A Fun Holiday Gifting Books Event

gifting books giveaway hop



Gifting Books Christmas hop was organized by Reading Romances!

It’s been terrific to connect with Nat of Reading Romances throughout this year and it’s a perfect way to wrap up 2012 – in a big bow – by gifting books to my readers!

The theme of this hop is “What was the most special book you’ve gifted or received this year?” There’s a question that’s a real challenge for me to answer since I’ve given away so many books (my own and those by other authors) on hops and to my newsletter subscribers in 2012.

The simplest answer is the Shadows of Justice collection. It is such a sense of accomplishment to have five books available in the series that is such a wonderful adventure to write.

What you can win here:  A $15 gift card to Amazon or B&N, Digital editions of all five Shadows of Justice novels, A signed paperback of Justice Incarnate.

Number of winners: 3

Open to (INT, US or US/CAN): Open Internationally

How to enter: Just use the rafflecopter form below! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a wonderful holiday season and be sure to visit the rest of the bloggers on this wonderful Gifting Books hop!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. laurie g

    I have to admit that the Tolkien books were pretty special to me and i did get them for christmas as a teen


  2. I love this Regan and I love the Giveaway! So cool!

    Syl Stein

  3. Probably the most special books I’ve ever received were a hardback copy of all three Lord of the Rings books in one volume and a leather-bound version of The Bible. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

    -Diva J.

  4. Tina M

    My Nancy Drew books. My Granddaughter has them now..

  5. Dawna Newman

    Black Beauty when I was younger.

  6. ELF

    Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern and teh Tolkien books! Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Holly Underhill

    Hello, thanks for the giveaway! Since I get a lot of books at Christmas, none really stand out to me as special.


  8. ki pha

    I love all the books I’ve received this year and I guess the one that was special is Tarnish by Karina Cooper because it introduced me to Stream Punk romance.


  9. Kamla L.

    The most special book I ever received was Happy Holidays written and illustrated by my son when he was in 2nd grade. It was a collection of short poems, stories, and pictures embellished with glitter and such. It is only 20 pages of colorful construction paper bound by red satin ribbon but so much love and thought went into it.

    Wishing everyone a wonderfully joyous holiday season!!


  10. Trix

    I was thrilled to win signed copies of Eden Winters’ DIVERSION and JP Barnaby’s entire LITTLE BOY LOST series.

  11. Eva

    The Bell Jar


  12. Probably an ARC copy of D.R. O’Brien 🙂
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Veronika

    Signed and personalized copies of Soul Screamers books by Rachel Vincent.

  14. Karina V

    I got Master and Margarita – amazing, one of my favorites!
    thanks 🙂

  15. Dovile

    a collection of H. K. Andersen’s fairy tales – I loved them as a child

  16. Cassandra Hicks

    I would have to say the best I’ve been given this year has been Tara Sivec’s Seduction & Snacks 🙂
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  17. JanD

    I received a personalized signed copy of Terry Goodkind’s Temple of the Winds.

  18. BookAttict

    My 3rd grade teacher gave me Little Women by Louisa May Alcott because I was a pretty advanced reader and bored in class…it totally rocked my world!

    Happy Holidays & thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  19. Jenny

    I’ve been given so many great books, but I really loved U2 By U2 which I got as a Christmas gift.

  20. Nancy S

    My daughter’s book was the most special I have ever gotten.

  21. I don’t remember this incident but my Mom tells me that when I went for the admission test at my junior school, they had given me a book to read aloud from – as a part of the test. Well good thing that was the last part of the test because nobody could make me stop Reading unless it was to ask the meaning of a word 🙂 I kept on reading aloud with actions till the first story ended. The principal was so amused by it that I not only got spot admission but also was ‘gifted’ the book so that I could read all the stories.

    Over the years I have read together and discussed a number of books with her (Principal) but I still have that book of fairy tales and I treasure it a lot.

  22. Jeannie Platt

    i have gotten so many books over the years but when i was in 2nd grade my mom got me the babysitters club series… I ended up giving it to my neice as i only have boys… But my love for series started that day i know that in my heart.


  23. Elizabeth H.

    Hidden Away by Maya Banks. She personalized it and I couldn’t stop girl squeeing for the whole day!

    Happy Holidays!

    ehaney578 at AOL dot com

  24. bn100

    pride and prejudice

  25. Ashley A

    The most special book(s) I received was The Circle Trilogy by Nora Roberts from my dad on his first Christmas home after being in prison for 9 years.
    Ashley A

  26. Evie

    Legend by Marie Lu.
    Thanks for the giveaway! And Happy Holidays!

  27. The most special book I’ve received was given to me by my grandmother when I was 13. Mindy by June Strong is still a favorite read.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com

  28. Anne C

    The most special book for me is renegade becauseit was my first win at a book giveaway. 🙂

  29. Linda Kish

    A copy of The Hobbit when it was released in the 60s.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  30. Nikki O

    2 signed Candis Terry books from Candis Terry herself!

  31. susan platt

    My husband usually gives me gift cards for books. He does try to throw in a book or two and there is usually a 50% chance that I have already read it but he keeps trying.

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  32. Daniel M

    one day me mom surprised me with eregon – and the whole rest of the series!

  33. Tina B

    I have received many special books, but my favorite is Lasher by Anne Rice that a friend gave me in high school. I still have it. 🙂
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  34. Maureen

    Anne of Green Gables from my mother.

  35. Judy-Ree

    Many years ago, my mom gave me a copy of Alas, Babylon and told me it was one of her favorite books. She was always encouraging me to read.

  36. Mel Bourn

    I received Diana Gabaldon’s The Outlander in college and have been hooked ever since.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  37. Kaci Verdun

    When I was younger, I received the Ramono Quimby books!

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