So Much Good News! Comment to Win

Welcome to March! Life has been full of happy excitement around here and we are celebrating every moment. On Valentine’s Day our brilliant daughter got engaged to a marvelous (and brilliant) young man. We couldn’t be more happy for the two of them! Of course right after Valentine’s Day some bizarre virus struck hard at our house and I missed announcing all of this last week! 

* * *This week’s giveaway is a $10 Amazon gift card! Just leave a comment on this post to enter!* * *

And our brilliant son has hit a few milestones too. He expertly presented his research paper from his summer research assignment. The boy has a gift for public speaking. He’s also been accepted to his top choice schools in the highly competitive major of game design and development. Now we’re waiting for him to sort out the offers and make his choice.

It’s amazing watching our kids striving and hitting their goals. We are so proud of the people they are becoming. Sometimes it’s almost surreal to see how far they’ve come already. (Some days we almost feel like we did some part of this parenting thing right).

As a family we’re gearing up for quidditch – the future brilliant son-in-law plays for RIT and the team qualified for the IQA World Cup VII! Held in Myrtle Beach this year, it will be the first time we’re all together after the engagement so expect this crew to party!

As for career and book news – I hope to have something fun and exciting to share in the coming weeks. But for now, take advantage of the clearance price on the limited edition of My Evil Valentine! The set will only be available through March 31!

So leave a comment and let me know what you’re looking forward to this spring. A new book? A family visit? A break from cold weather? Whatever it is, tell me in a comment and get yourself entered in this week’s $10 Amazon gift card giveaway!

UPDATE: Congratulations to BN100, this week’s winner! 

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author



in other news

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more:

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. bn100

    Congrats on all the great news!

    Looking forward to warmer weather

    1. Regan

      Thank you! And I agree 100% on the warmer weather. 🙂

  2. Sherri Williamson

    Warmer weather!! I am soooo over the snow and ice and school delays and school canceled!! I want warmth, flowers and SUN! Can ya tell I hate winter? LOL 🙂

    1. Regan

      I think at this point, most of us are hating winter, Sherri! 😉 With good reason. LOL

  3. Shannon

    I am looking forward to the birth of our second child

    1. Regan

      Oh, how exciting, Shannon! Congratulations!

  4. Jamie Martin

    Sunshine!! I am so sick of the rain.

    1. Regan

      I second that, Jamie! And consistent temperatures would be nice around here. 😉

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