Built In World Building For Paranormal Romance Writers

It’s use it or lose it time.

And not just because I’m teaching an ending’s class this month – that phrase can apply to nearly everything in writing as well.

Whether you’re searching for ways to beef up the world of your paranormal romance novel, or just looking for the cornerstone to build from, don’t be afraid to use what you’ve got – or where you come from!

Recently I was traveling and I saw a huge banner for a Greek festival and bake sale.  While I  managed to avoid the call of the baklava,  I admire culture and deep family roots – probably because I feel so disconnected from my own.

But getting back on point: Ever since seeing ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ I can’t help but admire the built-in resources she tapped to write a great screenplay.

The same concept can apply to world building for your novel.

One thing that made the movie so worthwhile was her loving approach and unique perspective on the world and family that raised her. She brought her world to everyone – Greek and not-as-Greek – and made us all love it.

It really doesn’t matter what genre you write – something has to become the setting for the novel.

If you’ve got a family history or culture – I say use it. Is the town you grew up in perfect for hatching villains or heroes? When you’re building a world for your paranormal romance novel, you get to decide.

You can take the quirks that paint that town (or family, or school or culture) one color in your mind and emphasize or downplay them to match the world you’re building for your readers.

It’s a great freedom and a fun responsibility when you’re world building for a paranormal romance novel and using what you’ve got – or where you come from can be a wonderful way to tie life to art.

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks