November News!

It’s a little cliche, but the year is flying by! I’d lament the passing time, but we’re enjoying 2014 so very much. This month I’ll finish my seventh manuscript of the year and get started on the eighth! Who can be unhappy with time passing when it’s been such a productive adventure?


With the onset of fall, we’re loving football in all it’s forms, hockey, and daily romps with Bandit, our greyhound wunder-pup. After quite a bit of traveling last month, I’m happy to say we’re practically hibernating at home for the next couple of months.

(That’s great news for my writing schedule) 🙂

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and the kids (all three of them counting Brilliant Daughter’s fiance) will celebrate here, along with dear friends and extended family. It’s such an amazing feeling to see our gathering expand.

I’m so blessed to have a brilliant husband who cooks the turkey (perfectly every time) and makes the best mashed potatoes on the planet. Don’t worry, the rest of us handle the casseroles, veggies, and desserts (yes, that’s plural on purpose). 😉

Whatever your plans, I hope you’re holiday season is filled with everything you hold dear.

As of November 1st,  THE HUNK NEXT DOOR is available everywhere in ebook and paperback!!! This is such a thrill, not only writing with my friend and mentor, Debra Webb, but connecting with such wonderful Harlequin Intrigue readers.

To answer the inevitable question: What’s next? Look for HEART OF A HERO (Harlequin Intrigue 2/2015) You can pre-order your copy now (more details will be coming soon) and stay tuned for some extra special news coming later this month!

Congratulations to Chelsea L, winner of the October prize package and to Sonya and Sherry, winners of the $5 gift cards! :) If you’re a Join the Adventure subscriber, keep an eye out for the November prize package and look for book release alerts in the coming months.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: