Read An Ebook Week Continues!

I’ve been reading- and loving- ebooks since my publisher taught me how to download them to my palm Z22. Yes, it was a little screen and backlit, but there were many advantages and it broke my reading world wide open. Plus it was cool to be a step ahead of my tech savvy family.

The palm already went everywhere with me and it was great to know I always had something to read at my fingertips. Lots of somethings, actually, since my palm kept several books in memory. My Z22’s battery life was fabulous and if I read in bed, the small screen didn’t bother my husband like a normal book light did.

I considered it a bonus that if I fell asleep reading, by palm wouldn’t black my eye like a hardcover might if I dropped it, and of course the palm would shut itself off (my book light never did that) It wasn’t long before my children wanted to ‘share’ my palm reading experience and though I had to go a couple weekends without my Z22, two new ebook fans were born.

Then came Christmas and with it an updated Kindle and a brand new Nook on the market. After much comparison shopping, Santa delivered kindle ereaders to my daughter and me and solved a wealth of issues with one amazing gift:

Since we read many of the same genres and authors (and since I was fool enough to keep our accounts linked to the same credit card)  there was no more polite discussion (fine, we’d argue) over who got to read the latest release first. My daughter could build up her library on her kindle and save space in the dorm room. (Previously she’d bring home one bag of laundry and two crates of books each break).

And shopping was everywhere at any time, for both of us. I must confess the first time an anticipated release downloaded to my kindle at 12:01 am on release day without me having to go out, was a completely fabulous experience. One might say addictive, even.

Ebooks offer more advantages than ever!

People ask me all the time what I like best about ebooks. I usually have to cut my answer short as I could wax poetic about the advantages all day.

It’s the options. No, the savvy pricing. No, it’s the convenience.

It’s all of the above. There are so many authors and genres, and as more and more backlists turn up on ebooks, there are often titles I can’t find in stores anymore. All of it is within my reach at any given moment. Since I started reading ebooks I read a wider variety, fiction to non-fiction and more often.

If you haven’t tried an ebook yet, now’s the time! Visit your favorite online bookseller and download the app for your computer or device. Or investigate the choices and go for the ereader that’s right for you! Either way, it’s an experience guaranteed to please.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: