Beyond The Triple Crown

Being totally addicted to the California Chrome story, I was perched on the edge of my seat when the gates opened for the running of the Belmont Stakes on Saturday. By the time the field of horses hit the last turn, I was shouting and cheering – pleading with California Chrome to make his move, to pour it on and show the field who’s boss.

But he didn’t. Turns out, he probably couldn’t. The tight schedule may have played a part. (Personally I doubt that, this horse is all about the win). In my absolutely uneducated opinion, the injury right out of the starting gate might have been a bigger factor. Regardless, in this excellent article Chrome’s trainer explained the inuries, saying:

“… He had a cut by his tendon where they hit him. That’s what scared me the most. It wasn’t deep, it was superficial. Gosh, that’s the worst thing that can happen to a horse, hit his tendon. But we got lucky there… I’m just thankful I could run in the Triple Crown. It was a great ride for me. Hey listen, it’s been a super year.”

A great ride? A super year? Yes, Art Sherman believes that 100%, despite falling short of the coveted Triple Crown trophy.

I love this kind of perpsective. This big-picture, focus on what you’ve accomplished point of view. The trainer knows the horse, he loves California Chrome and knows just how special it is to work with a horse with this much talent and heart.

The people most involved with this horse on a daily basis, the trainer and grooms, claim the horse remains their hero and that he has serious wins in his future. And despite an admittedly major disappointment (for whatever reason) in cruicial moment, I think that’s important to bear in mind.

Sure we were all excited, and hopeful, and drawn along for the Triple Crown ride with a charismatic horse and team, but I don’t think it’s fair to say the horse failed us as fans. It’s sport. Losses happen. That doesn’t make California Chrome any less remarkable or special. Competition means we won’t always win, even when the numbers say we should.

What we can do is nurture and believe and ride the winning spirit inside ourselves to our next victory be it big or small, in front of legions of fans or a few close friends.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: