March 2019 Prize Package

Around here we’re seeing the neon-green pine pollen earlier than usual and we’re prepping for a serious overhaul of the butterfly garden. So it’s a delight to bring another fun prize package to my subscribers!

The monthly prize is awarded to one lucky newsletter subscriber. New subscribers each month have their own giveaway in addition to being eligible for this grand prize package! (Full subscriber perks detailed here) Winners are notified through the email address used to subscribe. Be sure to invite a friend to join the fun!

What’s that? You’re not getting my emails yet? Subscribing only takes a few seconds – just use the form over there on the right. You’ll receive an original short story immediately and you’re automatically eligible for this and all future giveaways. Don’t worry – subscribing won’t make your inbox groan! I send an email once a month to give you a peek as to what’s new, what’s next, what happened behind the scenes, a recipe, and more. We’d love to have you join us!

Good luck in the giveaways and always…

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


ps Don’t miss my latest release: Mike a Guardian Agency/Brotherhood Protectors crossover novel and watch for Nathan, joining the BP world in April.

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more:

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Tonya Coley

    That’s a lovely looking Swag prize. Thank you for the chance to win! Good luck with your new book sales!

    1. Regan Black

      Thanks, Tonya! 🙂

  2. Teresa Fordice

    Awesome prize package

    1. Regan Black

      Good luck in the drawing, Teresa! And happy March! 🙂

  3. Pat Wilson

    I always try to remember the happy times & I lost 4

    1. Regan Black

      Recalling the happy times is definitely the only way to get through it. Hugs, Pat!

  4. Debra Shutters

    Nice prize package and thank you for the chance 🙂

    1. Regan Black

      Good luck and happy March, Debra! 🙂

  5. Donna Wharton

    I haven’t won in a while, but I am always happy for your updates to new books or what is going on in . your backyard. Keeps things friendly and personable, knowing the author and how they think.

    So thank you for keeping us apprised. Love the March package!


    1. Regan Black

      Aw, Donna, thanks so much for that. 🙂 I’d be lost without booklovers and readers who enjoy connecting.

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