Olympic Strengths and Weaknesses For Writers

This is my last post as it relates to the olympics – I promise! But as a former athlete, I must say the dedication and efforts are inspiring.

Learning the back story of how Kim Yu-Na made it to Vancouver, her training and the ups and downs under the heavy expectations of a nation made it all the more amazing when she took the gold.

With a record-setting score!

She wasn’t the only athlete to come to the winter games with immense pressure on her shoulders. She wasn’t the only athlete to compete under the harsh glare of the media spotlight.

But the next morning when Dick Button said she did it despite her flaws and weaknesses: that got my attention.

Apparently Kim Yu-Na has back trouble and her coaches said with proper rest and physiotherapy it wouldn’t be a problem in competition. Watching her skate, she didn’t seem to have any weaknesses.

But that’s because Kim and her coaches tailored a program to her particular strengths.

So Kim can’t do a lot of the ‘leg up behind her back’ moves other skaters knock off with deceptive ease. But she can put together a complete program – two complete programs – packed with exciting spins, jumps, footwork  and transitions that play up the lines and grace she was born with.

They said she’s got a playful side and she likes to ‘take on’ a character during the performance. Her Bond girl rendition in the short program was spot-on!

Her coaches gave her what she needed physically, to find what would let her shine under the spotlight. But Kim put in the hours of work, the focused concentration and effort, and she reached her gold-medal goal.

Not by worrying about the skills she lacked, not by comparing herself to others. She did it by discovering and playing to her strengths.

As writers, with individual preferences, talents, and strengths – this is a lesson we should all take to heart. We won’t get where we want to be by comparing our weak areas with another author’s strong suit.

We’ve got to find our strengths, and then play them up with daily effort and perseverance!

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

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