BULLETPROOF Book Tour Schedule!

The amazing team at Orangeberry Book Tours is at it again! This time they are helping me get the word out about BULLETPROOF, the first book in Unknown Identities, my new dark and sexy romantic suspense series. Once more they’ve organized a fabulous line up of events so please stay on the lookout for excerpts, guest posts, and interviews at the following tour stops hosted by a great team of bloggers!

BULLETPROOF Book Tour Schedule 

23rd October – Book Feature at Peace from Pieces

24th October – Twitter View with OB Book Tours

25th October – Twitter Blast with OB Book Tours

26th October – Author Interview at Mommy Adventures

27th October  – Guest Post at The Bunny’s Review

28th October – Twitter Blast with OB Book Tours

29th October – (*1)Book Review & Author Interview at The Reading Cat

30th October – Guest Post at Blog-A-Licious Authors 

31st October – (*2)Book Review & Author Interview at Author’s Friend

1st November – Guest Post at Me, You & Books

2nd November – (*3)Book Review at Book Professor

3rd November – Listing at OB Bookstore

4th November – (*4)Guest Post at Paws on Books

5th November – Book Feature at Gentleman Reads

6th November – (*5)Book Review Author Interview at My Life in Books

7th November – Book Feature at Journey’s thru Books

8th November – (*6)Book Review & Author Interview at Top Shelf Books

9th November – Book Feature at A Novel Design

10th November – (*7)Book Review & Guest Post at Non-Stop Reads

11th November – Guest Post at Quality Reads

18th November – (*8)Book Review & Author Interview at Nobody Important

25th November – Guest Post & Book Feature at Book Connoisseur

2nd December – (*9)Book Review & Excerpt at Next Big Book Thing

9th December – Author Interview & Book Feature at Just My Opinion

16th December – Guest Post at Aspiring Books

23rd December – (*10)Book Review at Pastime with Books

30th December – Guest Post & Book Feature at High Class Books

6th January – Author Interview at Zoo of Books

13th January – Book Feature at UnEnding TBR Pile

20th January – Guest Post at eInk Reviews

27th January – Excerpt at Need to Stop Reading

3rd Febuary – Author Interview & Book Feature at Book Lover’s Dream

10th Febuary – Guest Post at Reading the Dream Life

17th Febuary – (*) Book Review at Life Altering Reads

24th February – Excerpt at bit’ ‘n Bobs

3rd March – Author Interview at Victory Books

10th March – Guest Post at Creating Imaginations

17th March – Excerpt at Page Turning Books

24th March – Author Interview at Book Marks

31st March – Guest Post at Review Depot

7th April – Excerpt at Books & More

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks