Character Interviews for Control Freaks

A couple days ago I posted the benefits of world building for paranormal romances for people who consider themselves control freaks.

It’s quite possibly the best (and safest) way to completely dictate your environment – and even if it’s fiction – it’s a fun and therapeutic exercise in global domination.

Character Interviews are the antidote for control freak types.

If you’re a control freak, think of the character interview as kryptonite. You might go into the interview with the intent to glean the info you want, but it’s just as likely the character will take control.

You’ll find yourself a weakened puddle of mush if you’re interviewing an alpha character who won’t cooperate or even acknowledge your questions.

Why am I on a control freak tangent this week?

Because I’m a mother of teenagers, wife of an engineer, and the go-to girl for what’s fondly referred to as a petting zoo rather than a mere home. It’s prom time, festival band season, and… spring!

Life and circumstance have taught me that while I might want to believe I have control over something as mundane as the daily schedule – I really don’t.

How do character interviews help?

I need the emotional and creative outlet of my paranormal romance novels. I need the daily interaction with the characters running amok in my head. And I need to embrace the unexpected when I’m asking those characters what really matters to them.

This process of my fiction isĀ  good practice for my life.

If I can’t control the products of my imagination, why should I expect to control those real life characters I live with? Much less expect to control the external happenings of the scheduled activities of both the humans and animals around here.

Strange, maybe. But I’m telling you it’s proven to be quite helpful.

It’s odd, but I’m usually relieved after being thwarted by a character interview. When I dive into a character interview – intent on one goal – and they surprise me – it’s usually with information that makes the story richer.

At least that’s what I discover when the tears of frustration evaporate.

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: