Lost Signal, Unknown Identities #6 Release Day

Lost Signal, the newest installment in the Unknown Identities series is now available.


This high-action novella is set in the Elle James Brotherhood Protectors kindle world and available exclusively at Amazon.

About the book: A covert agency turned him into an indefatigable operative who survives by two rules: carry out all orders as given and never leave a witness.

Wildlife photographer Hope Small has returned to the Crow Reservation in Montana to capture footage of migrating birds. Her ordinary day full of waiting in a beautiful, remote field becomes a nightmare when an armed man crosses her path and abruptly begins to hunt her.

Running for her life, she does what she must to survive, only to discover the man beneath the cold-blooded killer. A man in desperate need of help that only she can provide.

Enjoy an Excerpt from Lost Signal

The cool, fresh air washed over his face, slipped down the back of his neck. Turning his palms up, he tried to catch that air, pull it into every pore. Tried to remember.

There had been life before this, before he’d been transferred into this strange new existence. Life before the injections and the pain, before the poker-faced doctors scurrying around their labs. There had been life before the man in the dull-gray suit with the sharp eyes.

Out here alone, he was sure about that life before. When he closed his eyes and the only sounds were from Mother Nature, he could almost say his name. Not his ID number, not the stupid codename Mr. Gray Suit himself had slapped on him, but his real name.

A car engine purred, tires humming on the asphalt road below and his real name slipped out of his grasp again. No matter. Even the vague recollection that there had been a name and a life and something different helped steady him.

“Pointer, report.”

The electronic voice in his ear calling out his codename kept him tethered to the present and his filthy, gritty nest where he was hidden from the rest of the world. The lab, the man in gray, this current position—all added up to something better suited for a sci-fi novel. He swallowed the flash of resentment along with his first inclination to tell the voice to shut up. Any disrespect—intended or not—resulted in a painful electrical pulse that would rip through his body without warning. If the infraction was severe, the regular dose of the drug they’d hooked him on would be withheld, making the zap feel like a Swedish massage.

He still hadn’t decided which was worse, being a lab-rat turned operative for some obviously black-ops gig or being addicted to an unknown substance.

“Pointer, report.” The command was accompanied by a minor buzz, not much stronger than a bee sting, but a sufficient reminder of who held the power.

The damned codename made him feel like a dog, but he gave his report, confirming the area remained clear and there had been no sign of the white panel van with a Colorado license plate he’d been ordered to shoot off the interstate. His rifle remained in position as he delivered the update and the only movements on his hillside were the wind teasing the grass over and around his prone body and the nearly imperceptible shift of his breathing.

He wondered how long it would take the officials in the white lab coats to make breathing unnecessary.

It wasn’t as bizarre as it sounded. There were three glass-walled cells in the main lab and the other two hadn’t always been empty. The docs moved him and others in and out, jabbed them as needed and recorded reactions and tolerances.

Whatever else they’d been pumping into him along with the drug that blocked his recollection of his previous life had increased his stamina, reduced his need for sleep, and amped up his observation skills. The first time they’d let him out into the field, the colors, the impact of each image and every distinct sound had hurt like hell. It was as if he’d been trapped in the newest-gen television with the highest clarity and resolution and the best sound system money could buy.

The first time out, with the orders and expectations and the penalties for mistakes, had convinced him he was stuck in this new system. It was obey or suffer, in the lab and out, even if the orders didn’t make sense. He was a grunt, a tool for the man in the gray suit, that much was clear. Showing a glimmer of defiance was akin to courting death.

Only when field ops were quiet like this one, with a full, comforting dose of the drug in his veins, did he recall his previous life and entertain the vague concept of escape. It was a relief to hear a heavier engine in the distance. He needed the distraction.

“Vehicle approaching,” said the voice in his ear. “Verify good target.”

He rattled off the truck description and plate number.

“Good target. Fire.”

He fired. The panel truck jumped up, bounced and tumbled to the opposite side of the road. “Good hit,” he said.

“Confirm no survivors. Clear area and rendezvous on schedule.”

He acknowledged the orders as he packed up his rifle, enjoying the silence as he picked his way down the hill, leaving as little trace as possible. The camouflage that blended into the terrain combined with his enhanced senses, allowing him to be as close to invisible as a man could be.

Party Time!

We’re celebrating the launch of Lost Signal and more great stories on April 5th at Facebook at the Brotherhood Protectors fan page! I hope you can join us for the party, but if not, it’s a great place to connect with other BP fans. 🙂

There are seventeen books total in this launch! To quote author Heather Long, “Saddle up!” It is time to get reading!

Heather Long – Wrangling Wanda: https://amzn.to/2Gz2Hqr
Paige Yancey – Hot Colorado Nights: https://amzn.to/2Ei7PsV
Ilsa J. Bick – Soldier’s Heart Part Three: https://amzn.to/2JiRYhw
Delilah Devlin – Reaper’s Ride: https://amzn.to/2Ita2V4
Regan Black – Lost Signal: https://amzn.to/2q4itQ2
Aliyah Burke – Spring Rain: https://amzn.to/2ElbR3U
Silver James– Montana Moon: https://amzn.to/2GUMcEG
Author Kat Mizera – Catching Lana: https://amzn.to/2q7v6Jg
Desiree Holt – Hidden Danger: https://amzn.to/2uLXWnQ
Jesse Jacobson – Rainhorse: https://amzn.to/2JiZj0I
Kris Norris – Carved in Ice: https://amzn.to/2uMndyx
Christine Glover -Falling for her Temporary Bodyguard: https://amzn.to/2uLWPEN
Beth Williamson -SAWYER: https://amzn.to/2JfUfKx
Jen Talty– Rough Justice: https://amzn.to/2q4FaT2
Mary Winter – Roped & Rescued: https://amzn.to/2EkwpJM
Margaret Madigan – Broken SEAL: https://amzn.to/2GS54nA
Layla Chase – Ranger Loyalty: https://amzn.to/2JlG3Q8

Do you have a favorite cover? 

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


ps visit the Brotherhood Protectors page at Elle’s website – you don’t want to miss any of the great reads in this world!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks