February 2015 News!

Happy February! This month finds our house quiet again. We loved every minute of having the kids home and it was a busy six weeks, capped off with an unexpected surgery for Brilliant Daughter. No worries though – she is already back at school and feeling much better overall after more than a year of gallbladder attacks.

Heart Hero thumbnailSo with just the cats, dog, and Brilliant Husband around, I’m settling back into the groove of my writing routine at last. That routine is a primary source of my 2015 theme word “Joy” and I don’t even feel too guilty about it. Some routines are essential for our peace of mind and success.

While my daughter was home, she shared a sourdough starter with me and I’ve been having fun learning and fine tuning the process. After everything that’s happened since my back injury baking bread isn’t something I thought I’d ever do, but I’m loving it and working it into my weekly routine.

When I started writing novels seriously almost 15 years ago, I never imagined my productivity and desire for stories would look like this. I’ve been blessed to find great friends and an awesome mentor and co-writer in Debra Webb along the way.

Have you discovered our most recent books? Debra Webb and I are having such fun with our Dangerous Protectors trilogy. Too Far Gone(Dangerous Protectors #2 came out on January 22nd), Harlequin Intrigue released Heart of a Hero second in the Specialists: Heroes Next Door series on Feburary 1st, and Nothing to Lose (Dangerous Protectors trilogy #3 is available for preorder now- with a February 27th release date.

We are so grateful to all the beta-readers, proofers, fans, and reviewers who are embracing these stories with such enthusiasm!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

p.s. Congratulations to Jo Ann R, Vanetta Q, and Caroline N, winners of the January prizes! Keep an eye out for February’s prize package, posting next week!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks