Happy Halloween!

October is a favorite time of year for me, and not just because I’m a sucker for any holiday that involves a strong tradition of chocolate. There are so many reasons – like school in high gear, romping greyhounds, and my husband’s birthday. (I can tease him about being older, since he’s aging so much more gracefully than I am).

Growing up in the midwest, October meant the marching band was in high gear and the performances in balmy autumn weather were a wonderful reward for all the hours we sweated through hot summer camps and rehearsals.

October means football and family picnics on a grassy hill surrounded by the color of changing leaves. My mother and I loved to simply go cloud-gazing, admiring the distinct vivid blue of a clear October sky.

And Halloween was the cherry on top of a fantastic seasonal transition. The costumes, the camaraderie, the ability to slip out of self and go a bit wild for those disguised hours. That was a treat for my shy nature and a respite from so many responsibilities. It was the perfect launch into the holiday season.

Releasing the first three stories in the Unknown Identities series (BULLETPROOF, DOUBLE VISION, and SANDMAN) during October emphasizes all of that for me.

Not just because the series is on the dark side. Not just because the stories feature sexy heroes who don’t know exactly who they are becoming after giving up the men they’d once been. It’s because this new paranormal romantic suspense series marks a new transition in my career as an author.

A box of Bulletproof!
A box of Bulletproof!

These past months have been a whirlwind in the best ways as I’ve worked with my amazing editors and marketing team planning covers, site updates, promotional goodies, and more. I’m so excited with the arrival of the Bulletproof paperbacks, my husband might have to put them out of my reach so I don’t hand them out like candy at the door tonight.

I wish all of you great fun today, tonight, and on into the holiday season – with all of the traditions and holidays you honor.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

p.s. You can keep up with the ongoing Bulletproof book tour by checking out the schedule in this post.


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks