Paranormal Romance Writer In Just Two Lines

Yesterday, this paranormal romance writer was happy to be part of the blog about the ever critical first line.  (Or in this case, first two lines).

Last week, Ron Knight of UpAuthors posted on facebook, inviting authors to share the first two lines of their book.  I jumped on the chance and offered up the first two lines of Veil of Justice because that’s my latest full length release, even though I know you’ve seen the excerpt here already.

Then of course, because I’m a paranormal romance writer and blessed/cursed with a vivid imagination, I worried that I’d just set my first two lines on the altar of serious criticism…

Everyone remembers “It was a dark and stormy night” and no one wants to be at the top of that class.

I found myself in good company on that blog post. The authors who participated offered up opening lines that were inventive and sparked an immediate visual.

Still, I re-read the first two lines. Analyzed them (again) and decided (again) it was the best way to start Veil of Justice.  (good thing since the book’s now available in paper back and on kindle!)

But those first two lines clearly tell the reader that a paranormal romance writer penned this book. And that’s the point, to use my paranormal voice to create a mood and make a promise to the reader:

This will be a paranormal romance novel! A book with challenges and characters that go beyond what we mere mortals face on a daily basis. From page one, I want readers to know this will be an ideal escape.

As a paranormal romance writer – and lover of paranormal romance novels in all the varied facets – this promise of the opening lines is the best sort of start. It’s what keeps me turning pages!

Live the adventure!

Which paranormal romance writer keeps you turning pages?

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: