Inspiring a Paranormal Romance Writer

In memory of my father’s birthday, I post the following quote:

“Practical people would be more practical if they would take a little more time for dreaming.” –unknown

This quote could very easily have originated with my father (although I’m not suggesting we take credit from unknown). He was a wonderful motivator and moving speaker.  And the thought is most definitely in line with his beliefs.

When I finally  ‘confessed’ that I intended to be a professional poet and author, he said, “Well then. Writers write.”

It wasn’t a glowing endorsement, but it was accurate. If writing’s what you do – and this was long before I realized I was primarily a paranormal romance writer – you must write.

Dad was a motivator, a speaker, and a dreamer of the highest caliber. I miss him so very much, yet I treasure the encouragement, love, and constant support he gave me every day of his life.

One of the greatest gifts Dad left me was his ability to dream. He taught me how to cast that net long and high and fill it with hope and images to carry through the days of grueling effort that molds that dream into reality.

Dreaming is an ideal (and time worthy) endeavor for a paranormal romance writer – for any writer really. To visualize the characters, to dream up the settings, the adventures and the happy resolutions.

So I’m blessed by both Dad’s dreaming and his blunt observations about a writer’s work ethic.

No matter how long it takes a manuscript to reach the book shelf  – when I spend my day writing, dreaming, and writing some more, I know I am a writer, one page closer to the success of which I dream.

And I know it makes Dad proud.

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: