Memorial Day Traditions

I was raised in the tradition of taking flowers to the cemetery on Memorial Day. A somber time, the typcially sunny day was shadowed by sadness.

But after the quiet among the headstones and green, green grass, the happy stories would start to trickle out from my parents. By afternoon, and on through the weekend, the more enjoyable traditions kicked in, celebrations for all of us eager to get a head start on summer fun.

There were picnics to attend, races to watch, and friends to see. Tire swings, lakes to jump into, and cookouts with mountains of burgers and hot dogs.
Now, as an Army wife and living far from the cemeteries where our family rests, Memorial Day is an interesting tug of emotions. Twice my husband has been serving overseas on this day, which makes the years he’s home that much sweeter.

Now, with more life experience, each year brings on a mix of pride, respect, and appreciation of the men and women who willingly sacrificed lives for our freedom here at home and abroad.

Because my husband is my personal hero, it’s no surprise men and women who’ve served in the military often star as heroes and heroines in my novels. It’s my small way of saying thank you.

The more service men and women I meet, through my husband, through my readers, through historical accounts, the more fortunate I feel as an American, as a wife, as a mother, and as an author.

I love research (to the enduring shock of my former teachers, I’m sure) and it astounds me what people who’ve seen combat must overcome before, during, and after their service. There is such courage, determination, and character required to make tough choices – right and wrong – in impossible circumstances.

Their stories inspire me on sunny days shadowed by sorrow, reminding me of the bold, brave, and enduring resiliance of the human spirit.

Memorial Day serves as a bright spot for me each year. Taking a little extra time to pause and remember those who’ve passed on while creating wonderful, happy memories with the family who are here to celebrate with us.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: