What Makes An Alpha Female’s Heart Sing?

Yeah, if you’re following along, it’s an alpha female sort of week here at Regan Black.com!

Don’t worry – there’s much to explore about bold, take charge, types of characters. But even alpha females (and the writer who puts them on paper) have soft spots, ‘aha’ moments, and moments that simply make the heart sing!

In my case, as a paranormal romance writer of alpha female characters, some of those singing heart moments include:

An amazing cover! Seriously – when the cover art comes through and it captures the feel, the intensity of a book – that’s an amazing moment!

Great reviews will also send an alpha female heart (or writer of same) into ballads of bliss! I recently asked a reviewer who’d been so supportive of the previous two novels in this series to take a look at Veil of Justice. Her eager reply was a song in my heart!

For this author of alpha female characters, the excitement and enthusiasm around a project makes my heart sing! Not just in the writing of the book, but when it’s done and through edits, to see others share that excitement is invaluable.

Of course holding the book in my hand when it’s all done is beyond compare. I didn’t think I’d feel the same way having this book go to kindle first. I was wrong!

Seeing the cover up and live, reading the description, knowing fans no longer have to ask, “when will you get Nathan out of that prison?!”, it’s all making my heart sing.

And that ‘singing heart’ keeps me going back to the keyboard to write the next story in the Shadows of Justice world…a story starring an alpha female with a secret, a challenge, and her very own hero.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks