World Building For A Paranormal Romance Novel Blog Tour

If writing the book were all that mattered, most paranormal romance authors would find sheer joy in the process. Or at least a small measure of peace. One can hope anyway…

But writing as a career, to make a living, means letting people know a paranormal romance novel, or any other book, is available and worth the reader’s investment of time and money.

I’m often the person, either in an online class, interview, or writer’s conference reminding others that we all have unique talents and skills. From writing non-fiction to paranormal romance novels, from organization to finance, from art to counsel, everyone has individual strengths and skills.

When I play to my strengths, crafting novels like Tracking Shadows, I don’t worry overmuch about what I know is required upon publication. (I only impair my progress when I get too far ahead of myself). Of course I knew promo would be necessary, but I also knew there was time to develop it once there was a novel to promote.

For me, with Tracking Shadows, it has boiled down to world building for a paranormal romance novel book tour.

Who did I want to work with? How could I get the news out to paranormal romance and urban fantasy readers? Most importantly, how did I want to connect with bloggers, reviewers and readers?

Fortunately, I found The Bookish Snob Promotions. This is a woman with the superb organizational and promo skills that I needed to build a great blog tour and let readers know about Tracking Shadows. She has a time frame, a system, and connections with bloggers that make it all work.

After reviewing the comprehensive promo packages, I made a decision and put myself and my new novel in her hands and WOW- I’m so glad I did.

When she emailed me with the line up (something that came together much faster than I’d anticipated) I was floored by the response.

She’s done the blog tour world building and my paranormal romance novel and I am  going to have an awesome time gallivanting around the Internet, meeting readers and giving away prizes.

Readers, prepare for a great ride and it all starts on June 10th!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more:

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