Looking at the production schedule I’ve planned for this year (and the paranormal romance novels on the agenda) it seems the perfect time to post about my friend, the alphie. (which is my admittedly uninspired name for my alphasmart NEO).
I absolutely love this tool for writing! Naturally there are the obvious reasons. It’s lightweight, easy on/off. Runs nearly FOREVER on three AA batteries. It’s durable and amazingly portable.
But mainly, I love my alphie because it’s the most effective tool for “writing forward” on any given project.
I should probably write a testimonial or even a new sales page for the Alphasmart website, but they’ve really have a nice site already. (Did I mention it’s affordable?)
It was during my first writer’s conference (Thank you Smoky Mountain Romance Writers!) that I was introduced to this simple marvel of technology. Three different authors were singing the praises of the alphie and how it kept them productive and on schedule. (there was even mention of writing while in the dentist chair! *g*)
As the marketing responsibilities increase for writers these days, it seems more imperative than ever for an unplugged way to write. Unless of course you have an iron will and can ignore the temptation of twitter and facebook.
Which leads me to ask – do you offer seminars?
Anyway, the classics of pen and paper are another good solution, but they don’t work for me because I type so much faster. When I try to write by hand, it turns into chicken scratch within a few lines because I’m trying to get everything onto the page too quickly.
Big surprise, to those of you who know me well. 😉
Some authors can write so thoughtfully and effectively with pen and paper, but I’m not one of them. I like to let the ideas pour out fast and loose and then refine them as I work layer in the details of a scene or chapter.
It’s a process that’s served me well so far and I’m thrilled to tell you the alphie keyboard is getting a real workout in January as I progress on my current projects.
Look for books two and three in the Matchmaker series of paranormal romance novels coming this spring and I have a wonderful new surprise I hope to share with you soon!
Live the adventure!
p.s. If you haven’t yet voted for the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Awards, please stop by today! Voting is open through midnight on January 20th!