A Paranormal Romance Writer Dreams Big

What is it that sets one writer apart from another? There’s genre, voice, production, and experience of course…but what particularly makes a paranormal romance writer different from other authors?

Today, I’d have to say it’s the ability to dream big!

It takes a wild imagination and a big heart to deliver a paranormal romance novel readers crave. Paranormal romance writers know this, embrace it as their truth, and strive to make it an unforgettable experience for the reader.

For a paranormal romance writer, it isn’t enough to tell the story of a once in a lifetime adventure. The challenges facing the characters have to be bigger than the norm, with often deadlier consequences.

And it’s not just about an unlikely romance. A paranormal romance writer usually locks onto a character that’s bigger than life, more than human and twice as tortured.

Whether it’s alpha males or alpha females, or the ever-combustible combination, the paranormal romance writer is called to deliver a story that knits all these elements into a cohesive experience readers clamor for.

Paranormal romance novels are the ideal escape for readers – offering up excitement, adventure, and big, big dreams.

It’s no mystery that paranormal romance writers are in demand and it’s no secret that romance authors of every sub genre own the lion’s share of fiction readership. Big dreams, wild imagination, and the ability to get it all on paper is what makes a paranormal romance writer stand out.

So if you feel the need for a little something extra as a reader or a writer, give paranormal romance novels a try!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks