Alpha Female Greyhounds Are Fun In All Sizes

What makes a female greyhound an alpha? On the track or in the kennel, it’s attitude. In retirement, I say it’s often just a matter of time.

No, not every female grey in retirement is alpha or becomes alpha female and when our Boo arrived I never thought she’d really get into the role. Boy, was I wrong.

It took some time. She was smaller than Brody and she was willing to learn how Brody worked the system. Then she started with the little things to morph that system to her own purposes.

Feeding, for instance. She eats quickly, so she’s ready to clean Brody’s bowl when he’s done and goes for water. But her bowl is off limits at all times.

Then there’s playtime. She acts all relaxed about going outside with Brody, but once business is done, she’s the alpha female – the one who starts the romping and dictates the correct route through the yard.

And don’t even try to open the peanut butter without planning to share.

Now, having learned the system, modified the system, and taught several greyhound fosters how best to retire, she is the alpha female in charge of her domain, (formerly known as our house) deferring only to the momma or the daddy.

And the latest foster, Bandit, who is playful and rambunctious and silly? Well, our shy little retiree turned alpha female has determined he’s a keeper.

They tug, wrestle, and often nap together, all according to her rules.  And when he returned from his last home visit (fail), alpha female Boo did such a celebratory dance when he came home we decided he’d better stay.

So while we might have the thumbs, she’s got the eyes and manners that are as effective as thumbscrews. Like many an alpha female we’ve met before.

Live the greyhound adventure!

p.s. You can learn more about life with greyhounds in my new book Adopt A Greyhound Guide. 50% of proceeds go to local greyhound rescue groups. Visit the site for more details!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: