Monday Motivation: Invest, Involve, Inspire

There is a note posted above my monitor that reads: “Invest, Involve, Inspire”. In developing this new series for the blog I’ve been encouraged to share more of what keeps me going as an author and life in general and it all boils down to that core message.

My life overlaps with business and business spills over into my life just as much as it does for any other self-employed person. (Maybe more so since I’m an author and we’re people-watchers at heart). Finding the balance point is tricky, especially when deadlines rear up like thunder-filled cloud banks. But I digress…

Over my monitor the “Invest, Involve, Inspire” note has a special place, uncrowded by other pictures and messages of encouragement I’ve collected through the years.

Much of my life is organized by sticky notes in various hues scattered across my desk. While it rarely works for my writing (I’m not the plotter sort of author), it does keep me on target with editing and the business tasks that need to be accomplished – like shipping prizes to winners, planning posts, scheduling promotions, and things of that nature.

But the “Invest, Involve, Inspire” sticky note first gained that place of honor as a reminder for my writing. I want to invest the very best of my creative energy into every project so readers feel involved in the adventure of the story. When I’m invested and involved, the result inspires me to keep going. (And of course I hope the result also inspires readers to pick up the next entertaining escape).

This sort of thought process stems directly from being the child of a motivational speaker. I was taught early in life that no venture is entirely solitary and that every task is lighter when it’s shared. Sure I could spend all day with my imagination, but I wouldn’t know how to really bring those characters and adventures to life without the assistance and guidance of other authors, writing classes, and the unflagging support of friends and family.

So naturally, the “Invest, Involve, Inspire” message has leaked out into other areas of my life. It’s a motto I apply to everything from my business interactions to personal time with family and friends. I do my best to thoughtfully enjoy each precious moment as it arrives – personally and professionally.

And I seek out opportunities to pay it forward as a voice of inspiration and encouragment in my business dealings as well as to give back to the people who have done so much to encourage me along the way.

It’s not always easy, but seeing the results in a finished book readers enjoy or the bright determination of my independent and motivated children, have made it all worthwhile.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: