Summertime Tips for Your Adopted Greyhound

Summertime Tip #1 Flea Prevention

The little buggers are everywhere in the summer months especially and while your greyhound is less susceptible than dogs with undercoats, it pays to take preventive measures.

Stay current with flea prevention

Keep your greyhound on the flea prevention recommended by your vet or greyhound rescue group. There are meds you can give topically or by mouth.

In the summer months with high flea populations you may have to bump up topical applications to every three weeks. Just keep an eye on your greyhound’s coat to be sure the dog doesn’t develop a sensitivity.

Eeek – flea sighting!

If you’re a greyhound foster family (God Bless You) and a new grey arrives with a flea or two, remember Dawn dishwashing liquid! (it’s not just for kittens anymore).

Dawn is the perfect solution to get rid of the fleas without harming delicate sensitive greyhound skin. Wet the dog, use a little dawn to work up a lather, wash and rinse completely and towel dry. Then apply flea prevention.

Mow the grass on time

Keep your grass (in the areas your adopted greyhound hasn’t run into dirt track) cut short to prevent all sorts of pests from bothering your greyhound. There are even some more natural pest control sprays and treatments you can apply to your yard to help.

Tip #2 – greyhounds aren’t outdoor dogs!

Sure they like (and need) to be outside regularly, but be sure you don’t leave your hound outside too long. Without an undercoat, greyhounds can overheat quickly and even develop sunburn.

One of the most heartbreaking things I’d seen was a black greyhound who’d been neglected and left outside too long and too often. When he was returned to the group, he was sunburned and could hardly bear to be touched.

It’s smart to have a water bowl outside too, just for convenience, but don’t let it sit where other animals can get into it when you’re not outside with your greyhound.

For my more playful hounds, I keep the outdoor chasing and racing limited to morning or evening when temperatures are cooler. If you happen to have a greyhound who likes to play in the water, a sprinker can be a lot of fun for you and your forever friend.

Live the greyhound adventure!

Learn more at the Adopt A Greyhound Guide!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: