January Reading Romances Challenge

You might remember my announcement about signing up for the Reading Romances Challenge for 2012.  It should be a fun way for readers and authors to connect about books, and stretch our ‘reading horizons’.  I’ve decided to make the first Thursday of the month the day I post about the current challenge.

As a paranormal romance author, you might think that’s all I read. Unless you’re a frequent visitor, and then you’ll know that I consider historical romance my particular indulgence. Sure I read lots of paranormal romance novels, and I love the genre, but this reading challenge hosted by Nat is about trying new things too.

She gave us an easy January challenge to kick off 2012:

Read a book that is first of a series, by an author that is “new” to you or a debut novel by an author.

OR – Read a romance that has a teen as the protagonist.

OR – Read an Erotic Romance or Erotica.

Based on my daughter’s enthusiasm for a new-to-her author, Ally Carter, I chose Heist Society for my January Challenge. Here’s a quick overview from Gillian Engberg of Booklist at the Amazon page:

After a childhood spent assisting her father, one of the world’s most talented art thieves, Katarina Bishop tries to leave the family business behind when she forges her way into a New England boarding school. She quickly discovers, though, that her past is inescapable. Her father has been accused of stealing already stolen masterpieces from a dangerous Italian billionaire.
Certain that her father is innocent, Kat resolves to find the missing paintings and return them to their unsavory owner, who has given her a two-week deadline. Carter, the author of the Gallagher Girls series, skillfully maintains suspense as Kat assembles a team of teen accomplices, travels across Europe, and plots an impossible art heist to save her dad.
This is a thoroughly enjoyable, cinema-ready adventure, and the details of thieving tools and techniques, lavish settings, and cast of eccentric characters, including possible spies and love interests, all add texture and depth to the action. Readers will hope for a sequel to answer the book’s central mystery: if Kat’s father isn’t guilty, then who is?

My daughter is already pestering me (in the best possible way) about how far I’ve read (page 1) and what I think (so far I like the writer’s voice, lol). When I’m done I’ll post a review here as a Book Feature and at Nat’s site, per the Reading Romances Challenge.

As the author of several paranormal romance novels, I have added book prizes to the Reading Romances that will come up during the year. I’ll be sure to let you know when (and what) will be ‘up for grabs’. 😉

Remember, you can join the challenge any time this year. It’s designed to be fun for readers and authors both!

Live the adventure

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks