Writer Wednesday #48

When you begin thoughtfully and deliberately creating a healthy writing habit, consistency is essential.

Think of the little successes (like writing just 100 words each day for 100 days straight) as building a solid foundation. After all 100 words each day for 100 days straight leaves you with 10,000 words! That’s a super start on a singular guide or book, if you’re writing on just one topic.

And if not, the 100×100 is a super way to explore what it is you love writing and what it is you really want to share.

Consistent effort and progress are vital for reaching any goal, but in writing, when we’re answering primarily to ourselves, I think it’s doubly important to practice consistency and discipline. Chart your progress day by day and reward yourself for putting in the work and moving closer to making your writing dreams a reality.

Live the writing adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


If you have a question about your writing journey, leave a comment and I’ll do my best to address it in an upcoming post.

Are you looking for a way to stay motivated and productive in your writing journey? Check out the Motivated Writer Toolkit – a new collection of my top four writing resources to keep you enthused and on track – available now at a special discount!

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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks