We are enjoying a great start to the summer. After days of steamy humidity combined with wild high temperatures, June graciously yielded to July. Our son is home for a week’s vacation

between work assignments and we always have fun with board games and movies and reviewing all the news the kids love to share.
“A work-in-progress generates its own energy field. You, the artist or entrepreneur, are pouring love into the work; you are suffusing it with passion and intention and hope.”
― Steven Pressfield, Do the Work
I spent June working up some new projects to share with all of you soon, fiction as well as new non-fiction. Don’t worry, Unknown Identities fans… LAST STRIKE is on the way. I’d hoped to share the cover and details last week, but it will be posted here shortly! It has been wonderful to get back to these characters and adventures. Waiting for the August release is becoming as much of a test for me as waiting for Christmas. 🙂
In May and June, I found a yummy new-to-me author: Laura Florand. Her “chocolate” books set in Paris are almost as addicting and satisfying as the real thing. Start with The Chocolate Thief and just immerse yourself in a delicious reading experience.

In other news, Bandit will have a greyhound sleepover for a few days over the July 4th holiday, Wimbledon is underway, and we’re starting to narrow down our plans for our 25th wedding anniversary in December.
Leave a comment and let me know how summer is treating you!
Live the adventure!