Ask Regan May 2019

Question: What do you do to decompress?

Answer: Yoga and reading are my top two ways to unwind and relax.

Yoga is essential throughout my day. I use a timer for my writing sprints, and I’ll stretch on the breaks. (It’s a good excuse to wear comfy yoga pants all day too, right?)

Seriously, after an intense sprint against the clock, a few minutes of deep breathing and rejuvenating yoga poses clear my mind so I can dive back into the story world for another burst. When the writing is done for the day, I’ll often take myself to a quiet place and unwind stiff shoulders and such with a full yoga routine.

Reading time is another one of my daily non-negotiables. Whether it’s studying a non-fiction book on marketing or craft, or taking time to indulge in a world built by one of my favorite authors, I need that time every day.

Other activities that help me unwind include time outside listening to the birds and wind in the trees or enjoying the ‘infield’ (aka a butterfly garden). (You can enjoy a bunch of recent infield views at my Instagram page.) Periodically, I’ll pick up my crochet habit and tie knots in yarn rather than in fictional lives. And of course playing board games or enjoying a movie with the family is always a fun way to decompress.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


ps If you have a question for me, leave it in the comments and I’ll answer it here or on an upcoming post.

Yoga photo courtesy of Jacob Postuma @jp_photography at

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: