Those Shoes Are For Walking

As April – Adopt a Greyhound Month – winds down it’s past time that I share the latest on the greyhound in our little domestic zoo…

Since Boo’s death in March, Bandit, our youngest greyhound, became an only greyhound. It’s the first time in his life that he’s been the ‘only’ greyhound. That isn’t terrible – we’re convinced Bandit understands the full scope of the English language and he’s convinced he’s more of a people than a sighthound.

Still, he’s shown some new behaviors in recent weeks. He now spends a good part of each morning on a blanket near my desk. The black kitty has yet to completely approve, but we often move on with life before that persnickety feline gives a final answer to anything.

Bandit has always been a man’s dog. He loves to rough house and play tug of war and chase things and he does a fine impersonation of a Rottweiler bark. He loves it when Brilliant Husband – aka The Daddy – is home and they often go for long walks as a cool down after Daddy runs.

Don’t get me wrong, Bandit adores me too, but for different reasons. I think food, primarily. And neck massages – an after breakfast ritual. I’m also the one most easily convinced by those ears and pleading eyes to interrupt my schedule for a rollicking game of fetch in the backyard.

But when Daddy is home Bandit is atuned to his every move. Every. Move.

I had to ask my husband to take off his running shoes this past weekend because everytime Daddy did so much as shift positions, Bandit leapt up, ever hopeful a walk was next on the agenda. If Daddy’s Army boots or dress shoes were on, it wouldn’t have mattered. Bandit knows which shoes are for walking.

Yeah, that’s how it goes around here – we make adjustments so the pets don’t get confused. LOL

Bandit knows the routine sure, but he also loves the surprises that come with a Daddy who is home and will surely take him for a walk any minute now.

Is it time, Daddy? How about now?

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author







Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: