Reading Romances 2012 June Results

Around here, spring roared into summer with some seriously climbing temperatures. As a family we had a ridiculous amount of medical things to tend to (dental visits, braces, and new evaluations for my back). And here I’d hoped June would be a calm, relaxing start to summer.

While I spent plenty of time in waiting rooms, I also picked up a new non-fiction contract and had to work in more writing than the normal waiting room reading I indulge in. So for the first time in the Reading Romances 2012 challenge- I utterly failed.

ACK! It’s a terrible feeling!

Especially since I’d really been looking forward to the fairytale theme posed this month. I didn’t get through my declared choice of  The Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey. The only stand alone book I read this month was about marketing (not even a sub plot of romance there).

I did however re-read Savor the Moment, third in the Bride Quartet series by Nora Roberts. I’m a squish for the entire series, full of the beauty and quirkiness and drama of the wedding scene. The depth of the friendships between the four female heroines and the relationships that develop with their heroes, well, it all just plucks my heartstrings!

While some of the baking scenes sent my sweet tooth to begging, it’s the lovely way Roberts’ celebrates the love and affection between girlfriends in the midst of the romantic ups and downs of a potentially unrequited love. Laurel is a tough, prickly character who is desperately (secretly) in love with her best friends’ brother, Del.

When she makes it clear she’s tired of being thought of as another sister, sparks fly, but she has to overcome the challenge of her emotional baggage and wondering if he cares or truly feels a deep and forever kind of love. Roberts hits the mark with this story, in my opinion and it’s one of my favorite romances from her.

Of course, I intend to finish The Fairy Godmother and I’ll post the update when I’m done.

And knowing the Reading Romances 2012 Challenge is a forgiving sort of event, I’ll look forward to meeting the July challenge! If you’re not already participating with this great community of readers and book bloggers, I hope you’ll jump in for the rest of the year is sure to be a blast!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more:

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nat

    You’re forgiven! I hope you have time to participate this month! We got some very easy and fun challenges for July =D

    1. Regan

      Hooray! I’m always in the mood for fun and easy. 😉

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