While I’m riding the happy high of finishing another rough draft it seemed like a good time for a post that gives you a peek behind the curtain.
There is a lot going on with the family over the next week or so. It’s really a good thing. 🙂 My brain needs something completely different to enjoy before I dive deep into the edits and revisions to make this draft a book worthy of my amazing readers.

First up, our son is graduating college with his BS and MS degrees in Interactive Game Design and Development. We are so very proud of him and over the moon about his transition to his first job. Once we have our son settled in his new place, my husband and I plan to enjoy a special detour on the way back home.
I’ve done all I can to prepare and now it’s time to enjoy myself and take it all in. The travel will be an adventure, no doubt about that, but based on past experience, it will be just the rejuvenation I need.
In the meantime, I’m off to find inspiration for the cover of the book I’ll be editing once our gallavanting is complete.
Live the adventure!
