Five thrilling standalone reads by Debra Webb, Vicki Hinze, Peggy Webb, Regan Black, and Cindy Gerard!
Read an excerpt of Deadly Refections now!
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THE LIE Debra Webb

Author Chats with Poised Pen Pro Book Talk Radio
Mark your calendar for two interviews hosted by the fabulous Poised Pen Pro Book Talk Radio team!
Episode 1 aired December 9, 2020 with Vicki Hinze and Debra Webb: Listen
Episode 2 aired December 16, 2020 with Peggy Webb, Regan Black and Cindy Gerard: Listen
Sneak Peek of Deadly Reflections
Chapter 1
Paige Coker stared at the bustling activity behind the uniformed police officer at the front desk of the station. The flurry of voices and movement struck her as chaotic, though that couldn’t really be the case. Several men and women were seated at desks, islands of calm surrounded by the constant, swirling hum of activity.
“Can I help you?” the officer asked.
“I’m Paige Coker,” she replied with a smile. “Detective Lewis asked me to come by.”
The officer lifted his chin toward the chairs lined up against the wall. “Have a seat.”
She sat down to wait, her mind wandering. She remembered visiting this same police station on school field trips through the years. They’d come by in fourth or fifth grade the first time. Years later, her high school criminal justice class toured this station, as well as the courthouse, in order to observe the system in action. The detective she was meeting today had been a classmate and friend on that trip.
Those visits had left her feeling proud of the people who served her community and several of her peers had been inspired to study law or go into police work, like Ronnie. Paige had known she would need to find a different way to contribute. The front lines weren’t the right place for her, an only child groomed from the cradle to take the safe and secure path through life.
Not that she didn’t crave her share of adventure, she just chose her battles carefully. The daughter of wealthy parents who often hosted or headlined the guest list of elite Charleston, South Carolina events, her dreams were carefully analyzed and moderated for risk factors. Anything that had the potential to stir up scandal or, more importantly, to upset the delicate emotional balance at home was set aside.