My Reading Romances January Challenge Result

For the January Challenge at the Reading Romances blog, I chose to read Heist Society by Ally Carter!

This book probably wasn’t officially classified as romance, because the main plot is more of an adventure with a much bigger focus than a couple of teenagers falling in love, and yet I enjoyed the characters and the way they grew together despite the stress of the job put stress on the friendship and budding romance.

From the opening scene with Kat getting kicked out of a boarding school she conned her way into – because she was set up by the guy from her previous career as a thief, (the guy she’s crushing on) – you know you’re in for a great read.

Loved the research, the world building for this novel in all the various settings. And I loved the way the history was woven in – a part of the story without being obtrusive.

As for the primary relationship – this is a reading romances challenge – I thought it was well-crafted and appropriate.

If Kat isn’t an alpha female in training I’m not sure who would be. She’s decisive, brave and determined!

Both Kat and Hale are strong personalities and the push and pull of their friendship and the angst of caring for someone bent on putting themselves in risky situations meant turmoil and a bit of humor as they struggled through their feelings. The emotional tension was high and the stakes for each character even higher.

Without adding spoilers or giving it all away, I’ll just say that I zipped through this book. The characterization, the globe trotting setting, the money – the ART! It was a fascinating and delightful and exciting read.

Here’s a link so you can find your own copy of  Heist Society

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Remember, you can join the Reading Romances challenge any time this year. It’s designed to be fun for readers and authors alike!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: