Featured Read: Once Upon a Twisted Time Anthology
Here's a new release straight from four talented authors, Lindsay Avalon, Trish M. Dawson, Miranda Stork, and Tara S. Wood! Be sure to check out the fabulous details below, including…
Here's a new release straight from four talented authors, Lindsay Avalon, Trish M. Dawson, Miranda Stork, and Tara S. Wood! Be sure to check out the fabulous details below, including…
Hooray! It's not yet Halloween and I've completed my October challenge from Nat of ReadingRomances.com! That surely qualifies me for a bonus treat right? (Butterfingers or Lindor truffles are gladly…
When I was little, I spent most of my summers with my grandparents. Those days meant a lot of new opportunities for me, including my first experience with community theater.…