Part 4 Teamwork for Marketing A Paranormal Romance Novel

The first three posts in this series covered support for the writer and support for the writing process, up to and including editors and beta readers, and that support is essential whether you write paranormal romance novels or non-fiction books.

So at the point where the book is complete and has been through an edit and beta readers, many authors choose to query agents or editors who take submissions directly from authors. If a writer goes the traditional publishing route, the publisher will provide more editing, formatting, cover art, and book design.

If  a paranormal romance writer goes the indie route (as I did with my urban fantasy and paranormal romance novels) the same skills are necessary to develop a finished product: more editing, formatting expertise, book design, and cover art.

Regardless of your choice – indie or traditional publishing – the bulk of the marketing falls to the author. If the goal is to have a readership, you have to let readers know your book is out there waiting for them.

Going beyond the teamwork for the production of the novel, it takes teamwork market your novel. The phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” can be applied with equal accuracy to the marketing of a book. Your village, a.k.a. team, is there to help spread the word about that book. To quote a marketing pal’s favorite saying, “many hands make light work”.

On days when it feels like you’re running around naked with only a book cover for, um, cover, you might wonder where and how you develop that team.

Reach out to other authors in your writing group for suggestions on where to find line editors, cover artists, and the rest. Use your social media (twitter, facebook, etc.) to give a blurb about your book and ask for beta readers and early reviewers.

It’s okay to ask. You may not always get the answers you like, but you’ll never get support or find that team if you wait for them to come knocking on your door.

There are online groups specific to genre, as well as review sites who are happy to work with authors directly – no matter how they’re published. A concise professional inquiry will serve you well. (and always follow their guidelines)

The ranks of online book bloggers is growing, and they are an essential component to your marketing team! Visit the blogs you like, who work with paranormal romance novels – or whatever your genre is. Watch how they run their special events and participate as much as you can.

Not everyone you meet (in person or online) will be the right fit for the team you’re developing, but the more you’re out there making connections, the more you learn about who your reader is, the easier it will be.

Whoever you add to your team, help them with promotion as you would want to be promoted. This promo version of the “Golden Rule” goes for genre specific sites, bloggers, reviewers and your connections within social media.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: