Apparently the dogs aren’t the only creatures of habit in our home. On our trip north for a college visit, my daughter and I had a marvelous time. The visit was a bust and you can’t pay her to attend the college, but we enjoyed fabulous scenery and great conversation.
We also discovered how much we miss the dogs. We met a couple of adorable dogs traveling with their people as we moved to a new hotel every night, but it wasn’t the same as spending time with our own adopted greyhounds.
It’s clear we too are creatures of habit, needing our time with our adopted greyhounds as much as they need time with us.
Since she first went away to school, my daughter has begged me to bring the dogs for a visit. It wouldn’t be tough, all of our greyhounds are great car riders, but it’s managing three happy, fast dogs when we get to the school that’s the issue for me.
Boo is a wonderful traveler and quickly learned to appreciate Fritos, my driving snack of choice (since I gave up smoking to stay awake on road trips years ago). She also declares her superiority as the only greyhound allowed to use the back seat, the boys must remain on the floor, even if she goes forward for a bit of a Frito.
While Brody’s an excellent car rider, he’s older and more susceptible to the aches and pains of travel. So if anyone goes with me to surprise the girl on campus, it’ll be Boo. She’s less intimidating than the ginormous Bandit and she’s more resiliant than Brody these days. Who, elder that he is, will probably enjoy having an afternoon to himself, just so he can move between couches at will.
Live the greyhound adventure!
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