The Unknown Identities saga continues with Moving Target – an action-packed romantic suspense adventure set in the dynamic world of Elle James’ Brotherhood Protectors!

Now available in ebook and paperback at Amazon

John Noble returns in a new adventure to thwart the Unknown Identities agency’s latest attempt to rebuild…

Scott Blackwell proudly served the U.S. Army until he was accused of murder, court martialed, and imprisoned. When a covert team pulls him out of his cell things go from bad to worse with an impossible ultimatum: kill one target and go free, or go back to jail for life.

Jaime Castle is headed home to Montana for some much-needed vacation time. Wrestling to change a flat tire on a deserted road, she’s grateful for the help of a stranger – until she finds herself caught up in a world of trouble and danger she didn’t know existed. Now she must decide who to trust and what to believe before it’s too late.

For all of the titles in this series visit the Unknown Identities page.


 “Suspenseful, action-packed, and a lightning quick romance made for an interesting and entertaining read.” -Colorado Avid Reader, Amazon reviewer

“Military action with a touch of super-powers, vicious battles against the UI who is a constant threat to their lives, combined with seductive romance with steamy love scenes is just a perfect way to heat up a winter night.” 4 Spoons, Books and Spoons review


Scott Blackwell was well and truly screwed. He was also tired, hungry, and trying to warm up before going back out into the cold, winter night. Being followed by a pair of strangers with orders to certify he was compliant with the terms of his current freedom was no help at all.

When he closed his eyes he could still feel the jolt as the SUV was hit, the momentary weightlessness before the horrific tumbling as the big vehicle rolled over and over. Three times or four? Scott wasn’t sure. Everyone inside had been buckled in, but the actual wreck on a rural Texas road was worse than any of the Army’s pre-deployment training simulations. Worse even, than the day their MRAP met an IED during a typical patrol in Iraq. Though it hadn’t been a fun day, it had been what passed for normal at the time.

If he thought about normal—overseas or stateside—for too long, he wanted to step out into traffic. Three months ago, life had been normal. Not today. Sadly, he suspected he’d never feel normal again.

A dead woman on the Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan where he’d been stationed had changed everything. He hadn’t known her, no one on his team had met her before, yet he and two others had been charged with her murder, accused of supplying her drug habit, and hustled back to Fort Hood, Texas.

Nightmare wasn’t a strong enough word for this twist in the path of his life. Calling it hell was a lazy description. Over—his life was over—that was the simple truth, the most accurate term for the pear-shaped situation.

He snorted an edgy half-laugh into his coffee and checked for any movement in the parking lot on the other side of the window.

Truth. If there was anyone up or down the chain of command who cared about the truth he and his teammates had yet to meet them. No matter how many times they told their story and laid out the facts, they’d been ignored. They’d been court martialed, found guilty, and imprisoned.

Dishes clanged in the kitchen and he jerked in his seat, expecting guards to appear and shuffle him off to his cell. But he wasn’t in prison, he was sitting in a booth with cracked vinyl seats in the corner of a scuffed up diner at the truck stop.

His current guards didn’t wear uniforms, just blank expressions. If he veered too far from the designated path, they made sure to put him back on track. His kidneys still ached from the last time he tried to sneak away.

Better to do as they asked, without overthinking it. ‘One life for three.’ That was how the man in the charcoal suit had phrased it.

The expensive wardrobe had only underscored the bastard’s cold, calculating nature. He’d radiated above-the-law government power from the neatly trimmed hair graying perfectly at the temples all the way down to the flawless shine on his shoes.

Who could keep a shine like that in rural Texas at the scene of a crumpled SUV?

He’d given Scott a name, explained he would get Scott into the proximity of the target, and ordered him to make the kill. Do this one thing, a minor task considering his training, and he and his teammates would be cleared of all charges. Free to go out and live life however they saw fit.

One life to save three.

Scott had questions, wanted promises in writing, but the man in the suit didn’t offer answers or guarantees. One dies, three live. Scott had to choose.

The bell over the door jingled and Scott’s shadow team walked in, glaring hard. Time to go.

He knew better than to make them repeat themselves. He tossed back the last of his coffee and walked out to the parking lot to find his next ride north.