Controlled World Building For Paranormal Romance

World building for paranormal romance novels is the best solution for…

Control Freaks!

Yup it’s true, though no official studies have been done (at least none that will be cited here) control freaks are sure to have a good time when building a world for their very own paranormal romance novel.

Think of the possibilities! You can defy the laws of gravity as they apply to your twenty-something immortal characters or their forty-something human counterparts (please help me believe there’s a world somewhere with an antidote for gravity).

World building is like the ultimate Lego kit for paranormal romance writers.  There would probably even be fewer pieces cluttering up the floor (unless you borrow your kid’s set while he or she’s at school) Either way, your imagination brings it all to life.

You make or defy the laws, you create the colors and decide if they’re bright or muted and what they might signify.

What an opportunity for the latent – or not so latent – control freak.

We’re talking some serious benefits here. Don’t like the government – develop your own. The world building for your paranormal romance novel can have all the political intrigue and machinations that’s right for you.

Like spring – have more than one! Remember what Tolkien did with Hobbits and meals? Come on, let your inner control freak free – look at what bugs you, what you can’t contain or control, and create a world you’d love to live in!

Then add in some characters with special skills and appeal and – ta-da – you’ve got a novel you can’t wait to write! That’s what world building for paranormal romance is all about – creating that special place for you and the characters to enjoy and play in every day.

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: