October 2015 News

It’s OCTOBER! I absolutely love this time of year. Not just because of the football or the stunning leaves or the Halloween candy, but because October always feels content and homey to me. It’s when I start settling in for all the happiness of the holidays and looking forward to friends and family coming to visit.

My Top 5 October Favorites (in no particular order)

1 – Homecoming weekend with the kids! Always a colorful drive this time of year and my husband and I love to chat and brainstorm while we’re on the road.

Nov int web cover2 – Visitors! We have family we haven’t seen in far too long coming to stay with us during their vacation time and we are SO excited!

3 – Romping time! Bandit loves extended romps this time of year when the mornings are crisp.

4 – Writing! (As if I’d let a day go by without hanging out with some awesome new heroes and a few sketchy villains)

5 – Halloween! Chocolate, costumes, decorating… what’s not to love?

Not only is this year flying by, but it’s been busy and fabulous and productive and well, AMAZING!! In September I awarded four special weekly prizes as Debra Webb and I count down to the release of Her Undercover Defender coming from Harlequin Intrigue on November 1st! (I posted a picture of the weekly prize below)

Those giveaways continue right through October, so you could be the next winner!

Set in my ‘backyard’ of Charleston, SC this book has a homecoming theme in it as well as all the action and romance you’ve come to expect from Deb and me. I can’t wait for readers to get their hands on this one! Read more here or at your favorite retailer.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

ps If you’re a Join the Adventure subscriber and you get my emails, you are in for a real treat this month! In just a few days I will be sending a very special notice to all of you!

pps Here’s a picture of those swag prizes I mentioned! I’ll draw one winner each week of September and October – all current subscribers are eligible already. To be part of the fun, just use the Join the Adventure form above. Good luck!

signed book, can cooler, pens, small tote
Giveaway includes signed book, can cooler, pens, small tote

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Vickie

    I am a Kindle unlimited reader and totally love your books. The have kept me entertained through some rough times in my life. I love when I can get them through the unlimited program because I read 2-3 books a day and work 45 hours a week. Books get my mind occupied and doesn’t allow me to worry about things I can’t change. I’ve often said the reason my boys lived to adult hood and have the wits about them is because I read to relax. Keep up the good work📖🐢

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