Alpha Female Olympic Athletes

That sounds like a no-brainer. Female athletes are naturally alpha females, right? Not necessarily.

In my opinion what makes athletes alpha females isn’t the inherent nature of competitive sports…it’s the dedication to the dream those athletes hold inside themselves.

Most athletes – even olympic athletes  – are not household names in their own countries. The world stage – complete with lights, cameras and questioning reporters  – is only a blip in the daily reality of hard work and determination.

The female athletes populating the Olympic Winter games are there because they made a conscious, alpha female sort of decision to put in the time every day to reach the goal and realize the dream.

Those athletes have looked inside themselves, daring to discover their innermost talents and dreams and then gone a step further to assess the price of making it real.

For some, it’s an achievement just to be at the winter games. And with no expectation of reaching the podium, they strive anyway and sometimes they even create the upset.

Such is the nature of a true alpha female in real life or fiction: To strive with decisive action toward a goal no matter the odds.

Most writers – even bestselling authors – aren’t household names either. Any  lights or cameras are only a blip in their everyday reality too. It takes daily, solitary effort and perseverance to put together a book with characters that resonate with enough readers to hit the bestseller lists.

Alpha female athletes, characters, and authors can – and should – inspire viewers, readers, and writers.

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: