In the category of life changing events, my recent back injury and subsequent treatments have culminated in an absolute, no arguments allowed, zero activity restriction.
No matter how I asked the questions, the answer came back – DO Nothing. (This, I have learned, is the exact opposite of the old ‘just do it’ Nike commercials that were embedded on this (former) athlete’s subconscious). I’m used to living a Just Do It sort of life. Stuff might hurt, but stuff needs done. From fitness to dishes to dusting.
If you asked me point blank about being a real life alpha female, having superwoman delusions, or even being a control freak, I’d label myself as reformed. That stage of my life was years ago, back when I didn’t know better.
Before experience, time and a couple of kids changed my perspective.
Apparently the team working to save my back isn’t so convinced I’m all over my need to be the alpha female. They assured me the world would not implode if the vacuuming is haphazard and the windows have smudges. (honestly the windows don’t bother me so much)
Worse, I was encouraged to think about how my kids would benefit from learning my secrets of making our delightful family dinners. (as if I don’t know how they celebrate on the nights we order pizza)
In a word, activity limits are uck. Or maybe the word is boring. But wait! I’m a writer, I can make up my own fun and adventure…it’s part of the job description.
So go buy my books and you’ll be all ready for the newest releases sure to result from the next couple of months of focusing all my inner alpha female energy into my characters.
Live the adventure!