Female Heroines: The Bond Girls

Skyfall might just be my new favorite Bond movie. I treated myself to an afternoon showing on opening day, and while the theater wasn’t completely full, the crowd was great and we actually cheered at times. (I love that kind of thing).

My biggest problem with Skyfall is that I want to go back and watch it again. (and again) Not just for Daniel Craig, though that’s certainly a prime consideration. *swoon* It was the story, the depth of characterizations, and yes the sheer Bond-ness of it that worked for me. Maybe watching it a few more times will be enough. Nah.

Jude Dench gave another rock-solid performance as M, (it’s tough to go into detail without spoilers). She made hard choices and no apologies for past or present, but one of my favorite aspects of this film’s story line was the introduction of a new female agent.

Strong, witty, and sexy enough to be the requisite Bond girl, this female heroine was running with a different agenda. She held her own during challenges and her interactions with Bond proved she admired him, but wasn’t cowed by him.

Skyfall had the sexy damsel-in-distress Bong girl of course, but the reboot of the M office and the female heroines who assist Bond on this caper, in my opinion, celebrated the real ingenuity, determination, and courage that make female heroines memorable.

This is a movie that’s going straight to my keeper shelf and I only wish it could be there by Christmas. Oh, well, there’s always a birthday on the horizon. Or a Mother’s Day. (guess we’ll soon find out if my family reads my blog…)

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

If you’ve seen the Bond movie – what are your thoughts about the female heroines in Skyfall?

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks