December 2015 News

December already? Or at last? Either way, I’m feeling great about it as 2015 wraps up. I was looking back at my schedule and while I know time tends to fly faster with age, this year has gone by in a happy blur. Between wonderful book releases, new contracts and opportunities, plus a brand new paranormal series, I’m delighted how things have shaped up.

Top 5 Things I’m Celebrating In December! (in no particular order)

1. A gentle, fun family Christmas full of traditions over the winter break. Both brilliant children will be home and we are looking forward to a relaxing, refreshing time together.

2. Our 25th wedding anniversary! My personal hero and I have walked hand in hand through all the highs and lows life tosses around. He’s provided love, laughter, comfort, wisdom and companionship every single day. I look forward to the next 25 years of our ongoing adventure.

3. The new Knight Traveler series debuts this month with the Heart of Time prequel and the first novel, Timeless Vision! Check them out at Amazon or on the lastest book page right here.

4. All of the friends I’ve made this year online through reading, writing, and mentoring venues. From Debra Webb’s amazingly supportive street team to Cynthia Bazin’s Smart Chic Inner Circle, and all the new Join the Adventure subscribers. You’ve made 2015 so very special!

5. My readers and fans! You’ve gifted me with another year working my dream job! As an author I can take a new adventure every day through my characters and with every new book release I can see how you enjoy those characters too. It’s a daily blessing for me to connect with you through books as both an author and a reader as we all search for a way to entertain or educate and broaden our horizons.

Best wishes to all of you through the holiday season and the coming New Year!

Live the adventure,

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: