A Giant Leap Forward

We’ve had an amazing and productive spring break with Brilliant Son. As we charge into the last full week of April, I’m not really wondering where the first months of the year have gone – for once I know exactly where I’ve invested my time – but I’m full of ‘wondering’ with a happy heart. I’m eager about the future while delighted over how we got here.

Our daughter is somehow on the verge of 21, nearly a college senior, and our son (my BABY- gasp!) will be 18 just a week after -and graduating high school soon. The milestones are many around here.

Each year as the Stanley Cup finals begin, I remember being uncomfortably pregnant in my last weeks and staying up to watch every overtime because I couldn’t sleep. My husband was impressed at my sudden awareness of every NHL statistic available. Now we watch the games together, often giving up before the players settle the contest. (That’s my only vague admission of our ‘aging’.)

From those last days of pregnancy, through infancy, childhood and the dreaded middle school years, somehow we’ve managed to raise two thoughtful, intelligent adults full of promise. It’s rather amazing, and not a little surprising all things considered.

We’re hardly perfect parents but I like to think we were present regardless of the ups and downs of career, school, and life in general.

This past week we watched with pride as our son considered his college options with thorough, positive discussion points. It was his big leap forward, as he decided on RIT shaping his life on his terms, excited about what will follow a fantastic high school experience. Then came the next steps of making deposits and emails, housing contracts and honors college, and more.

There will always be more.

As much as we enjoy and/or struggle with every high, low, and speed bump life sends us, there will always be more. More to look back on fondly and more to look forward to. It’s a pleasure and an honor to be so confident in both of our children as they prepare for their next giant leaps in life.

As a parent that’s a beautiful, enduring feeling.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Alysan

    Yay hard to believe the little guy with the hot wheels is off to college!

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