Hostile Ground by Melinda Di Lorenzo ~Featured Read

It’s a delight to share HOSTILE GROUND, a brand new romantic suspense novel by the oh-so-talented Melinda Di Lorenzo!

A deserted island…. A secret training ground…. And a murderer on the loose.

All Sarah Sullivan has ever wanted to be is a cop. She was five years old when both her parents were killed, and the man who saved her—all dressed in blue and with his badge shining on his chest—was her hero. He was the only bit of light in her very small, very dark world. It wasn’t easy to get where she is, but now she’s poised to add the word “detective” to her credentials.

With just days left before her big interview, Sarah is grabbed off the street, then blindfolded and herded into the back of an unmarked van. Very quickly, things grow worse. From being ordered to choose between her own life and the life of her ex-boyfriend, to being thrown off a building, to being informed that she’s being recruited for an elite group of detectives, Sarah can barely come to terms with one thing before the next threat of danger crops up. And then comes the first body…

Available exclusively from Amazon!

Behind the Scenes of HOSTILE GROUND:

There are a lot of things I loved about writing Hostile Ground. I loved setting it in my hometown (Vancouver, BC) and I loved writing my heroine, Sarah Sullivan.

But my favourite part of this particular book might be the world building. I won’t give too much away because I don’t want any spoilers, but I will say that it was SO much fun to create a cast of villains who only answer to themselves in a place where they create the rules. And then, throwing my straight arrow heroine into their world…it was all very satisfying!

author bio and links

Be sure to check out Melinda’s page at Fantastic Fiction for more great reads and keep up with her online at twitter @melindawrites, BookBub, Amazon, and Facebook.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: