful to be a part of this. Many thanks to the Indie Book Collective for all the effort to make it happen!

  17. Mary

    Another day, another time you brought me to tears! I thank Mark, and YOU (and the kids and pups…and kitties and birds) for your service. Of course, I thank you for your writing, devotion to greyhounds…etc…

    Happy Memorial Day to you – many prayers of thanks to all who serve.

    1. Regan

      Always happy to ‘help’, Mary. LOL *sniffle*

  18. sue brandes

    Brought me to tears just reading your post. Thanks for your husband’s service to our country. And thanks to everyone else in the service.

  19. hi Regan! thanks for your support of the troops and for being gracious. i don’t know any soldier so please send a copy of your book to anyone you choose for me. thanks again!


  20. Wow, I can’t say anything except for thanks for doing this tour and THANK YOU to our troops. I think so many of us take freedom for granted because our brave men and women are out there serving us and others as well.


  21. Sue Leonhardt

    Hi Regan:

    My name is Sue and I live in Toronto, and am a member of Goodreads.com, and am a avid reader. I love reading mystery and suspense novels.I participated in last years forum, and this is for a great cause. God bless all the troops and their dedicated service.
    I would love to read your novel “Veil of Justice”, and would be interested in the Kindle version.

    Thank you so much

    Sue in Toronto

    1. Regan

      Sue, it’s a pleasure to ‘meet’ you. Thanks for participating with the tour and I hope you’ll enjoy Veil of Justice.

  22. Anita

    Thank you so much for supporting our troops. It means so much to them and their families. I can’t wait to dive into your book. God Bless


    1. Regan

      Thanks, Anita. 🙂

  23. loves to dive

    Regan – big hugs and thanks to your hubby for his service. I already own the book so please give my copy to someone in the Marines.

    1. Regan

      You got it! =)

  24. Jennifer McDonald

    brought a tear to my eye reading your blog today. Can’t wait to read your book and I hope someone in our military enjoys the book also.

    1. Regan

      Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer and I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice.

  25. What a wonderful story about your family in Disney World! Thanks to you and your husband for the sacrifices each of you make for us!


    1. Regan

      Glad you enjoyed the post, Saph.

  26. Pam Lash

    Hi Regan – thank you so much for participating in this wonderful event for the troops and authors. I look forward to reading your book.
    pam_lash at yahoo dot com

    1. Regan

      Pam, it’s been an absolute pleasure to be a part of this event. I hope you’ll enjoy Veil of Justice.

  27. Thank you for supporting our troops!! I think this is an awesome event! It gets new genres into the hands of book lovers and the troops get free reading material!! Thanks again!

    scrugglenamp AT aol DOT com

  28. Loved your post! can’t wait to read Veil of Justice!


  29. Siobhan Muir

    I’m so happy to hear the public looks at our veterans with such kindness and respect. Their sacrifices are great and so are their actions on behalf of so many they don’t personally know. Thank you for offering a free book to them (and to me, too).


  30. Aw! Your story is making me tear up too! I am so happy when strangers show such gratitude and respect for the soldiers. Most of my family is in the military, and I feel like any soldier, sailor, or Marine, who is honored is one of my family. Thank you for your touching story, and for supporting the troops! And thank you to your husband for his service.


  31. Thank you so much for supporting our troops by participating in this blog tour. Your story about your husband made me tear up. That’s how it should be when a soldier returns home. Hope you both have a wonderful holiday weekend.


  32. Judy Cox

    Your post was great. I teared up also. Definitely thank your husband for me and my family also.

    Your book looks very good!!! Thanks for being a part of this tour!!!


  33. A huge thank you to your husband for his service but also to you, I couldn’t do what you do! Thank you for participating in this tour!

    buriednwords AT gmail DOT com

  34. Elena Gray

    Regan, I got chills reading your story! My husband and I always stop and say thank you when we see one of our soldiers. We’ve also taught our boys to show respect to the amazing men and women in uniform who sacrifice so much for us! Thank you so much for participating in this tour!


  35. On this Memorial Day Weekend, I think of my family members who have served this country well. Am glad we can help support them even in the smallest of ways, they will appreciate the books.

  36. Hwest13

    Thanks for doing this! Wallywestring at gmail dot com

  37. Thank you so much for participating in this program! I think it’s a great thing you’re doing!



    1. Regan

      It’s really been a pleasure to participate in this event and to give back just a little. The support from so many readers is wonderfully overwhelming! Thanks everyone! =)

  38. Thank you for your post and your husband for his service. I am amazed at the support and generosity of the authors supporting this event! Thank you


  39. Regan,
    Give your husband many many many many thanks from all of us who hopped on your blog today! Just last weekend I was at Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta, standing next to the USO stand waiting for a friend to arrive. I don’t know how I ended up there but I felt so honored to be there when the soldiers in uniform came up the escalator. It was a small crowd but we clapped and cheered as loudly as possible for each and every one of the men and women who stepped off the escalator. The smiles and appreciation on their faces brought tears to my eyes. I may not be able to do much, but if leaving a simple comment on a blog gets one soldier something they want (like a book)…I’d do it every day!
    Thanks so much for doing this!

  40. Deena Morein

    Thanks so much for being involved with this plan to thank our troops…sounds like a great book to me!!!

  41. Regan, I would love a copy of your book. Your story about your husband and the warmth and gratitude he received is wonderful. Thank you for sharing that. Thank you also for being the loving wife of a military member. I used to be married to a Marine. I understand how tough it is to keep going when your spouse is gone for half a year or more.

    My email address is: ann@anncharles.com

    Thank you,
    Ann Charles

    1. Regan

      It’s not easy, is it, Ann? But I’m so grateful to him and the rest of our veterans who serve our country in so many ways. I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice!

  42. As a disabled vet, I would like to thank you for providing books for the men and women of the armed forces. A good book comes in handy on those lonely nights.

    john [@] johnpoindexter [dot] com

    1. Regan

      I’m happy to help, even in this small way. I’m glad to hear the books help, John! Thanks from all of us for your sacrifice.

  43. Thank you to your husband for his work and to you for sharing yours.
    Your post brought tears to my eyes.

  44. Dan Panza

    I served 26+ years active, spent a lot of time from home and family. Don’t forget the families as well as the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen. The family’s ground us while we are away. Thank you families for keeping the home fires burning.

    1. Regan

      Dan, thanks so much for your years of service. And for affirming the families eagerly waiting for the safe return of those serving. Enjoy the rest of the Memorial Day blog tour!

  45. Katie Dockery

    I am a military brat that married into another military family. I have and will always support our troops! Thank you for giving me another way to help them! I think this is the coolest thing! I look forward to reading your book.


  46. JoAnna B

    That was a wonderful story. Many thanks to your husband and all the troops who protect our freedom.

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  47. Thank you for sharing details of that marvelous incident in the restaurant with people expressing graditude for your husband’s service to our country.
    Also, thank you for honoring the troops today.
    I look forward to reading your book about soldiers in 2096.
    gbaugniet at aol dot com

  48. meg

    This is such a great idea! whoever came up with it is genius. i love any opportunity to give back to the troops.

    1. Regan

      I agree, Meg!

  49. What a wonderful story! Good luck with your blog tour. Best,
    stacy at stacyjuba.com

    1. Regan

      Thanks, Stacy. It was a memorable moment! <3

  50. thank you for the introduction to yourself, your story, and your blog in this post! grateful for your linking up and helping out the troops too! frellerox at gmail.com is my email address, and please choose a troop member on my behalf 🙂

    1. Regan

      This sure is a great event! We’ll be sure to get a copy over to a troop from you! =)

  51. Barb j

    I Was an Army brat and I appreciate you donating your book!

    1. Regan

      My pleasure, Barb!

  52. wanda snow porter

    Hi, Regan. Look forward to reading your book.

    1. Regan

      Thanks for stopping by, Wanda. Hope you enjoy Veil of Justice, Wanda

  53. Bonnie PIetruch

    Thank you for participating in this event to support our troops. I look forward to reading your book.


    1. Regan

      Hope you enjoy it, Bonnie!

  54. I loved your post… how wonderful that your husband has had the opportunity to receive the thanks of those around him for his service. 🙂

    reikibirth at gmail dot com

    1. Regan

      It was a great moment!

  55. Regina Shiderly

    Hi Regan,

    your book sounds awesome, I am glad to have the opportunity to get one and read it! I love the work you all are doing here gifting books to troops!


    1. Regan

      This has been such a great effort with so many authors. Hope you enjoy Veil of Justice.

  56. Denise Z

    Thank you so much for participating in the blog Tour de Troops and your overwhelming generosity. I also thank you for allowing me to participate by proxy with your giving to them. This tour has been a bit of an emotional roller-coaster as while we are aware everyday (hopefully) of what is going on and how much we owe those who are our champions of freedom, we do not really stop and ponder what this all really means to our daily life!

    You are wonderful to share this with us readers!


    1. Regan

      Well said, Denise. Thanks for stopping by and supporting the authors and most importantly the troops!

  57. I’m so proud that everyone in the writing community is pulling together for this. I come from a military family so I understand how important it is to let them know that we appreciate all they are doing for us. God bless our troops!

    1. Regan

      Me too, Wenona! It’s awesome!

    1. Regan

      You’re welcome, Sarah Bella, it’s been a fantastic experience!

  58. Amanda

    Thank you sooo much for supporting our troops! Thanks to your husband for his service! Thank YOU for your support and understanding of him!!! I think that just as our men and women in the military deserve huge appreciation for all that they do, I also think that their families deserve it as well!! I can’t imagine being a military wife because I have a hard enough time watching friends and other members of my family as they leave to fulfill their duties. Right now my best friend (besides my husband of course) is in Iraq. I told him about this blog tour and he was touched! He doesn’t like to read but he knows that many many soldiers will be very appreciative!

    Thanks again!!


    1. Regan

      Wow, thanks for your support, Amanda. As an author and on behalf of my family, we all appreciate it. Hugs!

  59. Carole

    Thank you for your offer and for supporting our troops! I look forward to reading your book on my kindle.

    carolewooten at sbcglobal dot net

    1. Regan

      I’m glad you stopped by, Carole. This has been an amazing day. (and I love my kindle too!)

    1. Regan

      You’re welcome, Jaylie. The Indie Book Collective really knows how to do these things right! I’m so pleased to participate.

  60. Patti

    Thank you for the free books but even more thank you for giving to those that give so much up for us often without a thank you. On behalf of my family I would like to send out a heart felt THANK YOU to those that serve and their families!!

    1. Regan

      Thanks for being a part of it, Patti! I hope you enjoy all the great books available in this Blog Tour de Troops.

  61. I loved your story about the Disney trip – it’s heartening to hear that everyone was appreciative.

    1. Regan

      Thanks, Rachel. It was so unexpected and so wonderful. I’ll never forget his face. =)

  62. Brad Taylor

    Regan – Thanks for participating in this wonderful event and sharing that wonderful story of you husbands homecoming! Homecomings are the best feeling in the world being able to reconnect with your family. I’ve been in just shy of 22 years and am finishing up my 7th deployment right now, time can move fast enough now! Thanks again for all your support!

    1. Regan

      Brad, thank you so much for your dedication and commitment! God bless!

  63. Thanks to your husband and all the rest of our troops. My husband is a former Marine.

    thanks for supporting our troops by being a participant of this blog tour.

    earthsbooknook at gmail dot com

    1. Regan

      This blog tour has been an amazing experience. Thanks to you and your husband!

  64. Andrea Thompson

    What an amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing & thank you to your husband for his service.

  65. Joe Nowlan

    From one author to another — it’s great to see people stepping up here (and elsewhere) this Memorial Day weekend.

    1. Regan

      Thanks, Joe. I agree wholeheartedly about people stepping up. It’s great!

  66. Jo Ann Weiler

    I have pictures of family that have served in every war since the revolutionary war and I still have family serving. I think it is fantastic what you all are doing! Thank You!

    1. Regan

      You’re welcome, Jo Ann. It’s nice to find a way to give back.

  67. Brad Taylor

    Regan – thanks for the heart felt story. Being a Sailor I can tell you we appreciate this very much. I’m just shy of 22 years myself and am finishing up my 7th deployment now. There is definitely nothing like a homecoming to reconnect with family! It can’t get here soon enough!

  68. stephanie

    Thanks for supporting our troops! Freedom is not free. Thanks for the free book.

    1. Regan

      You’re certainly welcome, Stephanie! I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice!

  69. shayne

    I love this idea! As a veteran I know what these books could mean to a soldier looking for a moment of peace. milldirt@msn.com

    1. Regan

      It feels great to give back. I know my husband appreciated the movies, tv shows and books when he had a few minutes of downtime. Thanks for participating, Shayne.

  70. What a wonderful story. Special thanks to your husband for his service! This blog hop has been a lot of fun! I love to read, but I don’t always venture out of my reading comfort zone. This will be an interesting summer.
    rachelcccr at gmail.com

  71. Helen Benoit

    Supporting two of my favorite causes at one time is a no brainer! 5*’s to e-publishing and a bazillion *’s to our troops. Thanks.

    1. Regan

      Hooray! Thanks, Helen! I hope you’ll enjoy all the books on the tour, especially knowing the troops benefited too! 😉

  72. Renee Rearden

    What an amazing story to remind us all how much soldiers and their families sacrifice by serving and protecting our country. Thank you all!

    I don’t know a solier currently serving. If you’d donate a book to a soldier or troop of your choice, I’d be grateful!


    1. Regan

      Renee, I’ll be happy to see the book gets to the troops. Thanks for participating and happy reading to you!

  73. Thank you so much for participating in the tour!

    1. Regan

      You’re welcome, Jess. It’s been such a great experience for a wonderful cause!

  74. Lisa B

    I am so thrilled someone stepped up and gave your husband his due. As a fellow vet of the first gulf war i say thanks to him too. Darn it you made me cry a little. It’s good to know people realize what people in the armed forces do and are thankful.

    Lisa B
    modokker at yahoo dot com

    1. Regan

      It was a really affirming moment, Lisa. Sorry I made you cry a bit. Thanks very much for your service during the first gulf war. Take care and I hope you’ve been enjoying the blog tour.

  75. Erik

    Thank you so much for doing this for our military!! I spent 20 years in the Air Force and I know for sure they will appreciate it!!


    balitiger at yahoo dot com

    1. Regan

      I sure hope so, Erik! It seems like a small thing, but I know those small things matter. And thank you for your service as well!

    1. Regan

      Two things that matter a great deal to me, Megan. Hope you’ve enjoyed the blog tour!

  76. Melissa

    What an absoultly beautiful story!! I cried. And I do try to thank the service men and women I meet in my town. I live in Las Vegas, with Nellis just North of town. Lots of soliders coming through on deployment or coming back from deployment, I choke up when I think of the scafices they make for us.



    1. Regan

      Melissa, your thank-you efforts matter. The troops do give so much, and often in ways that go unnoticed. And it was an absolutely beautiful moment I treasure (I still get teary-eyed thinking about it). Enjoy the rest of the Blog Tour de Troops!

  77. I love your story about your husband’s reception at Disney World, and I love your greyhound story. Years ago, I had three adopted greyhounds. We lost one to bone cancer, one to liver disease, and one to old age that had him suffering. Our circumstances aren’t conducive to having anymore right now; I absolutely love them. Thank you for taking part in this blog tour. My email is talesfromshrimps@hotmail.com

    1. Regan

      I’m so glad you read both stories, Michele. Boo meeting her soldier Daddy was incredible. Greyhounds are amazing, unforgettable dogs. We lost our first greyhound to bone cancer and the two greyhounds who died while my husband was training for that deployment were lost to liver disease. But even with all the grief, I wouldn’t trade a day that we shared. Enjoy the rest of the blog tour!

  78. Angi Gray

    The tale about your husband just brings home what Memorial Day is really all about. Thanks for being a part of giving back!


    1. Regan

      It’s been a real pleasure and a fun event to give back this way! Thanks for stopping by, Angi and I hope you enjoy the rest of the blog hop!

  79. Thank you participating in the event and for sharing your story with us. It’s truly touching that they acknowledged your husband like that for the service he’s given. I wish you and your family the very best always.


    1. Regan

      LizzieBeth, it was an awesome moment. And as the tour’s continued, it’s been fun reliving it as a family this afternoon, hearing what stood out to each of us. Thanks so much for participating today!

  80. Sandra Gilbert

    How wonderful that your husband was thanked so enthusiastically. Most Americans are so proud of our troops.

    I can’t wait to read your book and help share it with a troop.

    dreamsgate at clearwire dot net

    1. Regan

      Thanks, Sandra. I agree with you about the American pride in our troops and I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice (and the rest of the blog hop).

  81. My humble thanks to your husband and your family for the sacrifices you make every day. My daughter’s boyfriend is in the Army and about to deploy for the second time in as many years. I know what homecomings mean.

    I would like the troop copy of your book to go to him. His name is Private Zach Schaneberger and his email is zach.schaneberger@gmail.com.

    I really appreciate you doing this. Your story about your husband’s ovation made me tear up. I’m glad people did that for you. I wish every soldier could have a welcome home like that.

    My email address for my copy of your book is rivawriter@yahoo.com.

    Thank you again. – Tracy

    1. Regan

      I’d be honored to send Veil of Justice to Zach. I’ll take care of it right away. I hope you both enjoy the book. Thanks so much for stopping by (even though I made you teary-eyed) It certainly would be wonderful, and appropriate, for every soldier to have that kind of moment, to feel that outpouring of appreciation.

  82. Thank you so much for sharing that post with us and for taking part in this wonderful event!

    JaidisShaw at yahoo dot com

    1. Regan

      It’s been a real pleasure to participate in this event. Thanks so much for visiting, Jaidis. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the Blog Tour de Troops!

  83. Your husband and all the other men and women who have served our country are to be commended. My dad, husband, father-in-law, and all three of my brothers-in-law have served in the military. Thank you so much for doing this blog tour and reminding us all of who is protecting our country.


    1. Regan

      Happy to help, Lauralynn. And thanks goes to you and your family as well for serving our country. Enjoy the rest of the blog tour!

  84. Stephanie Pardee

    Thank you Regan for the free ebook and supporting our troops. And thank you Mark for serving our country and protecting my freedom! God bless you both and God Bless America!


    mr.boardgame AT yahoo dot com

    1. Regan

      Stephanie, you’re so very welcome on all counts. I hope you enjoy the rest of the books and authors on the tour!

  85. Rebecca Poindexter

    Thank you for supporting the troops.
    rebeccapoindexter @gmail.com

    1. Regan

      Thanks for stopping by, Rebecca. It’s been an honor as well as a lot of fun to be able to give back!

  86. kym

    thanks so much for doing this …Id like to thank ALL the troops and their families !


    1. Regan

      Thank you for participating, Kym, and helping us share ebooks with the troops. I hope you’ll enjoy the entire Blog Tour de Troops!

  87. Thank you for the support of our troops a wonderful job.

    Bhitwr at gmail dot com

    1. Regan

      You’re welcome, Babs. This has been a fun and lively way to give back.

  88. Marie

    I adore the idea, and am so happy with the support for our troops! Thank you so much! Marie, email: Snlmangofreak@yahoo.com

    1. Regan

      Thanks for participating, Marie! I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of this fantastic event.

  89. Alan

    Looking forward to reading your book. Thanks for supporting all the troops.



    1. Regan

      Thank you too, Alan, for supporting the troops and the authors on the tour. I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice.

  90. Mara

    Thanks so much for your support of our troops! It is so appreciated!

    1. Regan

      I’m glad, Mara. The participation this weekend has been phenomenal! Have fun with the rest of the tour!

  91. This was a great post 🙂 Thanks for being part of this event and I can’t wait to read Veil of Justice! God Bless…

  92. It would help if I left my email LOL


    1. Regan

      This has been such a great experience! The Indie Book Collective knows how to organize these things and I’m thrilled to see so many people making each stop on the blog hop! The troops will be thrilled! =)

  93. Tammie Barker

    Regan please thank you husband for me too.. And thank you for particpating in this great event.

    mrsthanosthemad AT gmail DOT com

    1. Regan

      Tammie, you can be sure I passed on your thanks to my husband. (this event really made his weekend) 😉 I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice.

  94. Rachel

    Thank your very much for participating. I am looking forward to reading your book.


    1. Regan

      I hope you’ll enjoy it, Rachel, as well as the others on the Blog Tour de Troops! We appreciate your making the blog hop a success!

  95. Smohr

    Thank you so much, Regan. This really means a lot to all of us!

    1. Regan

      I’m so glad to hear that! It means the world to me too. Happy reading!

  96. Smohr

    Thank you so much, Regan! This really means a lot for us. What a great way to give back to our troops!


    P.S. I love your story about the waitress at Disney World. How remarkable!! 🙂

  97. MissyKay

    Thank you for being part of this event. And please pass my thanks onto your husband for his service. My dad was in the Navy for 12 years, so I know how important the bond between a soldier and their family is. This tour has been such an honor to participate in.

    missyebookmail at mediacombb dot net

    1. Regan

      Speaking for all of the authors on the tour, we’re glad you came out to support the Blog Tour de Troops. I hope you’ll enjoy all the books, Missy Kay and I thank you for your dad’s service too.

  98. Your husband’s service is greatly appreciated. Thank you for being part of this four day event.

    todd at orting dot com

    1. Regan

      I’ve had such a great time with this event, Todd, meeting readers and sharing the book. Enjoy the rest of the blog tour!

    1. Regan

      My pleasure, Mary Ellen! Thanks for participating and making this such a great event.

  99. Hi and thank you so much for participating in this program. What a great way for all of us to help the troops.

    Dale (bdmayer2002@gmail.com)

    1. Regan

      I agree, Dale. Thanks for being here!

  100. Thanks for participating in the tour and for the book.

    kolists a\t gmail dt com

    1. Regan

      Karen, thanks for stopping by and making this an unforgettable charity event!

  101. Christy Gibbon

    Thank you for doing your part in supporting our troops by giving them a little time in a world far away from the one they are in.
    christygibbon at juno dot com

    1. Regan

      It’s such a cool way to help, Christy. I hope you and the troops enjoy Veil of Justice!

  102. Thank you for taking part on this giveaway. I’m finding out about so many great new authors! All giddy. 🙂


    1. Regan

      This is great for readers and authors – and the troops too! A win for everyone, Katja. Thanks for being a part of it and I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice.

  103. Randie

    Thanks for doing this great event and thank your husband for his service!

    1. Regan

      Will do, Randie!

  104. Susan R

    What a beautiful story!! Thanks for participating in this great giveaway fro the troops!!

    susanmik AT gmail DOT com

    1. Regan

      It’s been an honor and a pleasure to be a part of Blog Tour de Troops. Thanks for joining in, Susan!

  105. Amanda

    Thanks for participating in this! It’s such a wonderful thing. The story of your husband in DisneyWorld was incredibly moving.

    mandaj07 at gmail dot com

    1. Regan

      I’m glad to share that story, Amanda. It was such a memorable moment for all of us, and one that reminds me to share my own gratitude with others. So thanks for being here and helping out with Blog Tour de Troops!

  106. Pinky


    Thank you for participating in the “Blog Tour de Troops”. I do not have immediate family in the service right now, but my grandfather fought in WWII and my uncles fought in the Vietnam War. I greatly appreciate what you and the other authors are doing for our men and women in service.

    Thank you to the men and women in service for the sacrifices that you, and your families, make each and every day. Thank you for keeping America safe and the things we take for granted each day because of what you do.

    Go USA,

    1. Regan

      Beautifully said, Pinky. Thanks for supporting our Blog Tour de Troops!

  107. I think it’s great what all you authors are doing. My hubby and Dad are Marine Corps Veterans. Thanks so much!

    1. Regan

      Thanks for visiting, Kat! Tell your hubby and Dad thanks too! Enjoy the rest of the blog hop!

  108. Thank you for your very generous giveaway! It was interesting to read your personal connection.
    cheryl (at) cherylrainifeld (dot) com

    1. Regan

      Thanks for stopping by, Cheryl. I hope you enjoy the rest of the Blog Tour de Troops!

  109. Wulfie

    This is an awesome way to help our troops. My husband is a vet and my father and FIL were vets. Thanks!

    wulfshado (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Regan

      Please share our thanks to your servicemen too! I’ve loved being a part of this and I hope you’ve gathered up some great books.

    1. Regan

      My pleasure, Theresa! Thanks for being here to make it such a success!

  110. Celia

    Thank you for your support and for participating in this event. Marrying a soldier most definitely gives one a new appreciation of freedom and service.

    lucetlady at gmail dot com

    1. Regan

      Boy, that’s the truth, Celia! Thanks for participating and enjoy the rest of the blog hop!

  111. Margay

    I thank god for people like your husband every day. My dad served in Korea, so I kind of have an idea what it’s like, even though I was born after the fact. He used to tell me some stories that were just heartbreaking and horrific. Thank god for our troops!

    1. Regan

      Thanks, Margay. I know some stories are just the tip of the ice berg of things they’ve seen and it’s wonderful to be able to give back and say thanks to the troops even just a little bit.

  112. Laura

    I’m so grateful to all our troops and thanks to the participating authors, too. I’m looking forward to reading your book. Thanks! ljszab at yahoo dot com

    1. Regan

      Me too, Laura! The Indie Book Collective went all out for this event and it shows. I sure hope you enjoy Veil of Justice and the rest of the blog tour.

  113. Thanks for showing support for our troops! I love being able to help get e-books into their hands by doing this. jeffreybeesler at gmail dot com

    1. Regan

      It’s been an awesome event, Jeffrey. The rumor is over 2000 books for the troops…so far! Thanks for stopping by and helping out!

  114. Melora Brock

    Thank you for taking part in this tour, I know that the troops will appreciate your donations.

    Your story about the standing ovation made me well up! It is wonderful to see such responses to the soldiers.

    I am also excited to read your novel, I’m a big sucker for paranormal romance.

    melora brock a t gmail d o t com

    1. Regan

      It was a beautiful, unexpected moment, Melora and one we’ll never forget. I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice as well as the other great books on the tour!

  115. Karen in Breezy Point

    Thanks for participating in this wonderful event!
    Karen in Breezy Point
    kmartin at uslink dot net

    1. Regan

      My pleasure, Karen. Happy reading!

  116. Marce Hall

    Looking forward to reading your book. Thanks for participating and thank you hero soldiers and sailors for serving.
    marce_hall at yahoo dot com

  117. Thank you so much for participating in this blog tour and I give thanks to your husband as well.He had a great homecoming. Can’t wait to read your book.

    1. Regan

      Thanks, Scarlet! I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice and the rest of the books on this amazing Blog Tour de Troops!

  118. Brooke

    I love your story about the waitress, That’s incredible! Thank you for the book!!!

    1. Regan

      You’re welcome, Brooke!

  119. nwilson

    Thank you for participating in this tour which brings a little light to the lives of our troops.

    nwilson at sportsfive dot net

    1. Regan

      This event has been delightful. Indie Book Collective has done such a fine job with organizing everything and it’s great to know we can share our books with the troops, thanks to so many participants along the way!

  120. Bella

    Thanks for supporting the troops and I look forward to reading your book!


    1. Regan

      You’re welcome, Bella and I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice!

  121. Leslie

    Wow 20 years, that is great. My hubby and I have just celebrated 30 years.
    Those were hard enough without the strain of being a soldier and away from home.
    I admire all of our men and women that serve in the armed forces.
    lesliebandura at verizon dot net

    1. Regan

      Congrats on 30 years, Leslie! <3 Enjoy the rest of the Blog Tour de Troops!

  122. Ania

    What an amazing story! I wish all of our troops could be welcomed home so enthusiastically.

    FatesTwists AT yahoo DOT com

    1. Regan

      Wouldn’t it be nice if a warm welcome like that was a requirement, Ania? Thanks for being a part of Blog Tour de Troops!

  123. Anna

    Your story touched my heart – and Disney World must be *the* post deployment trip because that’s exactly what we did after both of my dh’s deployments lol. A huge thanks to your husband and to you, from one military family to another 🙂
    annamills2001 at yahoo dot com

    1. Regan

      And thanks back to you and yours, Anna! I think WDW is a fantastic post deployment ‘exercise’…a way to ease back into the world without all the day to day pressures at once. =)

  124. Amber May

    Hi Regan!! I think you and your work is wonderful. I have read Veil of Justice so is there any way you can donate my copy to another member of our troops? I really appreciate all that you and all the other authors are doing! Again, I think you are completely awesome!!!!

    1. Regan

      Hey, Amber! Thanks for being a fan of my books and this weekend’s Blog Tour de Troops. I will definitely see that your copy of Veil of Justice goes to another member of our troops. Hope you picked up some other great reads along the way! 😉

  125. christy mitchiner

    Thanks for supporting our troops! What an awesome homecoming!

    practimom (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Regan

      It was an incredible moment, Christy! Have a great time on the rest of the blog hop and happy reading!

  126. Barb

    Would love to have a copy of Veil of Justice & please send one to our troops. Don’t have a special soldier, but appreciate all they do for us. This is such a great idea. Thank you.

    1. Regan

      The Indie Book Collective has sure done a fantastic job with this event, Barb. I’m glad to be able to participate. Enjoy Veil of Justice!

  127. Traci Simmons

    Thank you for supporting our troops. Looking forward to reading your book!

    1. Regan

      Hope you’ll enjoy it, Traci! Thanks for participating in this event.

  128. Janice Anitsakis

    thanks for giving books to troops

    1. Regan

      It’s been a real pleasure, Janice.

  129. Thanks so much!
    Hollybwright at comcast dot net

    1. Regan

      You’re certainly welcome, Holly.

  130. Candy

    Thanks what a great way to get ebook to our military

    1. Regan

      This was an ingenious idea and I’m so happy to be a part of it. Thanks for stopping by, Candy!

  131. Carrie

    Thanks for supporting our Troops!!

    1. Regan

      Thanks to you too, Carrie, for participating on the Blog Tour de Troops!

  132. Supporting the troops.

    1. Regan

      All the way, every day, Rick!

  133. Jen B.

    Thank you.

    1. Regan

      You’re very welcome, Jen. Thanks for stopping by!

  134. Gilberto

    That is such an awesome moment! It’s good to know that people really appreciate the troops.

    1. Regan

      I agree! It really warmed my heart, Gilberto.

    1. Regan

      It’s been an honor and a lot of fun this weekend. The Indie Book Collective did an amazing job with this Blog Tour de Troops!

  135. It made me tear up dang it. I’ve been married 16 years to my military man. We had at AIT when we were both students. I got out a little over 4 years later to have our first child and I’ve been supporting and cheering him on ever since.

    brw08 AT yahoo DOT com

    1. Regan

      That’s great, Brandy (the cheering on, not necessarily the teary eyes). Tell your husband thanks from us too!

  136. Please send my copy to a troop.
    Thank you sooo much doing this!

    1. Regan

      Will do, Gabriella! Thanks for being a part of this event!

  137. Sonya

    Hi Regan,

    Thank you for doing this. Looking forward to your book. It looks very interesting.


    1. Regan

      Sonya, it’s been a pleasure. I appreciate your participation and I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice along with all the other great books on the blog hop.

  138. sadie b

    thanks for participating..I can’t wait to read your book!!!


    1. Regan

      Thanks for being here, Sadie! I hope you enjoy Veil of Justice!

Comments are closed.